A Divina Comédia, by Dante Alighieri: summary and analysis
OR epic poem written by author Dante Alighieri (1265-1321) é um classic of world literature written during or Revival.
To extensive work, all compost in verses, é divided into three parts: Inferno, Purgatório and Paraíso. Each one of them has exactly 33 songs.
A Divina Comédia It was written in Florentine, I did not start seculum XIV, and pretending to fazer uma sit encyclopedic of scientific and philosophical knowledge of Idade Média.
I summarize
O protagonist do livro A Divina Comédia he is his own poet Dante Alighieri who travels a journey between three completely different institutions: o Inferno, o Purgatório and o Paraíso.
Ao long on my way, Dante goes crossing with friends and conhesions, public figures or the personal universe of the author, and debate on the most varied topics.
Odious and extremely descriptive and contemplates immense visual details. While he was not in hell, Dante received help from the Roman poet Virgílio, who served as a kind of guide.
Virgílio (70 to 19 a. C.), author two tempos of Júlio César, foi two major poets of the Antiquity, I have written or classical
Aeneid. Dante was a deep admirer of Virgílio's poetics, because of this, he can help him to percorrer or painful path.When he is not, for the time being, he performs or works in the company of Beatriz, an inspiring muse who was Dante's platonic paixão during his adolescence. Beatriz is a symbol of divine love and is responsible for guiding or poet for the jungle.
Or poem possui três personagens principais:
- Dante, or protagonist who personifies or homem;
- Beatriz, who represents faith;
- Virgílio, who can be considered or a symbol of reason.
A Divina Comédia It is basically the history of the conversation of a sinner to the path of Deus. The sublinham verses a necessity to follow or walk to be of ethics.
The protagonist is the symbol of the vulgar human being and represents the common city, who are dull, hesitant, and tempted with bad hair.
At the same time, Dante does not look exactly like a humble creature and, not Canto IV (do Inferno), he stands side by side with great writers:
Olha or what do you see in front of what dean
two other three, securing a sword;
ele é Homer, sovereign poet;
or satirical Horácio together vem,
third, Ovídio and the last Lucanus.
Since every um stop them
We are gifted with what I was blessed with,
recebo sua honoraria as convém.
Assim or belo group vi formed
da escola do senhor do excelso canto
cujo vôo, as d’águia, and unanswered.
Longo foi seu colóquio, and meanwhile
acenavam a mim, e eu vi o prazer
no sorriso do Mestre meu, because
or privilege iriam grant me
It gives acolhida to your community.
And so I was sixth in the meantime to know
We have long attended the poem as the protagonist and the alvo of temptations and as it outlines the obstacles that, for a few years, have been appearing along the way. Nesse sense consider-se A Divina Comédia as a moralizing work, isto é, a work that reaffirms the christian values (some paid elements are present).
O own Pope Bento XV, in official declaration, subject to importance of Dante's composition:
"Embora não seja scarce or number two great Catholic poets who are useful or pleasant, in Dante and singular or fact that, fascinating com a variety of images, com a vivacidade das cores, com a grandiosity das expressões e dos thoughts, ele o drag ao amor da sabedoria cristã. (...) To his Comédia de him, who deservedly received or title of divine, same nas several symbolic ficções e nas Remembrances gives life to two mortals on a terra, not visas another fim senão to glorify justiça and the province of Deus "
Despite being a forte criação de forte praise to Igreja, A Divina Comédia It can also be read as a critique of the institution in certain specific moments.
Embora some critics apontem to publication as being an epic, it cannot be considered effectively as uma because it is not a fictional story of a hero who battles hair seu povo ou pela sua region.
Or correto would classify it as an allegorical didactic text (didactic because it feared as a purpose or teaching and allegorical because it was constructed from symbols).
Publication history
O livro, redirected in Italian, was published in three parts. The first of them were disclosed in 1317, the second in 1319 and the third death by the author. It is estimated that Dante has dedicated fourteen years of giving his life to composição do livro (he began in 1307 and concluded or worked just before his death, in 1321).
