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WATER word family

WATER word family

A word family is a set of several words that come from the same word, with which share the lexical root, which is the morpheme from which all the words of the same lexical family are formed, with which they share some feature of meaning. In this way, we can identify different words as belonging to the same lexical family.

In this lesson from a TEACHER we will look at the concept of word family and explain the word family in more detail. "water" word family. Keep reading!

As we have pointed out in the introduction to this article, a word familyis a set of several words that share the lexical root, and therefore have some common significant trait among all of them.

As such, every family of words always starts from what is known as primitive word, which, according to the Dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy (DRAE), is that word "that is not derived from another of the same language". It is, so to speak, the base word from which we can form all the other words belonging to said lexical family.

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The primitive word is the original, which does not derive from any other, but from it the others derive. The root of this primitive word is the part that never changes, from which we can form the rest of the words that give rise to the formation of a family of words.

Thus, each of the words that make up a lexical family receives the name of derived word, since it is formed from the base of the primitive word, with which it shares the significant root, thanks to which we can associate them within the same lexical family.

Let's see it through a simple example: in Spanish, the word "bread" is a primitive word, since it does not derive from any other. Keeping the root of the word "bread" and modifying some of its components, we can obtain various derived words, which form the word family for "bread"; for example, "baker" (the person who makes or sells bread), "bakery" (the place where bread is made or sold), "muffin" (a type of small bread with a certain shape), and so on.

In this way, each and every word that derives from "bread" maintains a common significant component that allows us to identify that all of them come from the primitive word "bread", since in their meaning they have some relationship, direct or indirect, with the meaning from the very word "bread".

In this other video we discover the differences between the primitive words and derivatives.

Once we have seen the concept of a word family, we are going to study a specific word family: the "water" word family.

To analyze this family of words, we must first determine what is the primitive word from which all the others start, which in this particular case is the word "Water".

Afterwards, we must point out all the words that share the lexical root with the word primitive, referring to some of the fundamental significant aspects. Thus, we find that the word family for "water" is made up of terms like the following: gouache, gouache, downpour, rinse, water carrier, pooper, mead, drain, drain, drain, umbrella, sleet, brandy, turpentine, aguadero, aguaje, aguada, aguasal, agüita, aguoso, etching, aguazal, water carrier, pirogue.

It is also important to always keep in mind that the root, sometimes it can vary and have various forms, although it must always retain its common meaning. For example, in the present case, the word family of "water", we also find a variation on the lexeme or root, since there exists, in addition to the root of all the previous examples, the stem "ac-" From which we also identify as part of the lexical family of "water" words such as: aquatic, aquifer, aqueduct or aqueous.

WATER Word Family - WATER Word Family


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