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Nicolau Machiavel: biography and main works

Nicolau Machiavel (1469 - 1527) was an intellectual of the Italian Renascimento that broadly marked modern political thought.

Born in the Florentine Republic, Niccolò Machiavelli excelled in areas of philosophy, diplomacy and history, having also dedicated himself to other subjects, such as poetry and music.

Até leaf, or author is planted mainly light hair Or prince The adjective "Machiavellian", created on purpose, gives his work and the interpretations that he aroused.

Quem foi Machiavell: summarized biography

Youth and political career

Filho de Bartolomea and Bernardo de 'Nelli, Machiavellian born in the Florentine Republic, in 1469, being or third of four irmãos. Embora a family does not have many financial possibilities, Nicolau frequents the University of Florença and studies classical languages ​​and calculus.

Besides two serious studies, we do not know much about the beginning of the life of the thinker. Contudo, his history of him really began to be written at the age of 29, when enter political life as secretary of the Second Chancellor.

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Portrait of Nicolau Machiavel

There is no evidence about the reasons that we will take Machiavellian escort for or position. Some sources apontam that the játeria worked not local before; Others certify that it was at the direction of Marcelo Virgilio Adriani, a former master.

As of today, Nicolau Machiavel started as suas diplomatic missões, in the Florentine Republic, by various points of Europe. During that period, he entered into contact and observed the measures of two great rulers of his time.

Among them, the name of César Bórgia stands out, or Duke Valentino, who was the father of Pope Alexandre VI and had known for the violence of two serious ones of him.

In 1501, Machiavelli married Marietta Corsini, as he saw six filhos, but only five survived.

Machiavelli and the Medici family

The destiny of Nicolau Machiavel crossed several times as a family that defined that era: you Medici. The Italian peninsula, naquele tempo, was divided into numerous states that grieved each other, through various territorial disputes.

Despite do instability climate, or Florentine statesman Lourenço de Medici managed to negotiate a union between two Italian states face to the external ameaças. Contudo, to his dismissal trouxe the Republic during which Machiavell was nominated.

Also, when Medici returned to power, Machiavelli was eventually expelled from office, fined and forced to leave the city. There is also a period that either a part of him was found, a list of inimigos of the state, or that fez as a fosse prisoner and tortured.

Incredible as it may seem, the life of the philosopher is most revived thanks to the Medici family. In 1513, when João de Lourenço de Medici, a statesman, became Pope Leo X, Machiavelli was two prisoners to receive a special anistia.

Exile, literature and the last years

Again in freedom, Machiavell he got sick of Florença, exiling na province and dedicating himself totally to writing.

It was the time that the author produced some famous works, such as Or prince, I wrote to History of Florença, at the request of Clemente VII, successor do Papa Leão X.

Statue of Nicolau Machiavel

In 1527, after two Medici will be overthrown and the Republic will be newly established, Machiavell will continue to be able to return to Florença, as he was associated with the old regime.

Nesse same year, he saw him die, depois de sofrer fortes dores intestinais, and his body was buried in the Basilica of Santa Cruz.

As works of Machiavellian: books principais

Nicolau Machiavel was a product of his tempo; Likewise, his writings will provoke or shock and confront current morals.

In this second goal of the XV century, the Italian states will attend a confrontation of antagonistic ideas: on one side was the Catholic Church, on the other side or Renaissance thought.

As we will see below, or Renascimento saw recovering the classical influences that placed me or Homem not in the center of the world, questioning or power of the Igreja. We hear from his writings, Nicolau Machiavel thinks of political power as something that must be separated from religious morality.

Por tudo isto, or former diplomat passou to be faced like uma ameaça for a religion and até associated with the diabo.

Foi also that arose or adjective "Machiavellian", which continues in use in the second or dictionary, means "perfidious", "cunning" or "sem scruples".

It is important to never lose sight of the historical context, not what Machiavellian was about or what Machiavell was writing about and, mainly, what led to his "fame de mau".

Or prince

Among the books of Machiavell, Or prince é, sem dúvida, or more famous and also that provoked greater reactions of scandal. Written no year of 1513, at the time when the author was exiled to the province, or the text was only published in 1532, já depois gives his death of him.

The work is divided into 26 chapters and reflects on questions related to government, or state and ethics. I do not fund, this é um free of political councilors that aims to orient a ruler, sublining the ways as this must maintain and increase his territory.

These reflections were gathered from the contact of Machiavellian with various reis and statesmen, long year he gives his life as a diplomat. It is also credited that the book was written as an intention to please the Medici family and return to Florença.

Capa do livro O Príncipe, by Nicolau Maquiavel.

A thinker of Renascimento, Machiavell defended a humanist stance, which he valued or Homem as a measure of all sorts. Essa linha de pensamento veio place as cause or absolute power gives Igreja that he ended up interfering with politics.

At a time of instability on the Italian peninsula, or a philosopher accredited that a governor needed to adapt to local circumstances and to make it necessary to maintain his power. At the same time, it was not convenient that religious morality should go to the second to which a king or a statesman should be guided.

Isto gerou a associação da phrase "We justify you meios"To Machiavell, despite the fact that the work does not appear verbatim. Nothing true, what the writer defended was autonomy of politics, ou seja, that it should not be dependent on two preceitos Cristãos.

Contrary hair, Maquiavel refletiu on a necessity of uma "reason of state", a perspective that separates religious ethics from politics, benefiting and prioritizing the interests of the government.

Em Or prince, or a thinker, festeva gives idealistic visions and tries to disbelieve the political events about a realistic otics. Assim, Machiavell is also appointed as two pioneers of political science.

Or free Or prince It is available for download in Portuguese, in PDF format.

To Arte da Guerra

Composted between the years 1519 and 1520, the express work or political thought of Machiavellian, together with Or prince.

Inspired also by classical references, through a prefácio e seven chapters, or philosopher reflects on a iImportance of military forces and how they should be organized.

Capa do livro A Arte da Guerra, by Maquiavel.

During a time of battles and territorial disputes, Nicolau Maquiavel problematized the links between the army and the State. Second to your sight of him, you exércitos were fundamental for stability of a governo.

I do not think of Machiavellian, in order for him to gain freedom, he would also need to be protected by armed forces, prepared to defend and attack.

Nicolau Machiavel quotes

Or desire to conquer is something very natural and common; those who obtain success in conquering always louvados, and jamais censored; Those who do not have the conditions to conquer, but want to face any custodian, commit a mistake that deserves to be recriminated.

Let us also ask to know if it is better to be loved than to be feared. In response, it would be undesirable to be loved and feared at the same time, but, as such a difficult combination, it is much safer to be feared, it was necessary to choose.

E um vcio comum to all the homens, or I will not import as the storm will not last the bonança.

When you start out, you are not forced to fight for necessity, fight for ambition.

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