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Formation process of technicalities

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In this video we talk about process of formation of technicalities.

We remember that the technicalities are all those words that have a very precise meaning to determine an object, a concept, a procedure... Terminologies of a science, profession, art or trade.

Constant formation = neologisms.


  1. Historical loans: Greco-Latin (severity, cavities, clone, lethargy).Recent loans (neologisms): English (stress, test, overbooking, from Greek and computer Latin, aerobics). (fr.) cliché, vaudeville or from the (ital.) ghetto, sonnet.
  1. Composition or derivation: From Greco-Latin words and affixes (video library, arachnophobia, hypertension), or from Spanish (short circuit, bas-relief).
  2. Shortening (acronyms and acronyms): bit (Binari Digit), office automation, DVD, WWW (World Wide Web)
  3. Attribution of new meaning : mouse (computing), mass (physics), stock market (economy).
  4. Eponyms: Stalinist, Alzheimer's, Petrarchism.

Also, if you want to check if you have understood what was explained in today's lesson, you can do the printable exercises with their solutions that I have left you on the web.

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