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Laranja Mecânica by Stanley Kubrick: analysis and explanation of the film

Laranja Mecânica (A Clockwork Orange, not original) is a 1971 film. Directed and adapted for cinema by Stanley Kubrick, or film based on the homonymous romance by Anthony Burgess, published in 1962.

A past history in the United Kingdom, a dystopian future marked by violence and authoritarianism. Alexander Delarge, or protagonist, leads a gang of young maginais that backhammer or chaos, through atos of gratuitous violence.

Exploring timeless social and political questions, Laranja Mecânica reflects on issues such as juvenile delinquency, psychiatry, or arbitration and moral corruption from authorities. Disturbing and full of raw images of violence, it became a film cult, Acclaimed public and critical hair, it has been named as some of Kubrick's most iconic works.

Cartaz do film Laranja Mecânica (1971)
Cartaz do film Laranja Mecânica (1971).

Film trailer

A Clockwork Orange - Masterpiece Trailer

I summarize

Laranja Mecânica accompanies a wave of crimes of a gang of British youths led by Alexander Delarge, Depois de ser prisoner and jailed by seus atos, or protagonist oil fazer part of a psychiatric treatment that would reduce or tempo da sua pain.

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Alex was forced to attend dinners of violence and sex for long periods of time, I had a bad time. Depois freed, he becomes a defenseless victim and sofre vinganças daqueles that he tormented before.

Desperate, he tries to kill himself, polishing up janela. Depois da remains, he recovers as his functions mint, more or public and to press or transform a martyr and or governo subject that or suborn to maintain a good image. Alex ends up becoming a star, using two journeys for each other as Minister of Defense.


Or film começa com Alex, Pete, Georgie and Dim drinking "leite com" (leite mixed with drugs) is not your favorite bar. Logo or gangue part in search of violence and Spain um velho beggar who is fallen on the street. Roubam um car and invaded the house of a writer and his wife, raping and killing a woman in Spain or husband and leader sings "Singing in the Rain".

Back to the bar, Alex and Dim ended up brigade for a woman. Either contempt é or começo do fim para o gangue. Dim and Georgie began to challenge Alex's authority, or I don't laugh. Your companions pretend to be the leader and suggest a new attack.

Alex invades sozinho home gives "mulher two cats" and kills. Or rest of the bargain. She who was either waiting for her, decides to attract him and break a jug, not her face, leaving him temporarily blinded.

He does not escape and ends up being imprisoned. He discovers that the Minister of Defense is seeking cash for an experimental treatment that would leave a criminal re-enabled in two weeks. He barter or rest gives his pain hair treatment.

He was injected with drugs and forced to witness images of extreme violence and he had a bad time. Or the conditioning process works and Alex is rendered harmless. Num box, or Minister demonstrates or submissive character of Alex, chamando um homem that or to attack and force to lamber alone of his sapato.

Expelled from home two countries, he is rumored, nas streets, where he finds a beggar velho that he has scattered not the beginning of the film. Or beggar and his group bathe and humilham Alex, who cannot defend himself. A police officer interrupts dinner: the agents São Dim and Georgie.

You police levam Alex to either kill, wave or torture. He manages to escape and ends up asking for help from the writer's house, now a paraplegic. Knowing that it is the young man who was the victim of Ludovico's treatment, he offers accommodation at his home.

When he listens to Alex sing "Singing in the Rain", he acknowledges her voice from him. He discovers that, during his treatment, Alex began to hate his favorite music, Beethoven's Nona Symphony, committing suicide when he performed.

The writer puts drugs in his food and turns it off. When he agrees, he is locked no room, listening to a deafening song number volume. Maddened, he plays janela pela. To know he gives his suicide attempt, he blames me or governs and demands justice for him.

Alex agrees not to leave the hospital free of condition markings. Surge or Minister of Defense, who offers a substitution in exchange for Alex's support along with public opinion. Suddenly, or fourth, there are flowers, decorations, journalists and photographers. Alex e o Minister pousam together for you jornais, sorrindo.

