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Most IMPORTANT Gods of Ancient Rome

To begin this lesson on most important gods of Ancient Rome, we must talk about the most present and relevant in Roman beliefs. Of this list, we must understand that the majority come from the greek beliefs, being the one that most influenced Roman thoughts.


the main god of the roman beliefs. He is the father of gods and men, and at the same time the king who rules over them all. Although his counterpart in Greek beliefs is Zeus, Jupiter does not really come from Greece, but rather is a god of Sabine origin, and, therefore, a deity of the Romans, although it bears resemblance to Zeus. It is part of the capitoline triad, being in Roman beliefs the set of the three most important gods. Among its characteristics is administering justice, the computer to the clouds and thunder, and to rule over the heights. On the other hand, among her attributes we find the thunderbolt, the eagle and the scepter.


Juno is another of the most important gods of Ancient Rome. The counterpart of the Greek goddess

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Hera, with which she shared the characteristics of being the goddess of women and marriage, as well as the protector of Roman women. Like her husband, Zeus, she was also part of the so-called Capitoline triad, thus being one of the three most important deities in the Roman world. Among her main symbols are the peacock and the crown, because she is the queen of gods and men.


One of the Roman gods that we know for sure came from the Greeks, being the counterpart of Poseidon. He is considered the god of the seas, earthquakes and horses, saying that he rides the waves on white horses. He is considered the king of the seas, and therefore she rules over all the creatures that live in it. The Romans believed that Neptune lived in the deep sea, in huge golden castles from which he launched storms and earthquakes.


She, along with Jupiter and Juno, made up the Capitoline triad. She is one of the three main deities in Roman belief. She shares attributes with the goddess greek athena, although with some changes, such as the war aspect of the latter, since in Roman beliefs Minerva was not a warrior. She is the goddess of wisdom, intelligence, politics, the arts, the sciences, the protector of Rome, and the defender of Roman artisans. The owl, the helmet, the spear, the shield and the olive tree are usually attributed to him.


Although it is usually considered that she was the counterpart of the Greek Ares, this was not so, since Mars is a god with origin in the Etruscans and Sabines, being she one of the most important deities of the Roman pantheon. Among his characteristics were those of being the god of war, of men, of violence, passion, sexuality, bravery, fighting, and many more attributes focused on the war and the fight of the mens. His attributes were the shield, the sword and the helmet, being the symbols of a warrior.


Considered as the female ancestor of the Romans by Julius Caesar, Venus was the counterpart of the Greek goddess Aphrodite and the goddess etruscan Turan. Among her characteristics we find being the goddess of love, beauty and fertility, therefore she is one of the most represented and most important deities. Among his attributes were the seashell, the dove and the sword.


A god from the Greek Apollo, sharing some of his attributions such as being the god of light, poetry, music, prophecy and medicine. Among his main attributes were the bow and arrows, being a renowned archer, and also the lyre for his skill with music.


Phoebus's sister and counterpart of the goddess Artemis of the Greeks, although it is believed that he has an Italic origin. She was the Roman goddess of the hunt, virginity, the moon and peace, many of these attributes being achieved over time and not from the beginning. Among his attributes were the bow and arrows, the quiver, the moon, and silver.


Mercury is another of the most important gods of Ancient Rome. It is related to the greek god hermes and with the Etruscan god Turms. Among his characteristics is being the god of commerce, roads, travelers, messages, eloquence, luck, among many other elements, demonstrating the enormous importance that he had as a god. His attributes are the caduceus, the Pegasus, the winged sandals and the bags.


Originating from Dionysus, was one of the last gods to appear in Roman beliefs, with a very late appearance compared to the rest of the gods. He was the god of wine, dance, and ecstasy, being the deity spoken to at Roman festivals. Among his attributes were the thyrsus, the wine and the cups.


He is considered to be one of the oldest gods of Roman beliefs, appearing in the early years of this mythology, although changing over the years by assimilating the Greek god Hephaestus. Among his characteristics was being the god of blacksmiths, volcanoes, fire, and in general everything related to blacksmithing and the element of fire. The main attributes of him like that of any blacksmith were the hammer and the anvil.


One of the main Roman gods was the counterpart of the Greek Hades, although Pluto is considered to have been much fairer. He is the god of the dead and monarch of the Underworld, where the souls of the deceased arrive. Among his attributes were the black horses, the ebony crown and the ebony throne.

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