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What is the sender and receiver in communication

What is the sender and receiver in communication

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This is followed by a lesson from a TEACHER in which we will investigate what is the sender and receiver in communication. Something as common as any chat we have between friends or with a family member, actually involves a large number of elements and factors that make it possible for us to speak and understand each other between human beings in a clear and concise way.

However, although there are many actors involved, in this article we will focus on the two that are considered most basic and important so that communication as such can be given, although we will also observe others that are also essential in this common act that we develop almost without thinking between human beings, and also with other living beings that surround us and even objects. We started!

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  1. What is communication
  2. What is the issuer
  3. What is the receiver
  4. Other elements of communication
  5. Examples of communication, sender and receiver

What is communication.

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To know what is the sender and the receiver in communication, we focus first on the communicative act in itself, that is, in its definition.

We understand communication (from Latin communicatio) as the conscious activity by which a information exchange between two or more participants in order to convey meaningful messages through shared communication systems, be they semantic norms or signs.

In this sense, communication today can take place in a biosemiotic way, that is, between living beings, through of language between human beings, or through cybernetics, that is, with means of communication enabled for such end.

In order for communication as such to take place, a series of factors must come together, which are: sender, receiver, channel, code, message and situation or context. In this other lesson we will discover what are the comunication elements.

What is the issuer.

Let us now know what the sender and the receiver are in communication, and we begin with the first.

The issuer is the person, living being or device that issue a messageIn other words, it constitutes a source and is the origin of what is intended to be communicated.

The sender sends a message through a channel to a receiver. In a strict sense, it is a source capable of generating the aforementioned messages that are reproduced through a channel in space and time. In the same way that the sender is the source, he can also become a receiver, when he becomes a passive figure that receives other messages, that is, while listening.

They can be distinguished different forms of emitters, as they can be physical, that is, human beings, living beings or devices with the ability to communicate.

In this other lesson we will discover the differences between language and communication.

What is the sender and receiver in communication - What is the sender

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What is the receiver.

For its part, the receiver is the one who receives the information issued by the issuer. Thus, it becomes the agent that decrypts the message based on the code used, being in charge of decoding it.

In this case, the receiver is the one in charge of decoding the message, decipher and interpret the received signs, making communication feasible. Also here we may be referring to human beings, living beings or devices with the ability to decode messages and even interpret and respond.

Other elements of communication.

In the communicative act we cannot forget other basic elements, such as:

  • The channel: physical medium through which a message is transmitted. nowadays it can be the human voice itself or the animal sound, but also a telephone, internet, a reading, etc.
  • The code: it is the system of signs or signals that is used to transmit a message, such as a language, Morse code, traffic signs, braille system, animal sounds, binary code, etc.
  • The message: This is the content of the broadcast. That is, what the sender transmits to the receiver.
  • The situation or context: it is the extralinguistic environment where the communicative act itself takes place.

In the latter case, we distinguish between situational contexts, which may refer to political, historical, etc., and thematic contexts, also called referents, which are constituted by the subject, subject or subject matter.

What is the sender and receiver in communication - Other elements of communication

Image: Slideshare

Examples of communication, sender and receiver.

Let's now look at some examples of communication, to learn how to identify sender and receiver:

Juan has been talking to Paco this afternoon at his house.

We observed that the issuer is Juan, while Paco is the receiver. We do not know exactly what the message is, but we do know that the code is the Spanish language, the channel is air and the context is Paco's house in the afternoon.

Maria heard a statement from Juana last night through her computer in her bedroom.

In this case, we know that the issuer is Juana, while Maria is the receiver. In addition, we observe that the message is a statement, the code is the Spanish language, with a channel that is a computer equipment and a context that is Maria's bedroom during the night.

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