Personagens and cast

Alexander Delarge (Malcolm McDowell)

alex drinking leite mais

Alexander Delarge is a young sociopath, leader of a gangue, beaten down by classical music and free violence. It's brought. Prisoner and subjected to Ludovico treatment that totally alters his personality of him. Not final, he sofre a remain and, num blow of luck, which disfavors the effects of the condition.

Dim e Georgie (Warren Clarke and James Marcus)

georgie e dim

Together with Pete (Michael Tarn), Dim and Georgie formed the rest of the bargain. Your companions challenged the leader and ended up bringing him. They returned as police officers, revealing that they continue to be perilous, and they will take advantage of the position of power to vingarem.

Father (Godfrey Quigley)


Representative of the Catholic Church, or Father, barely accredits rehabilitation through repentance and forgiveness of God.

He has been, since the beginning, or the greatest opponent of Ludovico's treatment. He defends that each one must be responsible for his actions and be able to perform his own escorts, boas or more.

Minister of the Interior (Godfrey Quigley)


Representing or Government that hardly imports as power and power, or Minister promotes or treatment Ludovico to solve a crime problem, he worries about the ethical questions that he is carry.

Depois gives Alex suicide attempt, his visit illustrates the demagoguery of a politician capable of everything to deceive or povo.

Frank Alexander (Patrick Magee)


Despite the attack that killed his woman or left him able to walk, he was against Ludovico. Esquerda intellectual enquanto, he accredits that it is a measure of a totalitarian government, defending or young Alex and helping.

However, his company disappears when he is accused or criminal at the headquarters of Vingança fala mais alto.

Film analysis

Start of narrative

Initial dinner of the film, no bar.

Or film começa with Alex, Pete, Georgie and Dim sitting at a table at their favorite bar. Eat as roupas sujas de sangue, drink "leite com" (with mixed drugs), when I decide what to do with his noite. Since or começo, é evident seu tedium, their lack of purpose and common sense.

Aquilo that unites you desire of violence and chaos: são um gangue, or what is illustrated by the way they all dress the same.

Attack on beggar

Assim that I left the bar, I found a velho bêbado, fallen no chão, singing. You companheiros or rodeiam and começam to ameaçá-lo,

Soon for a collective aggression, or beggar demonstrates indifference while facing own death, tracing um portrait of dystopian reality What is it in:

I don't want to live the same, I don't want a world like that.

beggar dinner

Through this first episode of violence and the dialogue between the victim and his attackers, we fear or nickname the film: um world sem lei nem ordem, onde barely or more forte wins.

Narrative development

Luta de gangues

Follow me for an abandoned cinema, where he is decorating a dinner of collective rape. A cruelty of the year contrasts with a soundtrack, a happy music, that suggests a circus or a romaria, marking the idea of ​​violence in a show or a playful act.

Alex e os companheiros interrupted not to save victim, but to surprender the attackers. Billyboy and his partners are a rival gangue. Upon the existence of an outro gangue vem sublinhar or peso da juvenile delinquency nesta dystopian england.

dinner with billy and seu gangue

The protagonists beat Luta and Fogem, euphoric. Roubam um car and Alex directs like louco, I risked my own life for adrenaline, as was assim sentissem prazer. I purposely provoke accidents, like um jogo, uma brincadeira, looking for "laughs and attacks of ultra-violence."

Attack on Frank Alexander and his wife

Nessa mesma noite, batem na porta de casa of a writer and his wife. Alex misses that he had an accident and needs to call or call for help. Or casal deixa Alex enter the logo or gangue invades the house, hiding the rostos. Fake noses of their masks lembram carnival costumes, suggesting joy and fun.

