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Classification of conjunctions

Classification of conjunctions

When we make sentences we use different types of words. Within them we find the conjunctions whose mission is to make a union between them to give them meaning. In this lesson from a TEACHER we are going to see what they are and what is the classification of conjunctions in Spanish so that you can identify them correctly and learn to use them.

First of all we must know what are conjunctions, that is, the definition of this type of words in our language. Conjunctions are a type of words that are used when we want to join other words or phrases. In other words, conjunctions are used when we want join different parts of the same sentence or make a link between different sentences.

Thus, we can point out that conjunctions, therefore, are also known as grammatical links since they perform this function within the sentence. Conjunctions are invariable words, that is, they do not have gender or number, making their meaning only grammatical.

Classification of conjunctions - What are conjunctions?

Now that we know what conjunctions are, we are going to delve a little deeper into them. These are divided into two great guys What are they:

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  • Coordinators
  • Subordinates

Coordinating conjunctions

These types of conjunctions are the ones used when we want join two words, sentences or phrases that are at the same syntactic level. That is to say, the two parts that we will join have the same importance and the variation of order of them will not alter their meaning. Let's see an example to understand it: At home there are tables and chairs.

In this case y would be the conjunction that joins two words: tables and chairs. As both are at the same syntactic level, we can change their order without the sentence changing its meaning. The sentence would be as follows: At home there are chairs and tables.

Within the coordinating conjunctions we can find different types:

  • Adverse: they serve to unite two terms that are contrary to each other, that is, they contradict each other in a natural way. These conjunctions are: but, although, more, but.
  • Copulatives: are those that serve to unite two elements of the same type, that is, both become part of the same unit. These are: and, e, ni, what.
  • Distributive: join two or more elements of the same sentence in a discontinuous way. That is, they appear united by the conjunction, but in different parts of the sentence, thus achieving that the meaning of the sentence can be divided into two different terms. These are: now... now, now... now, get out... get out.
  • Tradeoffs: are those conjunctions that are used when we want to join two words indicating that there is a relationship between them that is exclusive or marks an option. In other words, this type of conjunctions mark the choice of one or another element. These are: o, u.
  • Explanatory: explanatory conjunctions are those that are used when we want to join different words or propositions to show an explanation of something. That is, its mission is to reinforce the meaning of one of the parts of the sentence. These conjunctions are: that is, that is, that is, rather.

Subordinate conjunctions are those that are used when we want to join different sentences or propositions that do not have the same syntactic level. These cannot be exchanged with each other and always one of them will be more important than the other. Thus within the subordinate conjunctions we can also find different types:

  • Causal: they are in charge of joining two subordinates in order to show the cause of the main sentence. Some of them are: because, since, since, like.
  • Comparisons: are used when you want to establish a comparison relationship between the subordinate and the main sentence. These conjunctions are: as well as, such as, equal to, worse than, as much as.
  • Completive: the subordinate proposition will always be the direct object of the main verb of the sentence. These are: Yes.
  • Concessive: they serve to join two premises when the subordinate is showing a restriction with respect to the main sentence. Thus we find: although, although, for more than, despite.
  • Conditionals: are used when we want to show a condition that appears in the subordinate and on which the main sentence always depends. These are: Yes, provided that, with only that.
  • Consecutive: they are used to unite subordinates and show the consequence of the premise or main sentence. They are: then, so, so, so, so much... that, so... that.
  • Of place: they serve to unite two premises expressing a place. For example we find: where, where, where, where.
  • So: they are those conjunctions that are in charge of joining the main clause to the subordinate one showing the way in which the action has been carried out. These can be: as, according to.
  • Finals: final conjunctions are used when the subordinate shows the purpose of the main clause. These are: for, for that, for that.
  • Temporary: they serve to unite a main clause and a subordinate one when there is a temporality between them. These are: when, after, before, after, while, as soon as, as.

We hope that this lesson has helped you to know the classification of conjunctions that exist in our language. If you want to continue improving your knowledge, we invite you to visit our section of Spanish language.

Classification of conjunctions - Subordinate conjunctions

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