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Spelling rules for writing acronyms

In this video I will explain the spelling rules for writing acronyms.


- - Male Gº, even with female nuclei: a quasar, (Quasi-Stellar Radio Source) even though fountain (English source) is feminine.

- - Origin in acronyms, gº of the nucleus: the icu (Unit intensive care)


- General rules: ufo, ucis, radars, transistors. (+ -s / -es)


- N. Own (+4 letters): Unicef, Unesco.

- N. common: uci, ufo, aids. (Accentuation rules: laser "Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation")

- Hispanized acronyms: NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization), and no BORN (North Atlantic Treaty Organization). (Common Rule Acronyms)

- Lowercase acronyms admit hyphens at the end of the line and are subject to the rules of graphic accentuation in Spanish: To be.

So far the video, I hope you liked it. Now I encourage you to practice with our printable exercises with their solutions. I also encourage you to ask me the necessary questions to understand the spelling rules for writing acronyms.

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