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The MOST outstanding authors of the Golden Age in Spanish literature

Golden Age in Spanish Literature: Outstanding Authors


The period of Outstanding authors of the Golden Age in Spanish literature he was one of the most prolific in the literary field. Many writers contributed to creating a new, refined and high-quality literature that added to Spanish literature and culture. In this period, which spans from the 16th to the 17th centuries, we find a great heyday of authors of the stature of Miguel de Cervantes, Lope de Vega or Calderón de la Barca.

All of them managed to innovate in the literary field and modernize literature and, at the same time, spread the Romance language of Castilian as a new cultured language worthy of use in the field artistic. In a PROFESSOR we are going to discover you Outstanding authors of the Golden Age in Spanish literature so that, thus, you know who they were and how they influenced the history of our literature.

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  1. Introduction to the literature of the Golden Age
  2. Miguel de Cervantes, one of the most important authors of the Spanish Golden Age
  3. instagram story viewer
  4. Lope de Vega, another of the most important authors of the Golden Age
  5. Francisco Gómez de Quevedo
  6. Francisco de Rojas Zorrilla
  7. Luis de Góngora, a prominent author of Golden Age poetry
  8. Tirso de Molina
  9. Calderón de la Barca, the last author of the Golden Age

Introduction to the literature of the Golden Age.

From the 16th to the 17th century, a large number of authors who stood out for their genius creative. Not only writers, but personalities from many other artistic disciplines managed to innovate and create a new cultural and artistic image of the country. In a very short period of time they managed to renew the arts and achieve a much more current, close discourse that really interested the people. In this sense, the Golden Age theater It was one of the most popular genres thanks to the work and work undertaken by Lope de Vega.

We must remember that this period of time that has been baptized as the Spanish Golden Age, includes two very distinguished artistic currents: the Renaissanceand the Baroque. Normally, the end of this period coincides with the death of one of its last representatives: Calderón de la Barca. Therefore, many critics indicate that 1681 can be considered as the end of this period of splendor in Spain.

The list of featured authors of the Golden Age in Spanish literature is Very extensive since there were many writers who, following the molds that were being established, were encouraged to be part of the artistic sector and help to swell the literary ranks. However, it is true that there are some names that stand out more than others due to their artistic work and creative quality. And they are the ones that in a PROFESSOR we are going to meet.

Golden Age in Spanish Literature: Outstanding Authors - Introduction to Golden Age Literature

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Miguel de Cervantes, one of the most important authors of the Spanish Golden Age.

We cannot begin a list of the authors of the Spanish Golden Age without mentioning Miguel de Cervantes. Although chronologically he was not the first to appear, we put him first on the list for his great importance in Hispanic letters. In fact, he is considered one of the greatest exponents of Spanish literature due, above all, to his work "Don Quixote" since it was considered the first modern novel from all over Europe.

In 1605 was when the first part of "Don Quixote" appeared and, years later, the author continued to cultivate the genre of the novel with publications such as "Exemplary novels"where we find well-known and well-studied works such as"Rinconcete and Cortadillo". The second part of "Don Quixote" appeared in 1615 and achieved great success throughout the world.

Today, this novel has been translated into almost every language in the world and adapted to multiple formats.

Golden Age in Spanish Literature: Outstanding Authors - Miguel de Cervantes, one of the most important authors of the Spanish Golden Age

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Lope de Vega, another of the most important authors of the Golden Age.

Another of the GREAT names of this era is Lope de Vega since he is one of the key characters in the theatrical genre in Spain. In addition to being a playwright, he was also a renowned poet, however, he has gone down in history mostly for his great renovation in the theater field which managed to attract a huge audience and thus make the theater become the most social literary genre.

He was a very prolific author, in fact, he claimed to have written 1500 plays, however, only 426 comedies and 42 autos sacramentals have been preserved. With his "New art of making comedies", Lope established new norms or bases on which to create plays and thus achieve be closer to the public of the time, more dynamic and with a satyr purpose and, therefore, critical Social. Tragicomedy, that is, the mixture of tragedy and comedy was one of Lope's keys, a proposal that breaks with Aristotle's Poetics, the model followed up to now.

