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VARIABLE words: definition and examples

Variable words: definition and examples

Words can incorporate different inflectional morphemes that give them some variation in their form. In addition, we can also find other types of words that will not vary or that do not admit these inflectional morphemes that modify them. In this lesson from a TEACHER we are going to show you what are variable words: definition and examples so you can learn to identify them easily.

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  1. What are variable words
  2. The determinants, variable words
  3. The adjectives
  4. The verb
  5. Nouns
  6. The pronouns

What are variable words.

The variable words are all those that admit gender and number morphemes, the so-called inflectional morphemes. That is, these will change depending on whether what we want to express is feminine, masculine, singular or plural. This will require concordance between them with other elements of the sentence. The variable words are:

  • Verbs
  • Nouns
  • Pronouns
  • Determinants
  • Adjectives

The determinants, variable words.

The determinants they always accompany nouns, therefore they incorporate variations and inflectional morphemes to agree on gender and number with them. We use the determiners when we want to specify the meaning of the name with which they go. which are words that will always accompany a noun. In this way we can find the following:

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  • Articles: The, the, the… An example. The fence of the farm is brown.
  • Demonstrative: This, this, that... For example, the following sentence. That table is free.
  • Undefined: Some, no, any... For example. Some ship was able to cross the strait despite the storm.
  • Interrogatives and exclamations: What, how much… We find an example in the following sentence. ¿What color is your favorite?
  • Numerals: One, two, first… Let's see an example. It is the first time I go to see a musical.
  • Possessive: My, you, our… Let's see an example. You brother is very handsome.
Variable words: definition and examples - Determinants, variable words

The adjectives.

Adjectives are variable words that show the qualities of a noun, therefore they will always accompany the name. These will always agree in gender and number with the first. In addition to this agreement, within adjectives we can find different degrees. Next we are going to see some examples, but you can learn much more in this lesson in which we delve into it.

  • Comparative: the quality is compared with another. In this case we find the comparatives of superiority (The tree is larger than the house); Of equality (The tree is just as big than the house); inferiority (The tree is less big than the house); Superlative (The tree is great).
  • Positive: when the quality is expressed without intensity, for example, The tree is big.
Variable words: definition and examples - Adjectives

The verb.

The verbis he core of the verba phrasel. It is a variable word that admits inflectional morphemes of number, person, time, aspect and mode. Through the different verb tenses we can clearly see the forms they take. Next we are going to see some examples included in these sentences:

  • Sunrise have hunger.
  • The deposit this packed so we can leave whenever you want.
  • The woman it was the only one remained inside the bus when it is I arrive to the last stop.
  • The lights of your house is it so turned on.
  • The neighbors They were tired of the noise caused by the train as it passed near their houses.
  • Miguel us speak about what have done last summer.
Variable words: definition and examples - The verb

The nouns.

The nouns They are those variable words that we use to name people, animals, things, qualities or ideas. As we have already advanced, these can incorporate inflectional morphemes related to gender and number. Nouns can be divided into the following types:

  • Own: Sunrise she was very excited about her new project.
  • Individuals: The cat he hid in the corner.
  • Countless: His father has a humor very peculiar.
  • Accountants: Serve me just one chop, please.
  • Concrete: The dining room is very large.
  • Common: The guy is doing his homework.
  • Collectives: The herd of wolves rested by the river.
  • Abstract: His evil it is infinite.

The pronouns.

Pronouns are variable words that we use when we want to substitute for a noun. By using them we achieve better communication since we avoid unnecessary repetitions. These, because they are going to replace the name, acquire the same functions as it. Within the pronouns we can find the following

  • Demonstrative. This, that, that, this... Pay attention to this example. East is the one I want.
  • Undefined. Someone, something, nothing... In this sentence you will find the following example. Some they made up their minds to raise their voices at the threat.
  • Interrogatives and exclamations. What, how much, who… Let's look at an example. ¿Who it was?
  • Personal: Me, you, him, we… Let's see an example. Me I'm going to see him tomorrow.
  • Relative. What, who, which... An example. The men what we saw in the park are my neighbors.

These are the variable words: definition and examples, we hope they have been useful to you. If you want to continue learning with content like this, we encourage you to visit the lessons that you can find in our section on Spanish language.

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