Why do the clouds turn black when it is going to rain?
White clouds, which look like pure cotton, are the most common, although they can take on a wide variety of hues. When it is going to rain, we say that the weather threatens a storm when we observe that they take on an ugly gray, almost black color. But... Why do the clouds turn black when it is going to rain? In this article by a PROFESSOR we will answer your questions so that you better understand how our planet works.
To answer this question, let us first clarify that clouds are not formed by water vapor, but by transparent water particles that simply absorb the light and reflect it, giving them their characteristic white color. So why do they change color? Although lighting conditions have an influence, its thickness or density it ends up being definitive to darken them.
Thus, although the water droplets reflect the light they receive, if the cloud is dense, that is, if it is heavily loaded with water, light can't get through and we see it in a dark color. On the other hand, when the cloud carries little water, those microscopic drops of water have spaces between the particles that allow light to pass through.
Therefore, the same cloud, after discharging, can turn white again, since its lower density allows it to scatter light, which means that the particles are further apart and the probability of rain is high less. Basically, we can affirm that clouds are black because his density does not allow light to pass through.
And when do they download? The condensation of the water vapor contained in the clouds causes them to reach a certain diameter (greater than 0.5mm.), with what gravity precipitates them towards the ground, reason why the rains also receive the name of "precipitations". To be more exact, rain falls at a speed greater than 3 meters per second and depends fundamentally on temperature, humidity and atmospheric pressure.
In this other lesson we discover you How is rain formed.
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