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Classification of literary figures

Know the different literary figures it is important to be able to carry out a language analysis. That is why in this lesson of, we are going to know the classification of literary figures. Thus, in addition, you can also enrich your texts or your speech, and even carry out exhaustive literary analyzes when you need it. So don't miss out on the classification of literary figures. Surely you will not leave without learning something new.

You may also like: Most Common Literary Figures - With Examples!


  1. What are literary figures
  2. Figures of literary diction
  3. Literary figures of thought
  4. What are the most common literary figures?

What are literary figures.

In order to organize and classify the literary figures, but we must know what its general meaning is. Literary figures, also known as rhetorical figures, are mechanisms that alter the normal use of language and that we use to modify and enrich the style in a text.

In general, these figures are unconventional forms that are used with words to add expressiveness or beauty in order to

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surprise, excite, suggest or persuade, among others. They are often used in both literary speech and colloquial speech. What's more, some of these expressions are already assimilated into everyday language. It is not usually given in formal language.

Within the literary figures, there is a classification that helps to identify and order them. Let's see what is this classification of literary figures.

Classification of literary figures - What are literary figures

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Figures of literary diction.

The figures of diction fundamentally affect the word formation. And within the diction figures we distinguish another type of classification.

Transformation figures

The figures of transformation, also known as metaplasms, are simply the use of language that would be incorrect in ordinary language. It is used in the following literary resources: prosthesis, epenthesis, paragoge, apheresis, syncope, apocope, diastole, sistole, dialepha, syneresis, synalepha, ecthlipsis, metathesis.

Repetition figures

This type of resource consists of using the same linguistic elements that have already been used in the same text. The figures that are repeated are anadiplosis, gradation, epanadisplosis, polysyndeton, annominatio, parallelism, chiasmus and community.

Figures of omission

As its name suggests, it consists of suppressing a linguistic element. The figures of omission are: asyndeton, ellipsis, zeugma, silepsis, reluctance, paralipsis and others.

Position figures

They are those that are based on the alteration of the normal order of the parts of speech. The figures that compose it are: hyperbaton, anastrophe, tmesis, synchysis.

Classification of literary figures - Figures of literary diction

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Literary figures of thought.

Within the classification of literary figures we must also talk about those of thought. The literary figures that belong to the category or group of thought are, mainly, those who affect the meaning of words. They are classified as follows.

Amplification figures

They are techniques for lengthening the contents that are present in a specific text. These amplification figures are: expolitio, interpretatio, paraphrase, isodynamic, digression and epiphoneme.

Accumulation figures

In this case, the procedure is to find the sum of the complementary elements to the ideas that have been exposed in each specific text. The enumeration, distribution, epiphrase and epithet are part of this set of accumulation figures.

Logical figures

They are resources that have to do with the logical relationships that exist between the ideas of the same text. The most used in this case is the antithesis, but not the only one. Cohabitation, paradox, and oxymoron also belong to this group of literary figures.

Definition figures

They are those used to linguistically reflect the appearance of the topics covered. They are also called figures of description and are the following: definition, prosopography, ethopeia, pragmatography, topography, chronography, portrait, evidentia.

Oblique figures

They are those that totally indirectly designate a concrete reality using the correct words. They are the periphrasis, litotes and preterition.

Dialog figures

They highlight the communicative nature of the text. When trying to affect the recipient of the message, these figures are also known as pathetic figures. Within this group we find the following: exclamation, invocation, indirect interrogation.

Dialectical figures

They are those that use argumentative techniques in a text, especially in dialectical debates. Concessio, correctio, dubitatio, communicatio, conciliatio and paradiástole are the figures that are part of this specific group of rhetorical figures.

Classification of literary figures - Literary figures of thought

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What are the most common literary figures?

Now that we know the classification of literary figures, it is important that we know the most used. It is possible that some of the terms you have never heard since we do not usually use them. So, what are the most used literary figures in the Spanish language?


The metaphor, which is one of the most used figures, is the relationship that is established between two ideas or images.

For example: It was her dark hair made of night and pain, Ruben Dario.

In this case, the dark hair is related to the night.


The hyperbole It occurs when an aspect or characteristic of something specific is significantly increased or reduced.

For example: I asked him for my money a thousand times.


In this case, the metonymy it consists of designating one thing with the name of another with which one has a certain closeness.

For example: Leave me your phone and I'll call you anything.

It is not that he is going to give you his phone number, but that he is asking you for the phone number.


A epithet it is simply an adjective that is used to attribute qualities to the noun it is accompanying.

For example: sweet wait it's getting eternal.


It is the procedure by which rational qualities are attributed to an inanimate being.

For example: The Moon smiles at me.

The Moon can never smile because it is not an animated object.

These are some of the most common and most used literary figures, especially in the field of literature.

Do not forget to leave your comments or your doubts about the rhetorical figures. In addition, we advise you to visit the section of Spanish grammar to continue learning with us at

Classification of literary figures - What are the most common literary figures?

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If you want to read more articles similar to Classification of literary figures, we recommend that you enter our category of Literary concepts.


  • Aradra Sánchez, Rosa M.ª (1997): From Rhetoric to the Theory of Literature (18th and 19th Centuries), Murcia, University Publications.
  • Azaustre Galiana, Antonio - Casas Rigall, J. (1994): Introduction to rhetorical analysis. Style Tropes, Figures, and Syntax, Santiago de Compostela, University Publications.
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