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Structure of an argumentative text

Structure of an argumentative text

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Inside of textual typology In Spanish we find the argumentative text, which is characterized because its final objective is to convince the reader of something through a solid persuasive argumentation. In other words, the argumentative text is a tool used by the issuer to prove or refute a thesis, providing data, examples or true facts to support it. For this reason, it is essential that the argumentative text is logical, coherent and, above all, persuasive. With this lesson from a TEACHER we are going to learn what is the structure of an argumentative text.

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  1. Introduction of an argumentative text
  2. The thesis of an argumentative text
  3. Argumentation in this type of text
  4. Conclusion of this text

Introduction of an argumentative text.

Like most texts, the argumentative text must begin with an introduction, in which the subject to be discussed and, above all, the position, for or against, that the issuer of the text is going to adopt throughout it is stated clearly and directly.

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As it is a text by subjective character To try to influence the ideas or opinions of the reader, it is advisable to begin the statement of the question with a quote from a famous and recognized person (As Cervantes said ...; Socrates already said ...; In Newton's words ...), which serves to get the reader's attention and indirectly begin to convince them to support the opinion of the issuer because, who is going to contradict what is stated by a writer, philosopher or scientist universally Famous?

The thesis of an argumentative text.

When the general introduction that is made at the beginning of the argumentative text is concluded, it is advisable to return to the idea that you want to defend. To do this, the writer uses the thesis, which is a short and concise statement From which the arguments that support what you want to demonstrate or refute are organized.

We can say that the thesis is the formulation of the posture, usually controversial or conflictive, on which the reader of the argumentative text has to position himself for or against in relation to what is stated in the text. Let us remember that all argumentative text has as purpose to persuade the reader and that this adopts the same point of view as the author of the text.

Structure of an argumentative text - The thesis of an argumentative text

Argumentation in this type of text.

Once the thesis is exposed, it is time to explain why the writer defends or rejects the thesis. To achieve this, the author resorts to argumentation, which consists of providing a series of reasons or arguments that support this position and trying to completely convince the reader. The arguments used by the writer can be of several types:

  • Based on ideas that are considered socially correct or common sense (rational arguments)
  • Those who resort to empirically demonstrable scientific evidence (factual arguments)
  • Numerous concrete examples that explain the initial thesis (exemplification arguments)
  • Quotes or opinions of famous people with social prestige (authority arguments)

And finally, linguistic strategies that the author uses to appeal to the reader's feelings, such as anger, compassion, solidarity, love, honor, etc.

Conclusion of this text.

Last but not least, we find the conclusion. The importance of the final part of the argumentative text lies in the fact that these are the last words that the receiver is going to keep, so it is necessary to choose them carefully.

Likewise, the conclusion should be made a synthesis of the main ideas exposed throughout the speech, recalling some of the most relevant examples or arguments, always with an attitude of security and conviction about what is being defended or refuted.

Optionally, in the conclusion you can also briefly propose some measures or new proposals that will help the development of the thesis.

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