SIMPLE PRAYER and its characteristics
![Simple prayer and its characteristics](/f/78a4b615288d5e7f7bbfeaea44e2a076.jpg)
In order to properly parse the syntax of a sentence, it is important to start with the most basic element: the simple sentence. In this lesson from a TEACHER we will talk about the simple sentence and its characteristics, so that we can know the essential elements that are within a sentence in the Spanish language. Also, if you want to check if you have understood what was explained in the lesson, you can do the printable exercises with their solutions that you will find at the end of the lesson. We started!
We will start by knowing what a simple sentence is so that we can understand exactly what we are referring to.
A simple sentence is one that has a simple structure and that it is composed of very easy to distinguish elements. In general terms, you should know that the simple sentence has a subject and a predicate, which we discuss below.
Subject of the simple sentence
The subject it is who performs the action indicated by the verb, therefore, the "protagonist" of the sentence. It can be both a person, an animal or an object, it does not matter. The subject is also known as
Noun phrase (SN) and, if it is accompanied by an article or adjective, these would also be included within the SN.For example: My aunt's house is in Barcelona - My aunt's house would be the Nominal Phrase and the subject would be home.
Simple sentence predicate
The other part of the simple sentence is what is known as Predicate y is the part of the sentence that includes the actions that affect the subject. The verbit is the nucleus of the Predicate but it is usually accompanied by Complements of the Verb.
For example: My aunt's house is in Barcelona - it is in Barcelona would be the predicate and the verb is this
The main feature of a simple sentence is that only it has 1 verb, therefore, 1 predicate. When we are talking about sentences with more than one verb, then we are referring to compound sentences.
Now that we know the definition, let's dive into the main characteristics of the simple sentence. It is the linguistic unit that has the following characteristics:
- Simple structure. It only has a Nominal Phrase (Subject- explicit, implicit-) and a Verbal Phrase (Predicate) with their respective nuclei (a noun / noun and the verb coordinated in gender and number).
- A single verb: The simple sentence is a structure that will always present a single verb (nucleus of the verb phrase) that by itself can form a sentence even if it does not have a subject (an example is the impersonal sentences What Today is a horrible day).
- Has full meaning: It communicates a message with complete meaning, that is, it expresses the intention of the speaker.
- Have andindependent syntactic structure: That is, it does not belong to another major phrase.
- Posee own intonation marked by two pauses (punctuation marks). Another characteristic of the simple sentence is that it has an intonation that will allow us to know the intention of the speaker: sentence modality:
We can conclude, therefore, that a Simple Sentence will be: a unit of communication with meaning complete, with an independent syntactic construction of at least one verb (SV) and one intonation own.
![Simple prayer and its characteristics - 5 characteristics of simple prayer](/f/319ebfcd7822ec54900db0535c96be8e.jpg)
We finish this lesson on the simple sentence knowing the proposal on the classification. And it is that, depending on various factors, we can find the existence of different types of simple sentences. Here we discover the standard classification.
Simple sentence according to the predicate
- Predicative: They are sentences that are made up of verbs that are not copulatives.
- Copulatives: They are the sentences that are formed by the verbs "to be, to be, to seem".
According to the attitude of the issuer
- Declarative sentence: The sender transmits information to the receiver.
- Interrogative: The issuer requests information that he lacks.
- Exclamative: An emotion is conveyed.
- Wishful: It is the sentence that expresses a wish.
- Hesitant. It is the type of sentence that indicates that the issuer has doubts.
According to the verbal voice
- Transitives: The action is generated by the subject. (P. ex. The child reads a book)
- Intransitive: The action is received by the subject. (P. ex. The book is read by the child)
In addition, we must also mention that there are impersonal sentences, which are the sentences in which the subject does not exist or is not known. A clear example would be "There are many people".
![The simple sentence and its characteristics - Classification of simple sentences: types that exist](/f/9dfb4f095ad51637e2faebdbb1d8671e.jpg)
Image: Catedu