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O morro dos ventos uivantes (by Emily Brontë): summary and analysis of the work

O Morro dos Ventos Uivantes (original title Wuthering heights) The only romance of the English writer Emily Bronte.

Written in 1847, or I received critical fortes at the time. Years later, I saw to be consecrated as A two major classical English literature.

Book summary

Or title O Morro dos Ventos Uivantes It is a tribute to a rural area where history is set, located not in the interior of England. We know two facts, mainly from two stories of the governant Nelly Dean, who has played or passed into the house of the Earnshaw family. It can be said, generally, that The narrative is quite bleak.

In 1801, or Senhor Earnshaw, a young man, poor and helpless. Possibly orfão, described as a cigar because of the dark skin, the child was found on the streets of Liverpool, and was raised for a farm in two neighboring winds. Or section that narrates to chegada do menino a casa é pretty descriptive:

"Or patrão tentou explain or what will happen, but, as he was dead from exhaustion, everything or what I managed to understand during or raspanete da senhora, summed up to uma history in that falava of him I have found faminto and sem shelter, wandering around the streets of Liverpool, I have taken care of him and tempted to find that he was claim. Porém, as no one knew what relevance e o tempo e o dinheiro escasseassem, achou preferível trazê-lo para house, not to enter without need, but she does not wish to return it to the situation where it will be found. "

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Second to Nelly's perspective, a governanta, that we know or that two patrons and two involved are going home. There is a concern in me narrate with rigor or physical space - We know that or menino was found in the streets of Liverpool - and a condição do garoto e do senhor que o adota.

Deliver to your own lot, to the description of the garoto and to cut or heart: sujo, ragged, mistreated, faminto, não nomeado, sem ter to go, esmolando na rua. Earnshaw sympathizes with the abandoned childhood, tries to find his responsibilities in the event, and thinks that the only way to effectively save or save is trazendo-o home.

Assume that either a minor is received by the family, or Senhor Earnshaw may be a governanta lhe dê banho, or seen as a clean roupa e or deite together two filhos.

A casa da família fazia part of a rural property entitled Alto dos Vendavais, I am not at all fortuitous given that o terrain was located in a terrain with strong climacteric inclemency, being a victim of diverse and frequent storms. Because I am not a mole of a mountain, home sofria com a força das nortadas.

A property belonging to the same traditional family - the Earnshaw - so much so that, not inside, it was possible to read or name an antepass (Hareton Earnshaw) followed by a date (1500).

Or romance and extremely descriptive, skip years olhos to wealth of details narrated during a visit to the property:

"O telhado não tinha lining, exhibiting in all its numbness years olhares curious, except you find us where ficava hidden behind a prateleira suspensa cheia de bolos de aveia, ou behind allegedly smoked, vellum, carneiro and porco, which dangles through em trusts. On top of the chaminé enfileiravam are velhas shotguns já sem préstimo and a pair of arção pistols, and, on or flanged, in the guise of enfeite, three cans of chá painted with garridas cores. Or chão was of white and polished lajes. Thus cadeiras were old, with their backs, painted green, also having two cadeirões black and heavy, semi-hidden in the shade. "

Nenhum detail escapes description. O olhar do narrator runs from or chão até o teto, passing detailed hair of the feitio and the cor da mobília and hairs on display.

Após raise it to a farm, or house Earnshaw gives a garoto abandoned on the streets of Liverpool or name of Heathcliff, a filho que morrera. Or menino, dark skinned like a cigar, and raised by family like a filho, next to two other two rebents from home, Catherine and Hindley.

Hindley, fourteen-year-old tall, a young Heathcliff who is a rapacious boy from his humble origins and remains loathing-or years-old. Catherine, for the time being, has some initial resistance, plus oil logo or new family member and become great friends.

