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Communication channel: definition and examples

Communication channel: definition and examples

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When you talk with a friend and even if you are sending a text message with your mobile or an email, you are communicating. For this phenomenon to be possible, a series of essential factors have to be combined, which are the ones that culminate the act successfully. Next, in reference to this topic, we are going to know the definition of the communication channel, and we will also see some examples They serve to clearly see how this factor influences the communicative act, and how it is associated with others so that the whole process can be carried out to a successful conclusion, or not, if something fails. So, without further ado, begin a new lesson from a TEACHER in which we are going to learn to distinguish through which channels we can communicate with other people, and even with pets or objects.

To begin, let's see exactly what the definition of the communication channel. In this case, we refer to the means by which the signs or signals that carry the information or message that a sender is sending to a receiver are transmitted using a code.

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So that you have a clearer concept, it is important to define the communicative act itself. This process is understood as one in which information is transmitted by an issuer that is received by a receiver. For this, there must be a series of elements involved, which are: sender, receiver, message, code, channel, referent and context.

Communication channel: definition and examples - Definition of the communication channel


Before seeing examples of the communication channel, it is important to know briefly what the various factors that are involved in this process, so that you are very clear about what function each one:

  • Transmitter: is the one who transmits a message. It can be a person, a computer, a mobile, an animal ...
  • Receiver: is the person, animal or object that receives the message that the sender has sent.
  • Message: this is the information that the sender has sent to the receiver.
  • Referrer: it is a reference to the content of the message, that is, what the information is about.
  • Channel: this is the factor that matters to us here, which, as we have commented, is the means used to send the message. It can be the air if we are talking to another person or with a pet, a mobile phone if we are writing a WhatsApp, for example, a email if we write an email, and even a computer if it is a command or an order to our pet, among many others possibilities.
  • Code: these are the signs or set of symbols used to deliver the message. Normally it refers to the language, which can be Spanish, but also to any other system, such as binary code with computers, systems such as Braille, etc.
  • Context: this is the situation where the communicative act occurs. There are many examples, such as a schoolyard or institute, a room where a computer is located, the sofa at home from which a text message is written, etc.
  • Noise: this element can also be incorporated, which is everything that prevents communication from being fluent, such as loud music, poor Internet connection, etc.

In this other lesson we will discover what are the comunication elements in detail.

At this point, when we already know the definition of the communication channel and the communicative act itself, we are going to know some examples to make the lesson perfectly clear:

Juan has declared his love to Nuria this afternoon at the school gate.

If we look at this phrase, we find that:

  • The channel used has been the atmosphere or the air, through which Juan's words have reached Nuria's ears.
  • In addition, we observe that Juan is the sender, Nuria the receiver, the code used is the Spanish language, the message is a declaration of love, the referent is a loving situation and the context is the door of the school by the late.

Yet another example:

Juan sent a message with his cell phone to Nuria last night from her room before going to sleep to declare his love for her.

We see here:

  • Another example where we find that the channel has changed as it is now a mobile phone.
  • Juan continues to be the sender and Nuria the receiver, the message is also a declaration of love and the referent is the love situation, using the Spanish language as a code. But now, the context is Juan's room during the night before sleeping.
Communication channel: definition and examples - Examples of communication channel

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