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What is an augmentative suffix

What is an augmentative suffix

Image: Slideshare

Words can count on suffixes and with prefixesThese particles are added to words to modify them and sometimes change their meaning. Depending on the type of particle added, the meaning or connotation that the word has when it is expressed changes radically. In this lesson from a TEACHER we want to teach you what is an augmentative suffix in spanish and some examples of them so that you can learn to easily identify them in any text.

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  1. What is a suffix and the types that exist
  2. Derivative suffixes
  3. Augmentative suffix: easy definition
  4. Examples of words with augmentative suffixes

What is a suffix and the types that exist.

In order to better understand what an augmentative suffix is, it is necessary to first know what the definition of a suffix is. The suffixes are tonic particles or morphemes that join at the end of a word's lexeme. These when added make the original word see its grammatical category modified. In other words, a noun can become an adverb or vice versa by adding this particle at the end of its lexeme.

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Therefore, if words are modified when a suffix is ​​attached to them, they will have different functions. In the case at hand, two are distinguished:

  • Flexive function: suffixes can be attached to a lexeme in order to show grammatical accidents, that is, those of the gender and number of each word. An example would be the word cat / -a / -os / -as.
  • Derivative function: it occurs when the suffixes added to the word modify it to create a new one with a different meaning, although this is still related to the original. Here in this function is where we will find the so-called derivative suffixes, among which are the augmentatives.

Derivative suffixes.

Suffixes can have two functions, in the case we are dealing with we are interested in the one related to their derivative function. Thus we can point out that the derivative suffixes are those that introduce some modification in the meaning of the original word turning it into another. In turn, derivative suffixes are classified as:

  • Appreciative suffixes: these have the function of creating new words in which the intention of the speaker is shown at the moment in which the word is pronounced or written. Therefore, it carries a subjective burden derived from the opinion of the issuer of the same. Within these we can find the diminutives, the augmentatives and the disparaging.
  • Significant suffixes: are those that directly modify the meaning of the original word, such as drum and tambourine.
What is an augmentative suffix - Derivative suffixes

Image: Slideshare

Augmentative suffix: easy definition.

Within the appreciative suffixes we can find the suffixes of the augmentative type. These are those that are added to a lexeme in order to show the opinion of the issuer regarding the word. This always has to do with the size or grandeur of the object to which they refer. They are also used when the issuer wants to indicate that something is very important. The main augmentative suffixes in Spanish are:

  • -ón, -azo, -ote, -achón, -ejón, -errón, -erón, -etón and -atón

These are usually added to nouns, but we can also see them together with adverbs or verbs. These suffixes are added to the original lexeme and modify its meaning with a sense of importance or size.

For example, the word movie. By adding a suffix, we can get to know if the sender of the message liked it or not and what subjective connotations it has for him. Imagine that we add one of the most common suffixes in Spanish: -on. The word would become movie. With this we see that the issuer has found that the film is very important or great, he is therefore expressing his opinion in an augmentative way.

Other examples can be:

  • Door: bang
  • Big: huge
  • Well: nice guy
  • Bee: drone
  • Single: old bachelor
  • Man: big man
What is an augmentative suffix - Augmentative suffix: easy definition

Examples of words with augmentative suffixes.

Now that we know what an augmentative suffix is, let's finish the lesson with examples. It is very easy to apply an appreciative suffix to a word. As you have seen, when adding them immediately, the recipient of the message associates it with importance or large size. In addition, you can quickly know the subjective load that presents the word. Let's look at some more examples of words with augmentative suffixes so that you can easily identify them when you come across them in a text or sentence.

  • Crony
  • Blackout
  • Jam
  • Barge
  • Slap
  • Armchair
  • Header
  • pigheaded
  • Big truck
  • Caraza
  • Bait
  • Carrerón
  • Casaza
  • Casoplón
  • Fingering
  • Slap
  • Big guy
  • Hotelazo
  • Manchurrón
  • Handcuffs
  • Muchahote
  • Cloud
  • Eared
  • Curse
  • Palazo
  • Bore
  • Ball
  • Platoon
  • Platazo
  • Stroke of the pen
  • Gate
  • Rich
  • Tamborazo
  • Phone call
  • Tomato
  • Keep
  • Tostonazo

It must also be taken into account that these words can be shown, on some occasions, with own gender and number. That is, we can also meet with:

  • Big girl
  • Barges
  • Big boys
  • Tomboy
  • Nariguda
  • Ear
  • Swearing

We hope these examples and the definitions of what augmentative suffixes are have helped you better identify them. In our sections of Grammar and Linguistics You can find other topics designed to help you in your studies. Do not hesitate to visit them all to find what interests you the most and continue progressing in your learning of the Spanish language.

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