Some most outstanding works of Lope de Vega They are "Sourceovejuna"," The dog in the manger ","The Knight of Olmedo"," Peribáñez "and a long, very long, and so on.

Golden Age in Spanish Literature: Outstanding Authors - Lope de Vega, another of the most important authors of the Golden Age

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Francisco Gómez de Quevedo.

Quevedo is another of the most important Golden Age authors in history. Although he cultivated all literary genres, the truth is that where he stood out most was in poetry. He was an author who followed the artistic trend of the Baroque and managed to create poems with a lot of concept and a great linguistic elaboration.

More than 200 poems are attributed to him and, all of them, are of love theme. Some of the most outstanding creations of this author are pieces such as "The tower of Juan Abad", "Constant love beyond death", and so on. His poetry is considered the most important of the seventeenth.

Golden Age in Spanish Literature: Outstanding Authors - Francisco Gómez de Quevedo

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Francisco de Rojas Zorrilla.

This writer was highly influenced by the work of Calderón de la Barca. He was a prominent playwright who premiered in El Pardo the tragedy entitled "Persiles and Sigismunda", work with which he established himself as one of the most prominent playwrights of the time. This made Zorrilla one of the most common authors at the court of Philip IV and he wrote a large number of works in collaboration with many other authors of the time.

His name has gone down in history because he managed to create revolutionary dramatic pieces for the time where themes such as the situation of women began to take place in his creations. Today, around 60 works written by the author are preserved, therefore, he was a very prolific writer and very successful in its time.

Golden Age in Spanish Literature: Outstanding Authors - Francisco de Rojas Zorrilla

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Luis de Góngora, a prominent author of the poetry of the Golden Age.

Gongora Nor could it be absent from this list with the outstanding authors of the Golden Age in Spanish literature. In fact, he left so much mark on Spanish letters that a school was founded in his honor, the so-called "gongorism"which referred to a style similar to the one proposed by the author.

The poems that Góngora wrote were really popular in his time and, therefore, many artists even put music to them. Although he began in a more Renaissance style, over the years his poetry assimilated to the Baroque style and, at this moment, it was when he published one of the most applauded works of him "Solitudes". With this work, the author reaches the peak of the "culterano" style and has great musicality, many metaphors, a cultured language and a very neat and careful style.

Golden Age in Spanish Literature: Outstanding Authors - Luis de Góngora, an Outstanding Author of the Poetry of the Golden Age

Tirso de Molina.

Tirso de Molina, Actually, his name was Gabriel Téllez and he was an author from Madrid who was born in the year 1579. Little is known about his life, however, it is known that in 1625 he was exiled from Madrid for writing secular comedies and, therefore, moved to Seville. This exile created a great imprint on his personality and, little by little, he abandoned this profane style until, finally, he ended up living his life as a commander in a convent.

As a friar, it was when he perfected his literary technique and became a Outstanding Comedy Writer. Are attached around of 300 works where he highlights humor, daring situations and his predilection for the new theater proposed by Lope de Vega. His work is characterized by a great use of comedy but also by a deeper and more individualized definition of characters than Lope proposed.

Golden Age in Spanish Literature: Outstanding Authors - Tirso de Molina

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Calderón de la Barca, the last author of the Golden Age.

And we conclude this list with the outstanding authors of the Spanish Golden Age to talk about Calderón de la Barca, who is considered the last most important writer of the period. In fact, his death coincides with the end of the Golden Age, therefore, his imprint was very prominent.

He was a poet and playwright and managed to establish himself as a prominent author during the reign of Philip IV since he was one of the most assiduous authors to the representations in the palace. When the public theaters were ordered to close in 1644, Calderón suffered a deep spiritual crisis that led him to become a priest.

His literary production was very important in the theater since more than 100 comedies and more than 80 sacramental cars are attributed to him. He began his work following the premises stipulated by Lope but, little by little, he will create a new type of theater, much more spectacular, more colorful and with a great importance of props and scenery. Some of the most outstanding works of the author are "Life is a dream", "The mayor of Zalamea" and "The great theater of the world".

Golden Age in Spanish Literature: Outstanding Authors - Calderón de la Barca, the last author of the Golden Age

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