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Exclamatory sentences: definition and examples

Exclamatory sentences: definition and examples


In this lesson of UNPROFESOR we are going to know what are exclamatory sentences with definition and examples. To begin this explanation it is necessary to first clarify what sentences are. From a grammatical point of view, sentences are expressions composed of one or more terms that comprise a complete sense. In the written expression, the type of sentence is recognized from the inclusion of an end point.

Among the types of sentences that exist we find exclamatory sentences. They are mainly used for express a message with intensity or emphasis and they are distinguished by the intonation or tone with which what we want to say is expressed.

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  1. Exclamatory sentences: What are they?
  2. Exclamatory sentences in written language
  3. Affirmative exclamatory sentence
  4. Negative exclamatory sentence

Exclamatory sentences: What are they?

As we have advanced, sentences categorized as exclamatory are one of the kinds of sentences

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that exist in Spanish and are the ones that give intensity to a message. What is important in these types of sentences, especially in oral communication, is the way or the way in which the speaker expresses their emotions, moods, or feelings. In spoken language, they are distinguished by the tone with which the sentence is said.

The exclamatory sentences can be either general or personal, that is, it can be a message for a person or it can be just an expression.


  • Don't touch that pot!
  • Obey when I tell you something!
  • Holy God!
Exclamatory sentences: definition and examples - Exclamation sentences: What are they?

Image: types of

Exclamatory sentences in written language.

As we have already commented, in the oral communication it is important to give the right tone to exclamatory sentences. But the written language is completely different.

Written, exclamatory sentences are accompanied by exclamation marks (!) Both the beginning and the end of the sentence. These signs are known as the opening (!) And closing (!) Exclamation points. Sometimes, exclamatory sentences become indirect, that is, they do not use any type of exclamation mark. The latter usually correspond to a direct exclamation when used without dependence on a main verb.


  • Direct exclamatory sentence: How happy I am!
  • Indirect exclamatory sentence: You don't know how happy I am.

Any declarative sentence can be turned into an exclamatory sentence. Remember that declarative sentences they are the most common. The statements express events clearly and simply. They do not express feelings. To make the change of sentences we will only have to use the exclamation marks.


  • Declarative sentence: I forgot to buy milk.
  • Exclamatory sentence: I forgot to buy milk!

In the second case we see how the speaker wants to convey a state of mind, while in the first case he is only transmitting an event.

Exclamatory Sentences: Definition and Examples - Exclamatory Sentences in Written Language

Image: SlidePlayer

Affirmative exclamatory sentence.

Exclamatory sentences, like enunciative sentences, can be affirmative or negative. The intention in both cases is to accentuate the desire or the refusal. In the case of affirmative exclamatory sentences, they are usually made up of: the opening exclamation point (¡) + Subject + Verb + Complements + closing exclamation point (!).


  • Declarative affirmative sentence: I like ice cream.
  • Affirmative exclamatory sentence: I like ice cream!

In the declarative sentence you are giving information to the receiver of the message. He likes ice cream. In the second case, that of the exclamatory sentence, it is expressing a feeling and / or desire to eat ice cream.

Likewise, exclamatory sentences can also be impersonal. They have no subject and, as a general rule, it is used for atmospheric phenomena such as, for example, It's raining! or It snows!

Negative exclamatory sentence.

In the case of negative exclamatory sentenceWe just have to place the negation adverb within the sentence. Unlike negative declarative sentences, in negative exclamatory sentences we use exclamation marks and introduce ‘Not'Within the message.


  • Negative declarative sentence: Pedro does not want to go to the party.
  • Negative exclamatory sentence: But he doesn't want to go to the party!

In the first case, in that of the negative declarative sentence, we are giving information. Pedro doesn't want to go to the party. On the other hand, in the negative exclamatory sentence we are exalting the fact that Pedro does not want to go to the party and it causes us indignation, sadness or anger.

In the case of exclamatory sentences of negation we can also increase the intensity doubling the particle does not.


  • No, i do not want to go!
  • No, I do not like!
  • No, I do not want!
Exclamatory Sentences: Definition and Examples - Negative Exclamatory Sentence

Image: Slideshare In these cases, denial is being accentuated and the speaker is insisting on the expression of feelings.

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