Difference between suffix and infix
In this video I will explain the difference between a suffix and an infix. Keep in mind that both are derivative dependent morphemes, that is, we add it to the lexeme to complete its meaning and thus create a new word, a derived word.
Next we will see the main differences between suffix and infix:
Difference between suffix and infix according to the position in the word:
The suffixes they will always be fair behind the lexeme. Instead, infixes will be located between the lexeme and the suffix since they are binding particles.
Difference between suffix and infix according to grammar change:
The suffixes will allow us to change the grammatical category. In contrast, infixes will not let us make any grammatical changes.
In the video you will also see differences between suffixes and infixes depending on the size, the meaning and function and the accent.
If after watching the video you want to check that you have understood, you can do the printable exercises with their solutions that I have left you on the web.