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O Nascimento de Vênus (Sandro Botticelli): analysis of the work

Or quadro O Nascimento de Vênus, raised between 1482 and 1485, authored by the Italian painter Sandro Botticelli (1445-1510). A canvas is an incontinuous icon of Renascimento.

Or birth of Venus

Before raising this cloth, Sandro Botticelli used to paint biblical dinners. From a journey to Rome, where he is exposed to many works of Greco-Roman culture that, he did not return home, inspired by what he saw, he began to paint dinners based on mythology.

Or quadro O Nascimento de Vênus It was commissioned by Lorenzo di Pierfrancesco, an important figure in Italian society. Lorenzo served as banker and politician and entrusted Botticelli with a small piece to decorate his house. As a result of this commission, produced between 1482 and 1485, it was a canvas sheet considered a work-first of western painting.

Main elements present in O Nascimento de Vênus

Or birth of Venus

1. Venus

Nua, not the center of the cloth, Vênus faz um pudic gesture to hide your dismissal condition. While the man is trying to collect his bills, the man is busy trying to protect the private parts.

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The light that I receive rises to its classic beauty, pure and chaste and further emphasizes her curves. Her extensive ruivo hair is enlisted throughout the body as a species of serpentine and the protagonist faces the use of a wick to hide her sex.

2. You deuses do vento

A skeleton of the cloth is embraced, united, or deus do vento Zephyrus and a nymph (it is proved that it is Aura ou Bora), who assists the protagonist Vênus assoprando em direção à terra.

In assopram, we assist or drop the roses. As roses, second to mythology, nasceram when Venus pôs o pene em terra firme and fazem reference to the feeling of love.

3. Deusa da Primavera

On the right side of the square is Deusa Primavera, waiting for Venus to cover her and protect her with a flowery mantle. She represents renoção e tudo aquilo that blooms during spring.

4. To shell

A present shell na Botticelli's work-prima symbolizes a fertilidade e o prazer. O shell format refers to female sex. It is customary to be considered also a symbol of batism.

Renaissance characteristics em O Nascimento de Vênus

To compare his fabric, Botticelli sought classical ancient inspiration.

Likewise, as in other Renaissance works, it is evident here that the influence of the Greco-Roman culture and the reference to the Pagã culture. (Furthermore, generally during this historical period it is possible to affirm that Italian artists often drink in culture pay). Nesse sense, or Renascimento promotes a true revolution, we think not just about influences.

In thermos of form, clam-se harmony It is a composition of a classical beauty, factors that can be observed in the perfection of the construction of the body of Venus.

TO valorization of nature It is also another characteristic element of movement that can be seen on the canvas painted by Botticelli.

Or quadro also presents two conquests of Renascimento: to elaboração da tecnica da perspective e da depth. We observe how the protagonist of the quadro is enormous, in the foreground, when compared to the ocean landscape when it was founded.

Detailed analysis

Botticelli, an innovative artist

Botticelli can be considered a bold and progressive artist from many points of view. He was the first to paint a woman other than Eva, a quite controversial gesture for his time.

He was also the first two artists to paint mythological paintings, which praised the culture of the Pagã, initiating a true renovation in the Renaissance period.

Not satisfied for breaking so many paradigms, Botticelli was added two first breeders to paint pictures on canvas in Tuscany. At this time the images were traditionally painted on the wall or on wood.

Envelope or title of painting

Despite the title inducing or observer to prove the event described, Botticelli did not paint itself or was born from Vênus, more similar to the myth below, when Deusa was propelled over a shell with two winds to reach the island of Cyprus.

Movement no quadro

Or quadro O Nascimento de Vênus It is marked by a movement concept that can be observed from a series of elements.

Repair, for example, the muse's hair, we wear two dresses, no flowery mantle and the roses that fall from the ground. Through the use of technique, Botticelli is able to transmit to the observer a feeling of agitation.

Or cloth background

Or second plane gives fabric idealized by Botticelli is extremely rich. Observe a series of details that the painter introduced not his work: either sea appears scales, or chão green present on the coast seems to be a rug of relief and as folhas das trees têm not usuais details dourados.

A landscape sublimates the beauty of Venus and chama to attention for its prominence.


Certainly one of the inspirations of the Italian painter was a Greek statue Vênus Capitolina, a sculpture of the Ancient One that appears in the same position as Vênus de Botticelli.

Vênus Capitolina
Vênus Capitolina served as inspiration for the composition of Botticelli's muse.

It is also supposed that the protagonist is made of fabric inspired by Simonetta Cattaneo Vespúcio, wife of a rich merchant and beauty icon by Sandro Botticelli and a series of artists Renaissance.

Practical information do quadro O Nascimento de Vênus

Not original Nascita di Venere
Dimensions 1.72m x 2.78m
Year of breeding between 1482 and 1485
Where are you Galleria degli Uffizi (Florença, Italy)
Technique tempera on fabric
Artistic movement to which it belongs Revival

Quem foi Sandro Botticelli

Born on March 1, 1445, Alessandro di Mariano di Vanni Filpepi, known not as artistic just like Sandro Botticelli, would become a two maiores nomes do Italian Renascimento.

The artist was the son of a leather tanner and, when he was 17 years old, he was introduced to the celebrated Italian artist Filippino Lippi, who would become his master. Assim começou a carreira do painter.

Self-portrait by Sandro Botticelli.
Self-portrait by Sandro Botticelli.

In 1470 the artist won some recognition and passed to serve the famous Medici family, the most important ones in Italy.

Not the beginning of the Botticelli career produces religious and biblical fabrics, as time passes to receive a greater influence of Greco-Latin culture and produces works of art with paid motives.

Sandro Botticelli assinou works-raw as O Nascimento de Vênus, To Adoração dos Magos and A Tentação de Cristo.

Conheça also

  • Renascimento: a guide on the artistic movement
  • The most famous paintings in the world
  • Quadro Mona Lisa by Leonardo da Vinci
  • A Criação de Adão de Michelangelo
  • Quadro O Beijo, by Gustav Klimt
  • Quadro A Ronda Noturna, by Rembrandt
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