I perform and sing "Singing in the Rain", theme associated with felicidade, Alex espanca Frank e seu gangue stupra a mulher até à morte. At dinner see me show that, naquele sadistic world, any gesture of empathy is transformed into vulnerability.

Alex singing in the rain

Life of Alexander Delarge

You must commit crimes, bandits return home. O building where Alex mora is deserted, with demolished ruins with chão hair, num cenário quase post-apocalyptic. Or place seems to have been suddenly abandoned, as it was not most inhabited.

Or protagonist deita na cama and listens to his favorite music, Beethoven's Nona Sinfonia, enquanto remarks and imagines dinners of violence and death. Pela manhã, or spectator of the criminal youth who still lives with the country and is enrolled in the school.

Country of Alex na cozinha

Alex kills the classroom to make it asleep and his country talks briefly, wondering what will be the work that or keep the street late. Contudo, both are detached, tired, sem tempo nem disposition to monitor filho behavior.

He visited his post-correctional counselor; He hopes that Alex is his gangue, the authors of the writer's home invasion. He warns that the youth will begin to be thrown as an adult and run or risk going to prison. Olhando his life, he wonders about a origin desssa raiva, sem achar uma explanation:

Você te uma boa casa. Bons country, that I loved you. O seu cérebro não é muito ruim. Is there any demon that scratches from within you?

Briga between you companheiros

Alex beats em Dim when he is not bar and he begins to laugh at a woman who is singing to Nona Sinfonia. Dim responds "Não sou mais seu irmão!". Or misunderstanding seems to passiro more plant to mind gives discord not group.

While Alex is doing sex with two women that he knows about in the record store, or the rest of the gang is beginning to question his leadership, wanting better jobs and more money.

Alex joga seus companheiros na água

When he returns to see the two companions plans, he decides to mark their position: play Georgie and Dim na agua e fere or second na mão, pretending to stretch or arm to juda-lo. Na next dinner, já estão fora da agua more amizade fica abbalada. Alex resolves to give in and follow a plan of them: invade and rob the house of "Mulher dos Gatos".

Attack on the house of "mulher two cats" and traição do gangue

mulher two cats

Or work seems simple: home is full of works of art and other valuable objects, kept only by a woman and her serious cats. When he plays na campainha, Alex says he has an accident and can be used or telephoned; a woman rebukes or hit the police officer.

Masquerade, or protagonist invades the house and fights like a woman who he ends up killing with a huge statue in the form of a male genital organ. It is about notorious symbolism present in this dinner, making reference to the sexual aggression that goes through my film.

Your companions wait to carry and break a bottle, it is not your face that will temporarily blind you. Fallen no chão, without being able to flee from the police, he is imprisoned. Seu despair perante a propria dor contrasts as a prazer that sat pela dor alheia: Pela first time, we see his humanity, his fragility.

Alex in prison and visit of the Minister

Na delegation, he was scattered by a group of policemen; As parents are inverted, Alex becomes a victim of "ultra-violence". Your conselheiro will visit him, knowing the crime, or repudiating, cushing on his face. He was convicted and sentenced to fourteen years in prison.

Na cadeia, he began to study Biblia, fascinated by all the bloody episodes. He creates a bond of proximity as a Father, with a fault on Ludovico's treatment. O process, even in tests, intended to re-enable criminals in time memory, eliminating their aggressive impulses through psychological conditioning.

alex and father

The protagonist knows that the Minister is going to visit the prison seeking cobaias for the treatment of the father to indicate it. He shows displeasure with the idea, explaining that the process does not cure these homens, it just turns off his vontade (free arbitrary).

To what is this treatment really turns some bom. Kindly see me from within. É uma questão de escola. When a homem is not a better man, he ceases to be a homem.

During a visit, the Minister made a speech explaining that or government wanted to free two prisoners who are occupying space, "killing or thinking criminal". Alex is the only one who applauds and agrees with his words, being or escorting the process.

