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2 types of INTERFIX

Types of interfixes

The types of interfixes that exist are antihiatic and differential. Here we discover what they are and give you good examples and exercises with solutions.

The interfixes They are a fundamental but often overlooked element in the structure of words. These small pieces of language play a crucial role in forming words and expressing some very subtle meanings.

In this lesson from a TEACHER, we are going to explain to you what the types of interfixes, its functions and we are going to give you some examples of words that will help you understand this concept.

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  1. What is the interfix of a word?
  2. What are the types of interfixes
  3. Examples of interfixes
  4. Interfix types exercise
  5. Solutions to the interfix exercise

What is the interfix of a word?

The interfixes They allow the creation of new words, which is why they are considered atype of affixes. Interfixes, also known as infixes, are sets of letters that are inserted inside a word. Usually, the interfix can be found between the root of the word and the suffix, in order to improve pronunciation.

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For example: baker = bread - ad - ero

The word baker has the interfix -AD- between the root PAN- and the suffix -ERO.

This linguistic process in which we add a morphological particle in the middle of a word is called interfixation.

Types of interfixes - What is the interfix of a word?

What are the types of interfixes.

Interfixes, therefore, in addition to adding phonological information to the word, serve as a union between the lexeme and the different suffixes that exist in the Spanish language. exist 2 types of interfixes and are next.


Antihiatic interfixes are those that are composed of unstressed morphemes and that are inserted in the middle of the word, in order to provide a sound that break with possible hiatuses that can be formed in that word.

For example:

  • Cafecito = coffee - c - ito. The interfix -C- serves to maintain the hiatus in the word and not lead to a diphthong = cafeito*
  • Pueblito = town - ec - ito. The interfix -EC- of the word is inserted directly into the word PUEBLITO, to give a nuance of meaning.


Another type of interfix is ​​differential interfix. They are those that are inserted into the lexeme to give rise to new words, which They differ from others, which could be homonymous. In this way, the speaker and the listener are always on the same line of meaning.

For example:

  • Butcher = meat - ic - ero. The interfix -IC- is inserted into the word RAM to construct a word that differs from the original. The same word cannot be used to refer to the meat merchant as to the mammalian animal and the interfix helps us.
Types of interfixes - What are the types of interfixes

Examples of interfixes.

Now that you know the different types of interfixes, let's give you some examples of interfixes, so you can better see how they are used and the information they provide to the words:

  • Filing: Root: lima + Interfix: “ad” + Suffix: “ura”
  • Machacón: Root: machacar + Interfix: “a” + Suffix: “on”
  • Nightfall: Root: night + Interfix: “er” + Suffix: “deny”
  • Paparrucha: Root: paparo + Interfix: “arr” + Suffix: “ucha”
  • Pasmarote: Root: pasmar + Interfix: “ar” + Suffix: “ote”
  • Patizuelo: Root: patio + Interfix: “t” + Suffix: “soil”
  • Beggar: Root: ask + Interfix: “g” + Suffix: “eño”
  • Pedregal: Root: petra / pedruscall (stone) + Interfix: “eg” + Suffix: “al”
  • Stony: Root: petra / pedruscall (stone) + Interfix: “eg” + Suffix: “bear”
  • Furrier: Root: pelis (piel) + Interfix: “et” + Suffix: “ero”
  • Peevish: Root: picar + Interfix: “aj” + Suffix: “oso”
  • Picardy: Root: pícaro + Interfix: “d” + Suffix: “ía”
  • Polvadal: Root: dust + Interfix: “ad” + Suffix: “al”
  • Village: Root: town + Interfix: “er” + Suffix: “ino”
  • whiny: Root: complaint + Interfix: “i” + Suffix: “bear”
  • whiny: Root: complaint + Interfix: “ill” + Suffix: “oso”
  • Leech: Root: sanguis (blood) + Interfix: “ij” + Suffix: “uela”
  • Bloodthirsty: Root: sanguis (blood) + Interfix: “in” + Suffix: “aryan”
  • Sequeral: Root: sequero + Interfix: “er” + Suffix: “al”
  • Soniquete: Root: sound + Interfix: “i” + Suffix: “quete”
  • Tendejón: Disused word. Root: tend + Interfix: “ej” + Suffix: “on”
  • stall: Root: tend + Interfix “er” + Suffix: “ete”
  • Beatable: Root: win + Interfix “i” + Suffix: “ble”

More examples of interfixes

Let's put some on you more examples of words containing interfixes. On this occasion, we have marked this affix in bold, so that it is easy for you to identify it.

  • openeddor
  • cutisyear
  • breadadero
  • finishedador
  • coursesillwas
  • dadarruch
  • adriatico
  • coursesillvery
  • astonishmentarote
  • highnero
  • dentellada
  • patizuelo
  • angelicto the
  • worthyatAryan
  • I askedgdream
  • anubarrado
  • sleepillon
  • pedregto the
  • addidure
  • economyastico
  • pedregbear
  • soerbear
  • enfadadizo
  • peletero
  • atolldero
  • I spitItemgarlic
  • picahbear
  • avheyuch
  • I spitItemina
  • chopdIa
  • barrYozal
  • foamargarlic
  • dustadto the
  • bicharraco
  • fanganbear
  • dustareda
  • whiteandcino
  • farftherebear
  • townerino
  • Bobto theicon
  • forastero
  • whineYoarena
  • mouthnada
  • freshedto the
  • whineillbear
  • bombardero
  • gasandbear
  • RAMandado
  • goodachon
  • gloveheete
  • raquideo
  • buttonadure
  • handsomeeton
  • reidor
  • rascalcvery
  • hiaracha
  • riachflight
  • burgto theé
  • leafarascus
  • rodachina
  • cacerwave
  • holgtozan
  • saltadar
  • cajetin
  • manzuch
  • bloodijuela
  • limecareo
  • hortto thehoist
  • bloodinAryan
Types of interfixes - Examples of interfixes

Interfix types exercise.

In this section, we propose an exercise so that you can practice all the theory that we have given you in the previous sections. In the following list of words, you will have to identify the interfix of each of them and write it next to it:

  • strength →
  • gaseous →
  • street →
  • stream →
  • skilled →
  • espionage →
  • cloud →
  • minnow →
  • sleepyhead →
  • coldness →

Solutions to the interfix exercise.

Here you will find the solutions to the previous interfix exercise. We recommend that you only consult this section when you have tried to find the answer yourself, so that the learning is complete. Good luck!

  • strength → -al-
  • gaseous → -e-
  • street → -ex-
  • creek → -ach-
  • skilled → -id-
  • espionage → -on-
  • cloud → -arr-
  • minnow → -ec-
  • sleepyhead → -il-
  • coldness → -al-

We hope that this lesson on types of interfixes has helped you understand a little better how these small units of the Spanish language work. If you want to continue learning about this topic, or something similar, do not hesitate to consult our grammar and linguistics section.

If you want to read more articles similar to Types of interfixes, we recommend that you enter our category of Grammar and Linguistics.


  • Dressler, W. OR. (1986). Form and function of interfixes. Spanish linguistics magazine, 16(2), 381-396.
  • Fabregas, A. (2017). Are some interfixes appreciative morphemes?
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