It is a rigorously symmetrical narrative epic poem, each part has 33 songs, with approximately 40 to 50 triplets. O number three is essential for the construction of the poem. The verses are written from an original technique known as terza rhyme, wave as stanzas of ten syllables, with three lines each rimam of a certain specific way.
Originally or free chamava-se barely Comedy, I have earned or composted title only later, in 1555, na edição veneziana composed by Ludovico Dolce.
Quem firstiro observed that or it should not be A Divina Comédia, hairs assuntos that or livro approached and pela qualidade as that or work was feito, foi or poet Giovanni Boccaccio (1313-1375).
Em Trattatello in laude di Dante, composed in 1357, Boccaccio makes explicit that the work of Dante, who he considered brilliant, deserved a more appropriate title. Somente in 1555, an impression prepared by Ludovico Dolce, or title A Divina Comédia ficou eternalized forever.
About or author Dante Alighieri
Fundamental writer of medieval literature, Dante Alighieri was born in Florença, in Italy, no year 1265 (it is estimated that it was not the 25th of May), filho de Dona Bella and Aldighiero Alighieri.
Dante ficou orfão very young. In addition to him, he died when he was a child, a child and a pai quando or a young man, he was barely ten years old.
Despite having been married and having been married (hair less three), Dante had a platonic love for Beatrice de Folco Portinari, a friend of when he was 9 years old that he saw him meet again in 1283. Beatrice married in 1287 as banker Simone dei Bardi and Dante married Gemma Donati two years earlier, in 1285. Beatrice suddenly died in 1290, to the despair of the Italian writer.
Dante was quite consecrated in life, having been celebrated as the greatest poet of the Tuscany region. According to R. W. B. Lewis, author of Dante:
"As of 1321, the first parts of the Comedy have been transcribed and available to readers for some years, and Dante was acclaimed throughout Tuscany as the greatest poet of the region."
His work-prima, A Divina Comédia, was deeply celebrated. Harold Bloom, um two harshest and most important literary critics, wrote in O cânone ocidental what:
"The poem by Dante has a great quality inominável, perhaps as great as the melhores verses of Hamlet ou Rei Lear."
As a writer, Dante Alighieri was a politician, belonging to a moderate party. He studied at the University of Bologna in 1285. He was exiled from Florença due to corruption, administrative impropriety and opposition to the Pope when he held public office. During or exile he lives in Forlì, Verona, Arezzo, Veneza, Lucca, Pádua, Paris, Bologna, Verona and Ravenna.
O Morreu author, 56 years old, not on September 14, 1321, in Ravenna, in Italy.
Main works of Dante Alighieri
A Divina Comédia It was Dante's work-first and the work that most he occupied time and dedication, not as much as the Italian writer also redid some other books, confirm below:
The Vita Nuova
Coletânea de poesias published in 1292 in homage to his Platonic love, Beatrice.
Incomplete, the work brings together four treatises that intended to bring together all or knowledge of the time.
By Vulgari Eloquentia
More succinct work where Dante vehemently defends the Italian language.
From Monarchia
Written in 1310, it is a treatise on politics where Dante defends total separation between the Igreja and the State.
Some works of art inspired by A Divina Comédia
Or classic Italian literature served as inspiration for a series of visual artists. Conheça abaixo as main works inspired by A divine comedy:
![Salvador Dalí, Purgatório, “Arachne”.](/f/69202d0b755d6cfe6b8c05e219076716.jpg)
![Illustration by Sandro Botticelli for o Inferno.](/f/49e6f316324d7920838cefeeae158b70.jpg)
Leia A Divina Comédia na whole
Or free A Divina ComédiaIt is available for download in Portuguese (translated by José Pedro Xavier Pinheiro Brazilian hair) in PDF format.
A Divina Comédia, or film
Made by director of Portuguese cinema Manoel de Oliveira, or a non-classical inspired film by Dante, it was released in 1991.
O longa metragem received no Festival de Veneza or Grand Special Jury Prize and was nominated to receive a Golden Lion.
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