Neoclassicism: architecture, painting, sculpture and historical context
O Neoclassicism occurred between 1750 and 1850 and was marked by a retaking of elements of Greco-Roman culture.
The great names of the former period French painters Jean Auguste Dominique Ingres and Jacques Louis David and Italian sculptor Antonio Canova.
In Brazil we should highlight or work two painters Jean-Baptiste Debret and Nicolas-Antoine Taunay, apart from works by the architect Grandjean de Montigny.
A neoclassical art
Also known as um novo classicismo, neoclassical art ficou marked by taking up two values of the Greco-Roman culture.
The artistic movement that followed the French revolution saw the depois of the rococo, turned against baroque aesthetics, both with a lot of ornamentation, considered futile, irregular and excessive. A neoclassical art valued overtudo or formal. Essa geração links to art with the function of carrying or ânimo dos seus contemporaries.
Or Neoclassicism foi a period marked hairs Illuminist ideas, that we value rationally and diminish the importance of religious beliefs. During this period we see religious representations losing value and painters interested in recording historical events or portraits.
![A banhista de Valpinçon](/f/ce2428ff9ca623af2162815d45fc3242.jpg)
Historical context: or neoclassical period
Embora scholars apontem different dates, it can be affirmed that Neoclassicism occurred approximately between 1750 and 1850.
It was about a period of deep social changes in various aspects.
Between the XVIII and XIX centuries there will be changes in the philosophical field (ascensão do lIuminismo), from the technological point of view (a Industrial Revolution), also significant changes in the political sphere (to the French Revolution) in the sphere of the arts (a fatigue of baroque aesthetics).
A neoclassical architecture
This genre of architecture is marked by taking up two classics, which occurred in ancient times, tending to be the ideal of beauty or which was raised in Rome and in Greece. Not by chance, in Europe começaram or period das large excavations, archeology lived days of glory.
We observe neoclassical buildings in the presence of Roman and Greek columns, facades, vaults and domes.
An example of this style can be observed in Portão de Brandenburg, located in Berlim:
![Portão of Brandenburg](/f/883539cf14ce8de322112abe88793b96.jpg)
A neoclassical architecture was known for its imposition, but its exaggeration to demonstrate economic and social power.
O maior nome desse period foi o do French architect Pierre-Alexandre Barthélémy Vignon (1763-1828), responsible for the construction that served as an icon for the neoclassical: the Church of Maria Madalena, located in Paris.
![Church of Maria Madalena](/f/8aec6410b93cb0d95144400dd5966ec6.jpg)
A neoclassical painting
As more balanced, discreet and with great contrasts, neoclassical painting, as well as architecture, It also exalted the exalted Greco-Roman values, showing special inspiration from ancient sculptures.
We observe some works in the presence of people as uma idealized beauty. Another interesting feature is that there are no brushstroke marks.
![O oath two Horácios](/f/8ee755b11acbf410c2948260194afc00.jpg)
You work from that period to apostat em realistic images, precise contours with objectivity and rigor.
Artists are concerned with golden ratio, exibiam illustrações feitas from precise calculations and apresentavam rigidity no method.
The importance of noteworthy harmony is especially important to us, many beautiful portraits.
The great names of the two painters Jacques Louis David and Jean Auguste Dominique Ingres.
The classic works of Jacques Loius David - who was the leading French neoclassical illustrator, or Napoleão Bonaparte's official illustrator and gives court during the French Revolution -, são o quadro Marat assassinated, To the death of Socrates and O oath two Horácios.
![Marat assassinated](/f/20f1a9d29a921063da78606f7124689c.jpg)
The second great name was also French Jean Auguste Dominique, who was one of David and painted classic works that became great works of Western painting such as the paintings. A banhista de Valpinçon and Jupiter e Tetis.
![Jupiter e Tetis](/f/054190f46f235d04392d6c5d609c521d.jpg)
A neoclassical sculpture
Feitas mainly with marble and bronze, a neoclassical sculpture was created from themes related to Greek and Roman mythology.
The work will be turned mainly to representation of two great heroes, two important people and two illustrious public homens.
Assim like painting, there was a constant concern with looking for a harmony.
The French were a reference in terms of fabrics, Italy has been designated as an icon in terms of sculpture.
Not by chance, or principal nome desse period foi o do Italian sculptor Antonio Canova (1757-1821). As suas principalis works of him foram Psyche reanimated (1793), Perseus (1797) e Venus victorious (1808).
![Antonio Canova](/f/208695df350a18ff1743dc272142b563.jpg)
Em Perseus (1797) we see an important mythology personage as the head of Medusa na mão. A peça was inspired by the work Apollo Belvedere, a Roman creation of the second century BC. C that can be found in the Vatican museum.
Neoclassicism Brazil
Or Neoclassicism does not have a great impact in Brazil.
This period marked by the presence of the French artistic missão in our country. As a 1808 court move from Portugal to Rio de Janeiro, a force was organized to promote the arts in this colony.
Thus, a group of French artists will visit Rio de Janeiro as the intention of founding and directing the Escola de Artes e Ofícios.
The great nomes dessa geração foram os painters Jean-Baptiste Debret and Nicolas-Antoine Taunay, which fizeram important portraits desse tempo.
![Jean-Baptiste Debret](/f/66982a2ccc5fb1e419f36ec75dd4b592.jpg)
Despite serem of the same style and terem worked during the same period, Nicolas-Antoine Taunay followed a line different from his contemporary and painted over all Rio de Janeiro landscapes:
![Nicolas-Antoine Taunay](/f/3deec40deb8aba81ad832529d819e3a8.jpg)
In terms of architecture, there are also many reference constructions from that time. We can highlight three construções, all located in Rio de Janeiro: Casa França-Brasil, PUC-Rio and facade of the Imperial Academy of Belas Artes.
The most important architect of that period was Grandjean de Montigny, a French architect who became or first professor of architecture in Brazil.
Conheça also
- Romanticism: characteristics, historical context and authors
- Baroque: all about or artistic movement
![Rebecca Fuks Rebecca Fuks](/f/e8edd9786de5939c13cf7f536336c48f.jpg)
Formed in Literature at the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro (2010), Master of Literature at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (2013) and doutora in Studies of Culture of the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro and of the Portuguese Catholic University of Lisbon (2018).