Ludovico treatment

Must be grafted with a drug, Alex was tied to a number of forces, to a cinema cadeira, with a capacete monitoring his brain and pins that forced his eyes to open. Forced to repeatedly witness images of extreme violence, he began to suffer badly, feeling the effects of aversion therapy.


It's funny how the cores of the real world only seem really real when we see a lot of fabric.

After listening to the protagonist's inner monologue, we offered two scientists an explanation: the drug provokes paralysis and terror, leaving the patient more vulnerable with suggestions of conditioning. Assim, or Ludovico process Fight crueldade through more crueldade. Isso becomes even more evident when the nurse declares, waiting or suffering from the patient.

Violence is a very horrible thing. Isso é o que você is learning now. Seu corpo is learning.

O body of Alex was forced to negatively react to any scene involving aggression or sex. By mere chance, he plays Nona Sinfonia for two videos, or that face or young man shouts that here is "um sin"; or scientist or console saying that it will be free.

Alex no box

Na next dinner, or old offender is in a box, being exhibited to a silver minister hair. Stating that the treatment was created to protect "cidadãos do bem", he demonstrates to Alex's passivity who was insulted, humiliated and attacked by um homem, unable to regress. Depois a semi nua woman emerges, Alex tries to touch our signs of her and has a bad time de novo. Or audience laughs and applauds.

Or father insurges against the degrading show, sublining that it is not a true recovery, that there is no sincerity to us from Alex, as he had foreseen:

He ceased to be a bandit but also a creature capable of fazer escolhas morais.

The Minister responds that the State is not concerned about ethical issues, it just wants to reduce or crime. He concluded by appointing the docile character of the rapacious, claiming that he is now "ready to be crucified, and not crucify."

Police violence and shelter at the writer's house

Or it was supposed to be the success of the treatment for the news. Alex tenta volta home two more countries and rejeitado. Sozinho, he wandered along the street that he found or beggars that he did not make the film. He or she acknowledges the chama seus companheiros, all of them not rapacious that do not manage to revive.

Pete and Gerogie batem em Alex

Two guards interrupted dinner: são Georgie e Dim. The former bandits, only agents of the authority continue to behave like criminals. Levam Alex for meio do mato e o espancam, trying vingança.

He manages to escape and escape from his home, where he is a moor or writer, who lives in his heart of Rhodes. Or homem, that or acknowledges the news, resolves to help it, offering lodging. Frank symbolizes, then, or Dissident intellectual who harshly criticizes the authoritarian measures of the government.

When talking, do not phone about or attack that Alex sofreu, he comments or believes that he is hiring criminal police as a supposed measure to combat or own crime. Lamenting the political and social situation, he affirms that he is in the past of totalitarianism. As in any ditatorial government, A weapon used to control o povo é o medo:

As common people I sell freedom for a quieter life.

suicide attempt dinner

Embora he does not agree with how he uses violence as a means of punishment, when he acknowledges Alex's voice singing "Singin 'in the rain", he prepares his vingança. Knowing that the young man is always going to kill himself whenever he listens to Nona Sinfonia, he places a soporific on his food and does not lock his room.

Alex remembers this music, through giant columns of som e fica so desperate that he ends up playing with janela.

End of narrative

Or protagonist agrees not to hospital com some ferment not corpo. To his mind, however, he seems to have turned to what was before the treatment: he recovers his jeito de falar, his arrogance and violent imagination. Seu face of him appears nos jornais de novo, this time as victim of treatment. Uma manchete says:

Governo is assassin.

Alex hospitalized, and fed minister hair.

O Minister visits Alex And he apologizes but his intentions are evident: he wanted to shut down the opposition that would be doing "political profit" in the case. Give food to the mouth of the bandit when he promises a great amount of money and a good job, I know his side before me.

