Education, study and knowledge

Escola de Frankfurt: summary, authors, works, historical context

Jewish thinkers, mainly Marxists, began to meet in 1923 at the foundation or Institute for Social Research (in German Institut für Sozialforschung).

An interdisciplinary school (in German Frankfurter Schule), formed at the University of Frankfurt, intended to reflect on society, on or homeme on culture. You intellectuais debruçaram in questões linked to literature, philosophy, politics and economics, but also in elements of daily life

Os maiores nomes da escola foram: Theodor W. Adorno (1903-1969), Max Horkheimer (1895-1973) and Walter Benjamin (1892-1940).

I summarize

Or emergence of the School

1923 foi o year da First Week of Marxist Labor, a congress organized by Felix J. Weil (1898-1975), a professor of political science that brings together a series of intellectuals, especially Jewish.

O pai de Felix Weil, Herman Weil, immigrated to Argentina where he opened a business of cereais. A family returned to Germany in 1908 and, years later, resolved to finance the creation of the Institute. Either pai de Weil foi, therefore, or patron of the group, I have disbursed 120 thousand marks num ano for the creation of the institution. An inspiration for the creation of the school I saw the Marx-Engels Institute of Moscow, founded in 1920.

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On February 3, 1923, a decree of the Ministério da Educação de Frankfurt authorized the opening of the school.

Os primórdios da Escola

Com uma transdisciplinary approach e mostly communist, or initial idea was to promote

Research on the History of Socialism and the Operative Movement, on Economic History, on the History and Critique of Political Economy (Wiggershaus)

More logos, thinkers will expand their horizons and begin to reflect also on questions of sociology, philosophy, language, political science and psychoanalysis.

On June 22, 1924, he managed to found the Institute for Social Research (in German Institut für Sozialforschung). The institute began to be directed by Carl Grünberg, who joined the institution in 1930, when Max Horkheimer took over.

Principais nomes da Escola de Frankfurt

A school has a first geração - which includes original members such as Adorno and Marcuse - and it is customary to be considered at the age of 40.

From that period to 1967 a second geração com nomes as Habermas and Alfred Schmidt is recognized. Have to consider the existence of a third geração, which is still quite questioned.

The main thinkers in front of the Escola foram:

  • Max Horkheimer (1895-1973)
  • Theodor W. Adorno (1903-1969)
  • Carl Grünberg (1861-1940)
  • Walter Benjamin (1892-1940)
  • Friedrich Pollock (1894-1970)
  • Jürgen Habermas (1929)
  • Siegfried Kracauer (1889-1966)
  • Herbert Marcuse (1898-1979)
  • Erich Fromm (1900-1980)

Top influencers

Moved by a Marxist idealThe intellectuals of the era were greatly influenced by the readings of Freud, Weber, Nietzsche, Kant and Hegel.

As central questões raised by Escola

You intellectuals will come to the Frankfurt School working on my study on Marxist theory and will end up expanding your research horizons, focusing especially on the question of cultural industry.

They fizeram a critique of classical Marxism or observing a vacuum of knowledge - or classical Marxism did not dedicate itself to thinking in the area of ​​culture. Trying to correct esse gap, the members of the Frankfurt School will voltame olhares especially for that questão.

A critical theory

The researchers will elaborate a Critical theory about a company that sought to deixar the homecients and more bem informed - as a social consciência - seeking develop a critical spirit.

You intellectuais will wonder and tentaram fazer echo the following questões: Why do we consume? And why do we buy or what do we need? How does consumer society influence us to discard what is superfluous? In what way does the communication media alienate us and encourage us to acquire unnecessary objects? Why are we exposed to this avalanche of consumer goods?

During the investigations carried out by the Frankfurt School, I realized that the social superstructure in which we are inserted mobilizes us to carry out actions that are necessary for the economic and social system to continue to function. In other words, communication and culture are intimately daring to the domain of consumption.

Contrary to the custom, or human being not free, informed and fully autonomous, and yet part of a collective system that either faces consuming more or less consciously.

A cultural industry

Adorno e os seus companheiros de escola demonstraram uma concern with proliferation of two means of communication The impact that this quantity of information means on society.

As an analytical tool, we will discuss the means of communication and will try to analyze the cultural industry of the seu tempo.

You critical intellectuals or capitalism and thoughts Consequences of the culture of production and mass consumption. They refletiam about how mass production impacted our perception of works of art (massification of two cultural products).

Outras quests on the order of the day

Na Escola de Frankfurt thought about the questão da domination não só financeira as também (and sobretudo) cultural, psychological and political. Either authoritarianism and or totalitarianism also form issues of the day for thinkers who experience complicated political times with the rise of Nazism.

You intellectuais da Escola Thought or contemporary context and foram intellectuais of avant-garde or analysed, for example, or cinema, which was still little or nothing studied by the academy. Walter Benjamin was a pioneer in thinking about how or how he invented new techniques of reproduction that would alter our sensibility in relation to the fruitfulness of works of art (a child lost its aura).

A magazine da Escola

The works that were written by members of the school and collaborators were published in the Institute magazine originally called Zeitschrift für Sozialforschung.

O nome gives a Mudou magazine for or English later becoming Studies in Philosophy and Social Science.

About or nome da Escola

The reality or name of the Frankfurt School was given a posteriori, sometime in the sixties, to identify this group of researchers.

Context of the emergence of the Frankfurt School

The School unfolded in the inter-war period when the consequences were witnessed devastating of the First Great War as we orchestrated the signs of the Second World War.

The end of the 20s was marked by the rise of Nazism and the persecution of the Jewish people. In 1933 Horkheimer's house was invaded - you officiais will not find an intellectual nem to his woman, who warned we are living in a hotel.

Moving to the Country School

In July 1933, the school was dated Nazi hairs on the argument of developing "hostile activities" and needed to be transferred to Genebra. Lá returned to Société Internationale de Recherches Sociales. Depois ainda migrou novamente for Paris in 1934 for Nova Iorque (University of Columbia).

A Escola only returned to its original headquarters in 1953.

Published works

By Theodor Adorno

  • Cultural Industry and Society
  • Minima Moralia

By Max Horkheimer

  • Traditional Theory and Critical Theory
  • Eclipse gives reason

By Theodor Adorno and Max Horkheimer

  • Dialectics of the Clarification

By Erich Fromm

  • Analyze do homem
  • Marxist concept of homem

By Walter Benjamin

  • German art criticism not romanticism
  • At the origin of the German baroque drama

By Jürgen Habermas

  • Theory of communicative action
  • Or philosophical discourse gives modernity

By Herbert Marcuse

  • Eros and civilization
  • A ideology of industrial society

Conheça also

  • Max Weber: biography and theories
  • Nicolau Machiavel: biography and main works
  • Aristotle: life and principal works
Rebecca Fuks
Rebecca Fuks

Formed in Literature at the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro (2010), Master of Literature at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (2013) and doutora in Studies of Culture of the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro and of the Portuguese Catholic University of Lisbon (2018).

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