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Discover which are the DIALECTS of ECUADOR

What are the dialects of Ecuador

Although the Spanish is the official language In most of them, in many Latin American countries they have a series of their own traditional languages ​​or dialects that are still preserved and continue to be used. In this lesson from a TEACHER we want to focus on what are the dialects of Ecuador and in which regions they are found. On many occasions, these are the product of the existing mixtures in different areas of the country that cause their own particularities to be established.

Spanish is the official language of Ecuador, but despite this and the result of the conservation and use of different dialects, is not the only one that its inhabitants speak. In addition to Spanish, if we travel to this country we can find languages ​​such as Kichwa and the Shuar that are considered by the State as languages ​​of intercultural relationship. Therefore, these are also considered official.

Likewise, in some regions or geographic areas they also maintain previous languages to Spanish conquest, especially in the Amazon area. Here we can find a multitude of languages ​​and dialects that are spoken by a small number of people. These are the l

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official languages ​​of indigenous peoples and they are recognized by the law of the country.

  • Awapít
  • Cha palaa
  • Siapede
  • Tsa’f here
  • Ingae
  • Paicoca
  • Huao
  • Tedeo
  • Shiwiar
  • Chicham
  • Zapara
  • Achuar Chicham
  • Andoa
  • Kichwa
  • Shuar chicham

In this other lesson we will discover the differences between language and dialect so that you better understand both concepts.

What are the dialects of Ecuador - The dialects of Ecuador

Image: Foros Ecuador

Although the languages ​​that we have seen in the previous section are recognized by the Ecuadorian State and are the official languages ​​of the indigenous peoples, the truth is that we find the three larger variants, are based on South American Spanish. These, because Spanish is the official language, are variations of vocabulary and accent that are established according to the area of ​​Ecuador in which we are.

In order to understand the different variations, we must focus on the geographical areas of the country, in which the most important levels of population are found on the Coast and in the Ecuadorian Sierra, therefore, and despite all the above, there are three main dialects.

Equatorial Spanish

This dialect is used throughout the coastal area of ​​the South Pacific. This means that it not only affects Ecuador, but that this is also the most widespread dialect in other countries that are located in this strip. This is the case of Peru and Colombia, which mostly use this equatorial Spanish. Is he most influential dialect since it is also spoken in the regions that border the western region and the Galapagos Islands.

Its characteristics include that in this dialect there is a clear tendency to place the accent on the first syllable of spoken words. On the other hand, the letter is sucked s when it is at the end of the word, almost disappearing. This, in most cases, resembles a h.

Depending on the sociocultural level of the speaker, the aspirated s may undergo variations, since on many occasions and in some population sectors it can be pronounced as sh.

Andean Spanish

In Andean Spanish it is used in the Sierra region or the Ecuadorian Andean region. The Kichwa language coexists with him, so this dialect take a lot of loans and establishes its own peculiarities.

They even use words belonging to the Kichwa such as taita or elder brother. Another of its peculiarities is the use of voseo, that is, the use of vos instead of tú, especially in the most colloquial and familiar language. In addition and due to the mixture between the two, in this region we can find different types of subdialects:

  • Central Andean dialect: its limits are marked and it has variations depending on the ethnicity of the person who uses it and their social class. It extends from the province of Imbabura to Chimborazo.
  • Lojano dialect: it has a neutral intonation and is spoken in the provinces of Loja, Chinchipe, the upper area of ​​El Oro and Zamora.
  • Pastuso dialect: It has similarities with Colombian dialects spoken in Nariño and is only used in the province of Carchi.
  • Morlaco dialect: its intonation resembles a song due to its own accentuation. It is spoken in the provinces of Cañar and Azuay.

Amazonian Spanish

In this area of ​​the Amazon, a dialect is used that is very similar to that used in the same area of ​​Peru, since there are many influences in the north by a people called the quijos.

Among its characteristics we can point out that it is a mixture of the indigenous mountain range that is spoken in the central area of ​​the country and the Morlaco, of which we have spoken previously. They highlight the use of you conjugated with theverb in third person.

As you can see, in Ecuador there are a multitude of dialects that have to do with the area of ​​the country in which its speakers are found and with their educational level. Due to the extension of the territory and the influence of indigenous languages, these particularities that we have seen are established in Ecuador. If you want to know other articles similar to the dialects that are spoken in Ecuador, do not stop reading our sections.

Languages ​​of Ecuador: Dialects of Ecuador, Spanish language, Barbican languages, Royal Spanish Academy, Ecuadorian Language Academy (2011)

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