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Uses of exhortative prayers

Uses of exhortative prayers

In our language there are different types of sentences and in this lesson from a TEACHER we want to focus on the exhortative prayers. In the first place, we must point out that this type is included within imperative sentences and that therefore they usually follow the same rules when it comes to their formation. Keep reading and you will discover the different Uses of Exhortative Sentences that exist as well as a series of examples that will help you better understand this concept. We started!

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  1. What are exhortative prayers
  2. Express requests or requests
  3. Express prohibitions and denials
  4. Express commands or orders

What are the exhortative prayers.

The exhortative prayersare included within the imperatives, that is, they are a type derived from these. Despite the fact that the same rules are used for their training, between the two there is a difference very marked.

  • Imperative sentences: they serve to express an order that must be fulfilled
  • Exhortative prayers: they express an invitation for the subject to perform an action.
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Therefore, and once the main difference between them has been pointed out, it is necessary that we know the uses of exhortative prayers. As we have already pointed out, these serve to express invitations, advice or recommendations with the objective that these are made.

Examples of sentences that express advice

Here are some examples of sentences that serve to express advice or a recommendation from the speaker.

  • Drive carefully.
  • Don't be late.
  • Call me when you get there.
  • Talk to them.
  • Pay attention to your teachers
  • Eat healthy.
  • Study hard.
  • Work hard.
  • Speak correctly.
  • Eat with your mouth closed.
  • Speak lower.
Uses of Exhortative Prayers - What are Exhortative Prayers

Express requests or requests.

Another use of exhortative prayers is to indicate requests or requests, that is, they are used when a person wants to request something from someone. In most cases, exhortations used with a request or beg function are usually accompanied by formulas such as please or with verbs in the conditional mode. On the other hand, these can also be composed of an exhortative and an interrogative sentence. Let's see some examples to understand it better:

  • Get me a glass of water, please.
  • If you don't mind, fill out this form.
  • Could you sit down, please?

In these three examples we have seen the three ways in which it is possible to create exhortative sentences that express requests or requests to the interlocutor. These, therefore, do not indicate that they must be fulfilled, but rather something that the sender asks of the receiver.

Examples of sentences that express requests or requests

  • Could you get me the salt? please.
  • Please, can you take us to the park?
  • Let me go out with them.
  • Close the door please.
  • Don't say anything to my family.
  • Leave the cat alone.
  • Sit well, please.
  • Don't be too long, please.
  • Don't leave it there, please.
  • Please don't bother the lord.
Uses of Exhortative Sentences - Express requests or requests

Express prohibitions and denials.

Exhortative prayers also serve to express prohibitions and denials. At this point we must be clear that they always have the nuance of recommendation, since they are used when you want to make a warning about a specific action. Although they do not always do so, it is very common for them to form using negative particles like: never, never or not to name a few of them. Take as an example:

  • No talking, we are recording.
  • Do not disturb, sleeping animals.
  • Do not enter, we will go out to call you.

As you see, both carry the particle not before the verb to indicate that although it is not forbidden to perform either of the two actions indicated by the sentences, it is recommended that they not be performed.

Examples of sentences that express prohibition

  • Don't run around the pool.
  • Do not use your mobile while driving.
  • Do not turn on the computer.
  • Don't leave things lying on the ground.
  • Don't cross without looking.
  • Don't date them.
  • Do not open the window.
  • Don't turn on the living room light.
  • Don't write like that.
  • Don't listen to what they say.
Uses of Exhortative Sentences - Express prohibitions and denials

Image: Slideshare

Express commands or orders.

In the same way as imperative sentences, exhortative sentences can also be used to express commands or orders to the recipient. Although they are direct orders, the nuance and difference with the first is that the exhortations are not mandatory prayers. However, they are formed in the same way as imperatives. Let's look at some examples to distinguish them:

  • Imperatives: a prohibition or order is established that must be complied with, as an example we can point out “No smoking”, “No driving on the shoulder”.
  • Exhortative: they establish an order, but it is not mandatory for the person who receives it. In this case, we are going to take as an example two sentences "Pick up your room" "Turn off the television."

More examples of sentences that express order or command

  • Clear the table.
  • Clean the storage room.
  • Walk the dog.
  • Pick up your clothes.
  • Down the volume.
  • Call your grandmother.
  • Get to study.
  • Take out the trash.
  • Hang the clothes.
  • Give me that.

These are just a few examples of exhortative phrases and their uses with examples. If you want to continue learning and enjoying articles like the one you are reading, we invite you to take a look at our section on Grammar and Linguistics in which you will find very interesting post that will help you improve and strengthen your knowledge.

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