Assim that the raptor agrees as subornoAs portas do quarto suddenly open, I began to enter bouquets of flowers, day laborers, cameramen. In seconds, a farce is mounted, criam um show to cheat or povo. Either minister or criminal are photographed together.

alex e o minister

Alex is back and forth and now a star. OR condition was reversed His instincts continue to be alive, or become notorious at the final dinner, when he imagines himself having sex with a woman in the neve, with a multitude of assisting and applauding.

Central themes

Juvenile delinquency

Caused by various political and social fathers, juvenile delinquency and illustrated throughout the film. Alex e seus companheiros são frustrated teenagers, sem targets, which is only a prazer and enthusiasm through drug use and the practice of violent acts.

Not inside two own gangues, The hierarchies and structures of social oppression are repeated, with tyrant leaders like Alex Delarge.

Precarious human relations and sex as agressão

The erratic behavior of this youth is the result of a society where human relations are practically non-existent. As families, two adolescents totally estranged, do not manage to control them, they do not discipline them. With their time consumed by work, work and exhaustion, negligence of their filhos and ended by abandoning them.

As ties of friendship and irmandade between companions were also revealed frágeis, com lutas and traições. Disso turns out to absolute solidão of these individuals that we cannot depend on and trust in no one.

An extreme sexualization that runs through this entire society was translated numa Notorious objectification of women who happen to be faced as prey who are hunted for fun. Assim, following his most animalistic instincts, he transforms sex into rape, attack and mere demonstration of power.

Abuse of power and authoritarianism

Uma das principalis reflections on what the film led to legitimacy of measures of punishment and contention of crime promoted by the government. Using all the weapons, we will measure moral and ethical consequences, Justiça also becomes criminal.

Prisoners are faced as a problem that must be solved by all or custodians, even if it involves creating their own rights, their humanity and individuality, controlling their minds.

OR Authoritarian state tries to solve social problems through violence, through reeducação. A transformation to us individuals does not happen thanks to their vontade but only by manipulation, conditioning (as they are treated with animais). Alex Delarge and the companions of crime are products and symptoms of this dystopian society.

Meaning of the film

Second as declarações do own diretor, Laranja Mecânica is a social satire that reflects on the evils of psychological condition more than a ditatorial government that feared the opportunity to shape the minds of their cidadãos.

As sublinha or Father, to goodness only and real will depart from the little subject. Alex behaves better not because of his own escort, and forced to be a model city. Like a mechanical orange (metaphor that gives title to the film), Its exterior seemed natural, its interior was robotic.

Curiosities about the film

Malcolm McDowell, or main ator, feriu or olho during a gravação do film because of the equipment used in the Ludovico treatment dinners.

To raise aesthetic do gangue, Kubrick was inspired by two British social tribes who were rivais: os mods e you rockers.

O author of the book inventou a language, or Nadsat, gíria used for gangue rhymes, based on Slavic languages, not Russian and not cockney (rhymes of the British operative class)

Or film tem errors of continuity of purpose, as aposição de partos e flakes, to confuse or spectator.

Laranja Mecânica was banned from the United Kingdom by Kubrick's decision, You give negative reviews that I received.

Laranja Mecânica was censored in Brazil. Initially with two cinemas, it was shown with black plates censoring the nudez dinners.

Alex singing "Singing in the Rain" não fazia parte do guião. Or director filmou to dinner several times more sick that he was missing some coisa, then he asked him to sing and dance. Essa was a music that was not at the moment.

For dinner, two prisoners walking in circles in the courtyard, while Alex and Father conversam, recria or painting by Vincent van Gogh, Prisioneiros se Exercising (1890).


Stanley Kubrick: director of the film Laranja Mecânica


Stanley Kubrick (July 26, 1928 - March 7, 1999) was a director, roteirist and producer of North American cinema. Considered one of the two greatest film directors of all ages, he created highly controversial films that led to profound reflections on humanities and life in society.

Laranja Mecânica is considered by many or its film to be the most disruptive of it, reaching the status of a film cult and conquering a great success as a public year for decades.

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