5 differences between Judas TADEO and Judas ISCARIOTE

The Bible is made up of many characters., some of which share a name, causing many people to confuse two different figures with each other, and this brings problems when it comes to understanding the sacred scriptures. The best example of this is that of Judas, since people tend to think of a traitor when hearing this name, causing Judas Tadeo to be confused with the person who betrayed Jesus. For all these reasons, in this lesson from a Teacher we must talk about the Differences between Judas Thaddeus and Judas Iscariot.
Saint Jude Thaddeus was an apostle, that is, one of the 12 apostles those Jesus counted on to spread his word. In this group, Thaddeus was not the only person named Judas, as another member of the twelve was Judas Iscariot, known for betraying Jesus. Due to the confusion between the two people, several words are used to differentiate them, such as Judas Tadeo, Judas de Santiago and even Tadeo, since the idea is that nobody thinks that Judas Tadeo was a traitor.
Judas Tadeo was the son of Cleofás and Maria de Cleofás, who was the
sister of the Virgin Mary and therefore aunt of Jesus Christ. Judas Tadeo was born in the city of Paneas, belonging to the Galilee area, and therefore close to where Jesus would have a presence.After a life as a farmer, Tadeo joined the apostles, forming part together with Judas Iscariot and Simon the Canaanite of the third generation of the apostles, and therefore the latest to enter the cluster. Thaddeus was especially relevant at the end of Jesus' life, when in the Last Supper he asked Jesus the reasons why he had formed the group, and the Messiah told them that they would take the word of God everywhere.
After the death of Jesus, it is said that Judas Thaddeus made a journey to take the word of God everywhere, starting a evangelizing path.

Judas Iscariot he was another of the apostles of Jesus, and like Thaddeus, he is part of the third group of apostles, being the ones who entered last and therefore the ones with the least presence in The texts.
Judas is said to he was the treasurer of the group, receiving the donations that people gave to the group. In the Gospels there is talk of Judas's worship of money, causing him to rob the group on several occasions, serving as an antecedent of his betrayal of Jesus for a few coins.
The main appearance of Judas Iscariot in the scriptures occurs at the end of Jesus' life, when he reveals to the Sanhedrin the location of Jesus so they can arrest him, thereby betraying his former leader.
Judas Iscariot was the betrayer of Jesus. For his betrayal, Judas he received 30 silver coins, and though he repented soon after, this was to no avail, since he had already condemned Jesus at his end. It must be said that Jesus already knew that someone was going to betray him, and yet at no time did he attack or criticize Judas.
Soon after, Judas Iscariot he hanged himself from a tree, since he was unable to live with the guilt of what he had done by betraying his mentor and friend. From that moment the word traitor and Judas have gone hand in hand.

To continue with this lesson from a Teacher we must talk about the main differences between Judas Thaddeus and Judas Iscariot, in order to see that both people were very different for people to confuse.
For this reason, the Main differences between them are the following:
- Judas Thaddeus was a family of Jesus, since his mother was the sister of the mother of Jesus, while Judas Iscariot had no relationship with Jesus.
- Judas Thaddeus was from Galilee, like most of the apostles, while Judas is thought to Iscariot was from Queriot, a people of Judea, and therefore a richer and more prosperous region than Galilee.
- Iscariot was the person who betrayed Jesus, while Tadeo at all times was loyal to the Messiah, being one of the closest people in the last moments, and living both his end and his resurrection.
- Iscariot committed suicide shortly after the betrayal, while Tadeo had a longer lifea, which he dedicated to evangelizing with the word of God. Tadeo died attacked by an ax for not wanting to convert to another religion, demonstrating his loyalty to Jesus.
- After his death, Judas Thaddeus became a saint, while not iscariot He followed this path because of the betrayal of Jesus, although some people currently ask for his sanctification.