Education, study and knowledge

Difference between polysemy and homonymy

In this video I will explain the difference between polysemy and homonymy. For this we will first remember what are polysemic words Y what are homonymous words.

  • polysemic words: A polysemic word is one that has different meanings that can be related by semantic similarity of form, closeness, usefulness... For example, mouse (computer mouse / animal mouse).
  • homonymous words: They are those that have a different etymology or origin, a different form or meaning, but their evolution has meant that they ended up having similar forms and pronunciations between them. For example, envelope (preposition or letter).

If you watch the video, apart from explaining the difference according to the definitions of these words, I will give you tricks to differentiate them.

Also, if you want to practice everything learned in this video and better understand the difference between polysemic and homonymous words you can perform the printable exercises with their solutions that I have left you on the web.

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