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The most important WORKS of VÍCTOR HUGO

Victor Hugo: most important works

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Victor Marie Hugo he was born on February 26, 1802 in Paris. He was one of the poets, novelists and playwrights belonging to the romantic movewith more influence. His pen always tried to write about those most unfortunate, about the most disadvantaged and stigmatized classes of the France of the time. He was a prolific author in works and that is why in a PROFESSOR we bring you the most important works of Victor Hugo so that you are encouraged to read them if you have not already done so and to discover a little more about them.

His writing is highly relevant because with many of his books and articles, he made big changes. He wrote to the British government to save a man's life, he wrote to the American government and the Swiss government, where he got capital punishment abolished. Victor Hugo was always a defender of human rights, many of his works were suppressed by the authority o caused violent discussions as changes of this nature are often accompanied by problems and opinions contrary.

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He died in May 1885 leaving behind him, a magnificent literary and social legacy.

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  1. The wretches of Victor Hugo
  2. The man who laughs
  3. Our Lady of paris
  4. The last day of a man sentenced to death
  5. Cromwell, another of Victor Hugo's best works

The wretches of Víctor Hugo.

One of the most important works of Victor Hugo is without a doubt The Miserables and it is probably the best known novel from the author. Published in 1862, has been brought to the screen, on stage, and practically everywhere in the world. In the novel, the difficulties that men go through during their lives and the ways in which they can cope with them are exposed.

The main character is Jean valjean, arrested in his youth for stealing a piece of bread to feed his nephews. After spending 19 years locked up in prison, when he was released, no one wants to receive him since his own passport shows his condition of ex-convict. The only one who decides to take him in and give him shelter is a bishop, from whom Valjean steals some chandeliers.

When they want to arrest him again for this fact, the bishop lies and alleges that he has given him those objects. It is this very fact that leads the main protagonist to rethink your behaviors and to want to eliminate all the resentment he feels for how life and society have treated him.

The work is situated in the 19th century France and deals with issues such as justice, mercy, resentment, political causes, love, religion, the death penalty, good and evil, stigmatization... among many other themes. It is a famous, deep and thoughtful work that makes us ask ourselves many of our acts, what is ethical and what is not? A classic that will never stop being studied.

Victor Hugo: most important works - Les miserables by Victor Hugo

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The man who laughs.

Developed to late 17th century in England, it was published in the year 1869 and it is a drama written in prose."The man who laughs" tells the story of a man who, by order of the king, is given as a child to a shopping man, men who are dedicated to mutilate children to expose them in circuses as human rarities. As a result of this, the protagonist will carry a scar that crosses his entire face for life.

Throughout history, more fringe characters appear who come together to tour England. For Víctor Hugo, the characters in this work represent the town as the good while the aristocracy presents itself as evil. The rare and handicapped who are described as monsters and always questioned by society, they represent the future. It is one of the most personal works of the author.

Victor Hugo: Most Important Works - The Man Who Laughs

Image: Cine O'culto

Our Lady of paris.

"Our Lady of paris" it is another of the most important works of Victor Hugo. Published in 1831 this novel is made up of eleven books. The protagonists are marginal characters with tragic destinies and impossible loves in between, among several other plots. It all starts with Esmeralda, a young gypsy daughter of a prostitute who makes a living dancing and doing tricks on the streets of Paris.

Four men are in love with her, but with none of her he finds the luck and happiness that he seeks from her. When an alchemist falls in love with her and orders her adopted son to kidnap her, the plot begins to complicate and develop under much more romantic overtones. The novel focuses on a very renaissance atmosphere and was the first to encompass life as a whole, that is to say, in recounting the life from someone who lives in the sewers to the life of the King of France.

This novel is part of the concept created by the author, Epic Theater, where the story of an entire town is told through a great silent witness in history: the great cathedral of Notre-Dame. It is also the first novel in history that has beggars as protagonists.

Victor Hugo: most important works - Our Lady of Paris

Image: Slideshare

The last day of a man sentenced to death.

A timeless work written in the year 1829, when in France revolutions and political upheavals hit the streets. By 1793 Enlightened Despotism, an absolutist period, had come to an end. Was born guillotine and beheading became a daily use and public spectacle, after the revolution they had been annihilating characters of royalty and aristocracy who were considered guilty of some crimes. The death penalty was also used for criminals and became excessive. Victor Hugo emerged as one of the critical voices to this method and from it arose "The last day of a man sentenced to death".

This text recounts the thoughts of a man who is about to be guillotined while the citizens watch and applaud his death. A short novel worth reading to understand what still happens in many societies, as well as to put ourselves in the shoes of the criminal and understand why there are people like Victor Hugo who are not in favor of it.

Victor Hugo: Most Important Works - The Last Day of a Condemned to Death

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Cromwell, another of Victor Hugo's best works.

Cromwell is a five-act play written in 1827. It is a historical portrait of 17th century England and the Lord Protector Oliver Cromwell. The preface to this play became one of the most representative texts of Romanticism by defend the drama in any theatrical creation, since he considers that it is the best artistic way to give complexity to modern times by mixing the sublime with the grotesque, the tragic with the comic, the imagination with the meditation.

Victor Hugo was always concerned about the political significance of his theatrical texts, who used to use the context of what was happening to create his works. Cromwell is one more example of his political involvement and how important it is to convey his message.

If you want to read more articles similar to Victor Hugo: most important works, we recommend that you enter our category of History of Literature.


  • Arce, J. F. (2013). Justice and mercy in Les Miserables. Modern Languages ​​Magazine (19), 713-718.
  • Fernández, G. (2005-2006). The metatheatrical thought of Víctor Hugo. Literary Hologram (1), SAW.
  • Jackson, W. M. (2003). Victor Hugo, the famous poet and novelist. Universal virtual library.
  • Ortega, O. (2009). The man who laughs, by Víctor Hugo. Books area: Repú Recovered from:
  • Robsy, E. (2017). Last day of a man sentenced to death. Recovered from:
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