Despite being received from the same creation two irmãos, a sublinha narrator who persists in what is behind her tragic origin. Ao descrevê-lo are used the following words:

"He is a dark skinned cigar who doesn't look like a cavalheiro and we don't want to bring, ou melhor, tão cavalheiro like so many other fidalgotes rurais um little demazelado perhaps, sem conto deixar that this negligence or amesquinhe is not his haughty and elegant demeanor, it is bem that taciturn."

Or that no one would be able to imagine that or less would fade out of her emotional strength, a newborn Catherine Earnshaw. Catherine also loved Heathcliff, she said that the greatest punishment I could give him was to separate the raptor.

Após a morte do pai, Hindley, who always hated Heathcliff, deslocou-o to live as servants. Depois, she was gradually appearing or certain: she was privileged to go to classrooms, she was incumbent on exhausting tasks like any other servant.

A time when the marriages were more commercial accords than gestures of love, or fate of Catherine já estava traçado pela família: stow a husband from a família com posses. O eleito was Edgar Linton, donor of Granja dos Tordos, a family owned by an expensive family, owned by two Earnshaw.

Catherine oils married Linton just because she realizes that she will not be able to marry as an adotivo. During a common day, Heathcliff listens to a conversation between Catherine and a governant Nelly onde a moça She confesses that she would hardly marry with Heathcliff because the union would destroy her reputation and status. Social.

Frustrated as he gave his beloved and as a link with another, Heathcliff left the estate. When she returns, she is a true cavalheiro powerful and full of rancor. Catherine is then divided between two homens: or husband, Edgar Linton, and or mother adotivo.

Unfortunately or fate of the tragic girl, Catherine dies when she is giving birth to a beautiful menina. Heathcliff, unhappy with his lost love, promises to get rid of all those who favor his relationship.

Despite ter um quite simple entanglement, centered em um love triangle, chama to attention to wealth of details like history and told and to complex sentimental two personagens principais.

Personagens principais

Hareton Earnshaw

Catherine and Hindley biological pai. One fine day Hareton went to Liverpool and found a homeless little boy. Sem to know or what to do, bring up the breeding for home and or adota.


É or protagonist of O nose two uivantes ventos. He has a tragic past marked hair abandonment, preconceived hair, treated hairs and pela negligence. A mute life when or rapacious is raised to or snout two moving winds, where he meets his adotive signature, Catherine, why he will be enchanted. Heathcliff é, ao same tempo, um misto de heroi (hopelessly muffled pela mocinha) and vilão (bitter and vingative).

Catherine Earnshaw

Also protagonist of history, moça and filha do casal Earnshaw and irmã de Hindley. Catherine was introduced, when she was six years old, to Heathcliff. Despite the first reaction of men having been of mistrust, the Catherine logo becomes quite close to irmão.

Hindley Earnshaw

Catherine's Biological Irrigation, Hindley does not oil the health of the Heathcliff men and women in the relationship between two countries as a youth.

Nelly dean

Governanta houses two Earnshaw. By testing all the events of the house, she ends up becoming the main narrator of the story.

In respect of the publication of the book

Wuthering heights (in Portuguese O nose two uivantes ventos) foi published as masculine pseudonym Ellis Bell.

The first Brazilian translation was carried out by Globo publisher in 1938, or responsible translator was Oscar Mendes. A second translation took place nine years later, in 1947, by Rachel de Queiroz, at the request of Editor José Olympio. I also saw editor L&PM launch a version of romance, translated by Guilherme da Silva Braga.

O livro também já was translated to Portuguese as To Colina dos Vendavais.

Uma das revoluções driven by Emily Brontë foi or use of uma linguagem mais colloquial.

A maior inovação, contudo, foi o fato da author ter colorful seus personagens com traços reais, beings full of defects, provocateurs of intrigues, and loaded with raivas many times unjustified. We think that in the historical period the books served only as literature of formation and the people were exemplary figures, we will perceive or impact that Wuthering heights cause no public leitor.

