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+13 examples of TECNICISMOS

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Examples of technicalities

The technological development not only does it invent new gadgets, it also causes them to be invented new words. Thus, within neologisms, there is a special type of words that are used to name scientific advances and inventions that are incorporated socially. This is the case with technicalities. In this lesson from a teacher you will know examples of technicalities as well as the meaning of this linguistic term.

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  1. Technicalities: neologisms of technology
  2. Examples of technicalities
  3. Definition of technicality

Technicalities: neologisms of technology.

First of all, it is important to know the neologisms because, precisely, technicalities are part of this group of words. As well, neologisms are known as new words that are incorporated into a language through various strategies.

For example, in Spanish, various English words have been inherited or some Latin roots have been recovered to name new disciplines or art forms. In general, the neology responds to the changes that a society has and the need to name new things, activities, spaces, etc.

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There are six main ways in which a neologism is constructed:

  • Presetting: a prefix at the beginning of the word to give it a new meaning. For example, the prefix “ex” to words like “ex-boyfriend” or “ex-husband”.
  • Suffixation: a suffix at the end of the word to give it a new meaning. For example, the suffix "ism" in words like "communism" or "empiricism."
  • Composition: when a word is composed with two existing words. For example, the word "pasodoble" which is made up of "paso" and "doble", but their union gives a new meaning to the words.
  • Syntagmation: It is used by joining two words to create a concept that makes sense when those two words are together. if they are separated they have another meaning. For example, the neologisms by phrase: “political subject”.
  • Shortening: in this case the word is shortened, but maintains the meaning of its original word. For example, "photo" is shortening for "photo."
  • Loan: perhaps the easiest to recognize, it occurs when a word is inherited from another language. In the case of Spanish, a lot happens with English: tablet, vintage, pc, etc.

Examples of technicalities.

Let us now look at examples of technicalities in different areas of knowledge.


The economy as a constitutive element of our society and as an academic discipline that renews its research and concepts, has incorporated different technicalities over time. Within them we can find:

  • Bag: name given to the market in which transactions are carried out through intermediaries with the objective of acquiring capital.
  • Rate: It is the payment made by a citizen when he uses or consumes a service offered by a state entity.
  • Half: it is called the average value of a set of numerical data.
  • Target: Within the promotional campaigns of a company, the target is known as the group or type of people to whom the product offered is directed.


Like the other branches of knowledge, medicine uses technicalities not only to name diseases, but also to name their practices and forms of study:

  • Mania: abnormal mood characterized by euphoria and excessive excitement.
  • Pathology: It is one of the branches of medicine in charge of the study of diseases through the biochemical changes of cells, tissues and organs.
  • Surgery: exercise in which the body is intervened to remove or repair an affected part or the presence of a disease.


Possibly one of the areas of knowledge where the most Latin roots are taken and the terms are renewed is the law. Within it, we find neologisms such as:

  • Dolo: It is called the exercise of committing a crime consciously and with intentionality, knowing that the other person will be affected and taking into account the consequences that the crime.
  • Aggravating: it is called the fact that increases the penalty that the accused can receive in a trial.
  • Extenuating: It is called the fact that it reduces the penalty that the accused can receive in a trial.


Finally, both technology and computing with their new creations are forced to introduce new words. Some of these known technicalities are:

  • Software: called the conglomerate of internal programs that allow the functioning and operation of a computer.
  • Hardware: material elements that comprise a computer system or a computer.
  • Web: a set of computer programming that is located at a specific address on the internet.
Examples of technicalities - Examples of technicalities

Definition of technicality.

According to the RAE the technicalities they are the "technical voices that are used in the language of an art, a science, a trade, etc." This kind of neologisms are employed in academic and specific settings, since it has complex meanings or is understood within a specific discipline. Comes from greek technikos and latin technicus that refer to technique and art. Therefore, they usually find in academic spaces or cultural discourses.

Although technicalities obey the creation of words to name new phenomena, objects or inventions, within a discipline there are words that are incorporated into our daily lexicon. For example, the word "tv" was born as a technicality within the computer world. But thanks to the processes of globalization and the widespread use of technology, it is today a word that most of us understand and use.

If you want to read more articles similar to Examples of technicalities, we recommend that you enter our category of Grammar and Linguistics.


  • Royal Spanish Academy. Spanish dictionary, 23rd ed., [Version 23.4 online].
  • Romero, M. (s.f.). Examples of technicalities in different areas.
  • Rubio, J. (s.f.). Neologisms and technicalities. Spanish PUCV.
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+13 examples of TECNICISMOS

+13 examples of TECNICISMOS

The technological development not only does it invent new gadgets, it also causes them to be inve...

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