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Find out what kind of word SE is

What kind of word is SE

In Spanish we can find words that can generate a multitude of hours when analyzed. Just as we are quite clear about what a verb is and the function of this or a noun and how it unfolds within a sentence, there are others that can make us doubt a lot. In this lesson from a PROFESSOR we want to help you solve your doubts about what kind of word is SE; undoubtedly one of the ones that generates the most problems when performing a syntactic analysis.

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  1. SE, a personal pronoun
  2. SE as a reflexive pronoun
  3. Be reciprocal
  4. BE like another way of you and them
  5. SE as part of the verb
  6. Reflex passive particle
  7. SE as a particle of impersonal

SE, a personal pronoun.

First of all we must point out that SE is always a personal pronoun. The problem is not what type of word it is, but the uses it can have and that can make you doubt a lot when dealing with it in a sentence. So we can distinguish different types or uses of SE:

  • Be thoughtful
  • Be reciprocal
  • BE like another way of you and them
  • instagram story viewer
  • SE as a component of a pronominal verb
  • SE as a reflective passive particle
  • BE as a particle of impersonal sentences

SE as a reflexive pronoun.

We speak of SE as reflexive when the action carried out by the verb falls on the same people who carry it out. That is, the subject of the action is the one who does it and at the same time receives it. In this case within a sentence it can work as much as cdirect and indirect supplement, if the sentence already has the first one. Let's see some examples to understand it better:

  • He washed.

In this case, we see that the subject is the one who performs the washing action, but who does he wash? To himself, that is, the subject performs the action and receives it at the same time. In this case it would work as a direct complement.

In the case of having the following sentence: He washed his hands. We see that in this case we already have a direct complement, which in this case would be: the hands; for this reason the SE, here works as indirect compliment.

What kind of word is SE - SE as a reflexive pronoun

Image: Spanish Learning

BE reciprocal.

We speak of reciprocal SE when we refer to a subject that is composed of two or more people, animals or things that execute the action of the verb, but are also object of her in an alternative way. This example will help us understand it:

  • Alberto and Patricia see each other every day.

In this case we see that the subject of the sentence is composed: Alberto and Patricia. The action of the verb, in this case is come and SE works as a reciprocal pronoun since Alberto sees Patricia and Patricia sees Alberto.

What kind of word is SE - SE reciprocal

Image: Slideshare

BE as another form of you and them.

It is used when the pronouns le and should accompany the pronouns: lo, la, los, las. To prevent the sentence from sounding repetitive, it is replaced by SE. We see a very simple example in the following sentence:

  • I gave a gift to my friends.

In this case you can replace it as follows:

  • I gave it to her.

Here it would work as an indirect complement since it refers to the subject of the sentence.

SE as part of the verb.

On many occasions the pronoun SE in its reflexive form will become part of the verb. When it is joined to a verb it causes the calls pronominal verbs. Therefore, here it will be part of the verb performing the same function as this one. Some examples are:

  • He said it to leave sooner.
  • Was willing to to regret of his sins.
  • He didn't like sit down in that bank.
What kind of word is SE - SE as part of the verb

Image: Slideshare

Reflex passive particle.

In passive sentences the subject, instead of performing the action of the verb, is undergoing it. These can be formed with the word SE. In this case, if the SE is eliminated, the subject will become the direct complement. Let's see some examples:

  • Milk is sold.
  • Debris removal work was carried out.
  • You buy gold.

The verb always is conjugated in active voice and it appears in the third person singular. The main difference with peripheral passives is that they do not have an agent complement.

What kind of word is SE - Reflex passive particle

SE as a particle of the impersonal.

On many occasions it will function as an indicator of a impersonal form. That is, when a sentence lacks an explicit subject, the SE can appear as an indicative. In this case it has no syntactic function and is always conjugated in the third person singular. An example:

  • There will be a long and long talk on the subject.
  • In that hotel you sleep very well.

We hope this explanation of what type of word SE is has helped you better understand this personal pronoun. If you want to continue learning more about the different aspects of the Spanish languageWe invite you to visit our sections and continue discovering for yourself more content like this that will help you improve day by day in your studies.

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