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Who is the author of Lazarillo de Tormes

Who is the author of Lazarillo de Tormes

It had always been considered that the author of Lazarillo de Tormes was anonymousIn other words, the authorship of this masterpiece of Spanish literature was unknown. Scholars and literary researchers had been suspicious of different personalities of the Golden Age but Hard data had never been obtained nor information that, scientifically, could be considered as true.

But at the beginning of the 21st century, specifically in 2010, the prestigious paleographer Mercedes Agulló presented a work where she argued that the author of the Lazarillo is Diego Hurtado de Mendoza, a high personality from 16th century Andalusia. In this lesson from a Professor we are going to dig a little into this whole story in order to answer your question "Who is the author of Lazarillo de Tormes? Attentive!

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  1. Discovered the author of Lazarillo de Tormes thanks to Mercedes Agulló
  2. The alleged author of Lazarillo: Diego Hurtado de Mendoza
  3. Other possible authors of Lazarillo
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Discovered the author of Lazarillo de Tormes thanks to Mercedes Agulló.

In March 2010 an unusual finding came to light: Mercedes Agulló, paleographer, had discovered that andl author of Lazarillo de Tormes it is Don Diego Hurtado de Mendoza. The scholar published a book entitled "A vueltas con el autor del Lazarillo" thanks to the discovery of a series of documents and roles never before found and in which it was determined that this character was, probably, the author of the novel that inaugurated the picaresque Spanish. The documentation that Agulló found were among the papers of López de Velasco, the person in charge of writing Hurtado de Mendoza's will.

Until then, it had always been considered that the author of Lazarillo de Tormes was anonymous since, despite numerous investigations and studies on this topic, relevant and definitive data that could determine authorship had never been found. But with the data found by Agulló in 2010, this debate has been slightly closed thanks to the valuable documentation provided by the researcher.

El Lazarillo de Tormes is considered the first modern novel and, in fact, being prior to Don Quixote, it is considered the basis of the Cervantes novel, the seed that inspired Cervantes. The great importance that this work has in our literary history is, therefore, outstanding and the scholars in the field took years of research and dedication to determine who was the Author.

Mercedes Agulló spent most of her life dedicated to investigating this unknown of our letters, reviewed inventories, documents of all kinds to find out who was the author of the Lazarillo. Therefore, this great discovery has not been, at all, the result of chance but has been achieved thanks to years and years of absolute dedication.

This documentation found would show that Lazarillo de Tormes, a novel published in 1554, was written by Diego Hurtado de Mendoza, a Spanish poet and diplomat who was well known at the time.

Discover here the brief summary of Lazarillo de Tormesand delve into this classic story.

Who is the author of Lazarillo de Tormes - Discovered the author of Lazarillo de Tormes thanks to Mercedes Agulló

The supposed author of the Lazarillo: Diego Hurtado de Mendoza.

According to research published in 2010, the possible author of Lazarillo de Tormes is Don Diego Hurtado de Mendoza, a very prominent personality at the time. Of all the alleged authors, this is the one with the greatest plausibility because the documentation found is dictated by himself, something that gives it almost indisputable credibility.

This man was born in the Alhambra around 1500 and was the son of Governor Íñigo López de Mendoza, Captain General of Granada. Thanks to the social situation of his father, Diego was able to receive a very detailed education focused on multiple aspects: language, history, literature, and so on. The young Diego ended up being Emperor of Carlos V and Spanish ambassador in England, Rome and Venice.

This writer he represents the ideal of the Renaissance man, that is, skilled with letters and weapons. He was involved in both the cultural and military sectors and became patrons of artists from all fields: painters, writers, etc. Furthermore, according to the biography that Mercedes Agulló presents to us in her book, Diego was the grandson of the Marqués de Santillana and a friend of Lope de Vega from whom he obtained several literary accolades.

It is known that Don Diego's library was one of the richest of the time, both for the printed matter it stored as the great collection of manuscripts which he enjoyed being, as we have already said, a powerful patron of the artists. Thus, this character represents both the military and humanist branches of the 16th century by combining both worlds in a harmonious and balanced way.

Within the world of literature, Don Diego introduced new themes, stanzas and meters thanks to the influence of the Italian lyric although, as a general rule, it ended up opting mainly for spicy satire and derision; in fact, he was the first author to deal with the subject of the "sonnet of the sonnet." Among his known works, the mythological poem "Fable of Hipómenes and Atalanta" and his "Espístola a Boscán" stand out.

Already in the seventeenth century, several authors indicated that Don Diego was the author of Lazarillo de Tormes but this statement did not have scientific veracity until in 2010 Mercedes found the aforementioned documentation.

In a Professor we discover the Lazarillo de Tormes characters with their characteristicsmain.

Who is the author of the Lazarillo de Tormes - The supposed author of the Lazarillo: Diego Hurtado de Mendoza

Other possible authors of Lazarillo.

But until this discovery in 2010, the authorship of Lazarillo de Tormes had been the subject of debate and discussion among many scholars and scholars of Hispanic literature. In fact, during the last two centuries there has been speculation about different possible authors of this novel and that they differed in styles, aesthetics and ideology. Contemporary researchers such as Blecua, Francisco Rico, Martín de Riquer or Rosa Navarro had launched different proposals about the writer who signed this piece but, with the publication of Agulló, his theories have lost force and verisimilitude.

Previous works did not have a documentary base like the one Agulló presents to us in her study. They were inspired by different aspects of the work such as the training of the author, possible influences at the time writing this book, etc., but in no case were they based on such convincing evidence as that provided by Mercedes.

Anyway, next we are going to discover the other possible authors of Lazarillo de Tormes that have been appearing in the history of our literature:

  • Alfonso de Valdés: He is the one who, until 2010, was considered the most feasible author of Lazarillo.
  • Fray Juan de Ortega: theory defended by the journalist Antonio García Jiménez.
  • Diego Hurtado de Mendoza: he is the one defended by Agulló and who, currently, has a greater possibility of having been the author of Lazarillo de Tormes. However, other personalities such as Rosa Navaroo consider that it is probable that this poet was the writer of the second part but she sees him as incapable of having been the writer of the first.

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