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Rubén Darío and his Song of Autumn in Spring: Commentary

Rubén Darío and his Song of Autumn in Spring: Commentary

Image: Slideshare

We start a new and fascinating lesson from a TEACHER in which we do a comment of Autumn song in spring by Rubén Darío. In other words, we are going to get closer to one of the most famous poems of the great Nicaraguan poet, known as the greatest exponent of the modernism literary and one of the most famous authors worldwide, both in the Spanish language and in any language.

In this case, the comment refers to a poem published in his anthology Songs of life and hope, which he published in 1905 and soon became one of the best books by the author, since he definitely defined him as a precursor, supporter and great exponent of Latin American modernism.

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  1. On Darío and modernism
  2. Introduction to
  3. Analysis of the

On Darío and modernism.

Before starting with the comment of Autumn song in spring of Rubén Darío, it is important to know a little about the author, his time and the literary trend of which he was the greatest exponent. Modernism was a current that demanded a

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formal perfection total at the time of writing, work that had to be done with a precious language to show a taste for exoticism, evoking images of enormous beauty.

Rubén Darío was one of the maximum precursors of him. The author, born in Nicaragua in 1867, was a poet, diplomat, and journalist who soon became an influential writer in the Spanish language. However, he too was greatly influenced by French authors such as Verlaine and Gautier. His most important works were Blue, published in 1888, Profane prose, from 1896 and Songs of life and hope, from 1905, to whose anthology the poem that concerns us belongs.

In this other article we discover the relationship between Rubén Darío and modernism.

Rubén Darío and his Song of Autumn in Spring: Commentary - On Darío and Modernism

Image: Slideshare

Introduction to the.

We begin with a brief analysis in the comment of Autumn song in spring scored by Rubén Darío. The poem talks about the passage of time, the lost youth and the illusions that go away. That is to say, he uses a poetic voice of longing, which shows a certain disenchantment with life in the twilight of old age.

In the title we already observe various metaphors, such as the case of to liken autumn to the twilight of life, old age, and spring to youth and joy.

The poem is well known for its chorus, which reads as follows:

Youth, divine treasure,

and you'll not return!

When I want to cry, I do not cry…

And sometimes I cry without meaning to.

Obviously, throughout the entire poem we find a poetic voice that speaks of disappointment, excesses, that uses melancholic language without ever losing musicality, rhythm and precious style, with images of great beauty.

In this other lesson you will find a list of the best known works of Rubén Darío.

Rubén Darío and his Song of Autumn in Spring: Commentary - Introduction to

Image: Slideplayer

Analysis of the.

We have already commented on the plot and theme of Rubén Darío's poem. Now let's dive into an analysis of other more technical aspects:

  • StyleAlthough it is a very common theme that the poem exposes, with an argument that speaks of the loss of youth, it is not easy to pigeonhole the author's modernist style. Some scholars consider that this phase of Darío's work already belongs to postmodernism.
  • Language: uses a total of seventeen stanzas with enasyllable quartets, within which the first, fifth, ninth, thirteenth and seventeenth, which we consider to be a chorus, are repeated. His rhyme uses crossed quatrains as serventesios and handles metaphor.
  • Storyteller: is the author himself, who uses the first person.
  • Weather: it is a longing, it means that it develops in a past time.
  • Space: the narrator uses various scenarios that are narrated as time progresses throughout the poem.
  • Characters: there is a narrator who talks to three women.
  • Context: we are talking about a time that could be a time when the author has matured and remembers his youthful loves and what he could not live years ago.
  • Gender: it is poetry, so it is located within the lyrical genre, with a subjective tone.
  • Audience: the poem is addressed to people who are still young, to whom he tells his experiences.
  • Purpose: it is a wake-up call for the reader to enjoy all the stages of his life, especially his youth, a time that has great strength and happiness.
  • Rhetorical figures: the author makes use, as is classic in modernism, of various rhetorical figures, such as the allegory, the hyperbaton, the metaphor, the simile, pun, epithet, encirclement, synesthesia and prosopopoeia, making use of a cultured, elevated, complex and reloaded.

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