+35 EXAMPLES of sentences with TRANSITIVE verb
Sentences are mainly composed of a subject and a predicate. These two parts can be clearly identified by attending to the core of each one of them. In the case at hand, that of nominal predicates, the nucleus is always the verb. In this lesson from a TEACHER we want to define and give examples of sentences with transitive verb so that you can be clear about which ones they are to easily differentiate them from the intransitive ones.
First of all, before starting with the examples of sentences with intransitive verbs, it will be necessary to define what these verbs are and how we can identify them within the sentence.
Thus, we can point out that we find different types of verbs according to its syntactic behavior. If we look at this classification we can verify that there are two types of verbs, as are the transitives and intransitive.
The first of them, the transitive, are those that require the use of adirect complement in order to acquire a full meaning. That is, these verbs always need to be accompanied by an object on which the action of the verb falls. If this does not exist, the sentence is incomplete and devoid of meaning.
Likewise, transitive verbs also they need a subject that performs the action of the verb. Therefore, the transitive verb, in general, is always accompanied by a subject and a direct object in order to have the full meaning. On the other hand, another of its peculiarities is that they can be easily transformed into passive voice.
Therefore, if we pay attention to this classification and apply its particularities, we can point out that the vast majority of the verbs that we use to communicate are transitive.
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As we have already pointed out, transitive verbs they are the ones we use the most and they are a great majority of those that we have present in our language. Next we are going to see some of them, in a list so that you can always have them available and you can easily use and identify them. Some of the intransitive verbs are:
- Embrace
- Guess
- to love
- To turn off
- Frighten
- Erase
- Change
- Cancel
- Take
- Eat
- Get
- To damage
- Give
- Say
- To deposit
- Develop
- Hide
- Divide
- Donate
- Make
- To elaborate
- Get rid of
- Hide
- Avoid
- To film
- Foment
- To win
- Prevent
- Start
- To wash
- Get up
- Clean up
- To call
- Move
- Need
- Ask
- Lend
- Promise
- Steal
Here we discover you how to know if a verb is transitive or it is not.
We already know some of the transitive verbs that we can find in Spanish. Below we show you a series of sentences in which these types of verbs appear so that you can visualize them in their original context.
- Angel she hugged to her sister with force.
- The magician fortune teller the card the man had chosen in a few seconds.
- Carmen loves to his children above all else.
- Please, turns off the living room light.
- The noise scared to all the residents of the apartment building in the early hours of Monday.
- Sorry but I had to erase old files due to lack of space on the computer.
- Change this shirt for another.
- The flight scheduled for next Thursday has been canceled due to inclement weather.
- Michael he has caught a good cold in the mountains.
- Finally had gotten work in that company.
- You he has damaged your behavior a lot.
- You I've given everything in this life.
- I said that I was not interested in the proposal.
- Director he has deposited a lot of confidence in this project.
- Angela he has developed a leading research project in his field.
- Rodrigo hides his apathy towards you.
- Ana divided the cake in eight parts.
- Donated blood in the field hospital.
- Driver carried out maneuver it quickly.
- The menu is elaborated by a very prestigious chef.
- Removed all the evidence of the crime before the police appeared on the scene.
- The boy hid her toys under the bed.
- James avoid always crowded places.
- Director filmed the highest grossing film in history in 1989.
- The ministry he fostered the hiring of people over 55 years of age for the post of administrative assistant.
- Alberto has won many darts tournaments.
- Her attitude does not prevented the disaster.
- Sunrise beginning her professional career in Fuerteventura.
- Not wash white and dark clothes in the same laundry.
- She raised boxes effortlessly.
- She was cleaning the car all morning.
- Jorge and Patricia they called to her friends in the morning.
- Marine moved the table by the window.
- She needed that backpack.
- You she has asked too many favors over the last few years.
- Fidel no attend to the lesson in class.
- You she promised Moon.
- The thief theft a loaf of bread in the supermarket.
We hope that these examples of sentences with transitive verbs have helped you to understand it better and to know how to identify them easily. If you want to continue learning with lessons like this, we invite you to visit our section of Spanish language in which you will find more content designed so that you can learn in a simple way.