Tertiary sector: definition and examples

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The economic activities of a state are divided into several economic sectors. Each of these sectors encompass a series of activities with something in common, and that differ from the activities of other sectors. In this lesson from a TEACHER we are going to offer you the definition and examples of the tertiary sector So that, thus, you can understand what for many is the most important economic sector.
We start with this lesson on the tertiary sector, definition and examples by focusing on definition. The tertiary sector are the activities that have to do with non-producing or transforming services of raw materials. Are the activities that they serve to satisfy the needs of the population. It is a sector that is based on directing, organizing and facilitating the productions of the primary sector and secondary.
The third sector is very important in today's world, since in the most developed economies it has a predominance over other sectors, so there is talk of a outsourcing
in these economies. In this process, the increase in activities in the tertiary sector makes them become the most important activities in the country's economy, affecting even the rest of the sectors.The importance of the tertiary sector to the economy is due to a wide variety of reasons, one of them being the huge amount of manpower you use, much more than the primary sector and the secondary sector. They are also a sector in which great sophistication is usually necessary, requiring a specialization in a specific technology, or a specific education in order to provide the service.
In general, the size of the tertiary sector gives us an idea of the development of a specific economy, being It is common for the tertiary sector to grow when both the primary and secondary sectors reach a certain degree of fullness.
In this other lesson from a TEACHER we will discover some examples from the primary, secondary and tertiary sector.

Image: Primary Teacher
We continue with this lesson on tertiary sector definition and examples, going on to talk about the different activities that make up the sector:
It is an activity that consists of the movement of objects, animals or people from a place to a destination, in a specific means of transport and through a transport network. It is one of the most important sectors in recent years, because the period of globalization in which we live has made it more important.
The media is a service that allows us to communicate and inform ourselves in the world around us. Examples of this service would be the mass media.
It is the economic activity that consists of the exchange of goods and services. In recent years, foreign trade has become very important, related to the aforementioned transport activity.
They are the activities that people carry out during trips of no more than a year. This sector is possibly the most important in Spain, being a very important part of the economy, due to the millions of tourists that the Hispanic country receives.
They are the set of activities that focus on preserving and protecting people's health. They are the different employees of hospitals, whether public or private, and of other institutions whose function is to serve the health of citizens.
The service that is based on facilitating learning. It can be worked in a public way or in a private way, depending on the institutions that provide the service. It is one of the most important services, since future generations depend on the proper functioning of this service.
It is the sector that deals with the exchange of capital, and the risk that this activity entails. It is a sector oriented towards the economy, and therefore it is usually less valued by citizens.
Activities known as recreational, a form of distraction that can be of many types, for example video games or movies.
These are some of the activities that make up the tertiary sector. There are many other activities, since the tertiary sector is known for having a unique variety of activities, encompassing an endless number of services of different kinds. Within each of the activities we can see a difference depending on who provides the service, which can be both the private sector and the public sector.