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Classification of triangles according to sides and angles

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In this video I will explain the classification of triangles according to their sides and angles.

Triangles are figures that have three sides and three angles. Not all triangles are the same. That is why geometry classifies them.

Triangles are classified primarily by their sides and angles.

The sides that define a triangle are generally known as:

  • Isosceles: it has two equal sides and a different one.
  • Equilateral: they have three equal sides.
  • Scalene: it has its three different sides.

Types of triangles according to their angles:

  • Rectangle: An angle contains an angle of 90º that is in front of the hypotenuse.
  • Acute angle: its three angles are less than 90º.
  • Obtuse angle: has an angle greater than 90º.


  • The right triangle- is the one that has an angle of 90 degrees
  • The isosceles triangle- The isosceleses triangle is one that has two equal sides and one unequal.
  • The scalene triangle- is the one that has the three unequal sides and therefore their angles.
  • The equilateral triangle- is the one that has the three equal sides and therefore their angles, each being 60 degrees
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