First page of the first edition.
First page of the first edition of Wuthering heights.

In 2007, it was published in London as an exemplar of the first edition of Wuthering heights, dated 1847. Either the initial proposed value was $ 60,000, not so, or it ended up exceeding expectations to be sold for $ 230,000.

Curiosity: O nose two uivantes ventos e a saga Twilight

Bella Swan, star of Twilight, mentions Emily Brontë's romance as her favorite book. No third, free series of Stephenie Meyer, Bella face various references to classical Wuthering heights.

Bella chega to quote a stretch of classic English for the beloved Edward Cullen:

Whether it was all or more perished and as long as it lasted, it would still continue to exist; E was tudo or more subtracted and the annihilated fosse, or the universe would become much stranger.

A publication of Twilight impulsionou as vendas da work-prima of Emily Brontë. Diante do successso de vendas, a publisher HarperCollins criou uma nova capa - mais gótica - for O nose two uivantes ventos, so that I will ficasse as the next aspect of the Twilight saga.

To edição Brasileira chegou to include um selo saying: "or Bella and Edward's Favorite Book - Twilight".

Edição that draws a reference to Twilight on the layer.
Edição that draws a reference to Twilight on the layer.

Adaptações para o cinema

Wuthering Heights (1920)

A primeira adaptation for the cinema of O nose two uivantes ventos It was carried out in the United Kingdom, in 1920, hair director A. V. Bramble.

Wuthering Heights Official Trailer # 1 - David Niven Movie (1939) HD

Wuthering Heights (1939)

Directed by William Wyler, it was not in 1939, or Trazia film as protagonists Merle Oberon, Laurence Olivier and David Niven.

Laurence Olivier | O Morro dos Ventos Uivantes (Wuthering Heights) - 1939 - legendary

Wuthering Heights (1970)

Directed by Robert Fuest, an adaptation of the English romance was in 1970 with Anna Calder-Marshall and Timothy Dalton as the main characters.

Cartaz Wuthering Heights.

O Morro dos Ventos Uivantes (1992)

Directed by Peter Kosminsky, a North-American adaptation of Trazia as the protagonists Juliette Binoche (not the role of Catherine Earnshaw) and Ralph Fiennes (not the role of Heathcliff).

O Morro dos Ventos Uivantes | Wuthering Heights (Kate Bush + film 1992)

O Morro dos Ventos Uivantes (1998)

A North American version directed by David Skynner in 1998 is quite faithful to it.

O Morro dos Ventos Uivantes 1998 - LEGENDADO hair aluno L. Tiozzo

O Morro dos Ventos Uivantes (2011)

The last existing film version was made by director Andrea Arnold, with James Howson as Heathcliff and Kaya Scodelario as Cathy.

O Morro dos Ventos Uivantes 2011- Legendary Trailer

Brazilian novel

No Brasil, or Excelsior television channel launched, in 1967, an inspired novel not romance by Emily Brontë. The responsible director was Lauro César Muniz. Altair Lima played Heathcliff and Irina Greco as Catarina.

Cartaz da novel

Leia na whole

Or free O nose two uivantes ventos It is available for free download.

Quem foi Emily Brontë (pseudônimo Ellis Bel)

Emily Brontë was born in a rural village called Thornton (in Yorkshire, England), on July 30, 1818 and had a fairly short life costume.

The fact of being born in a distant place was an essential factor for Emily to approach the world two books. Her main refuge was to the library of the country, second to her own author:

We totally depended on ourselves and two others, two books and study to find fun and occupation in life. Or more elevated stimulus, bem like or prazer more alive, that we know from childhood from residing in our first efforts in literary composition.

A British writer died prematurely, 30 years ago, not on December 19, 1848, leaving just a written romance, a work-prima Wuthering heights.

O Livro was published in December 1847, a year before the day of her death, as the male pseudonym Ellis Bel.

Emily Bronte
Portrait of Emily Brontë.

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