Analysis and explanation of music O Tempo Não Para de Cazuza
To music "O Tempo Não Para", made up of an album like the same, from 1988, is two most famous songs by the singer Cazuza. Or album, fourth from artist to solo, was recorded live, being or last record live e o seu maior succession of bandages.
A letter of the song, authored by Cazuza and Arnaldo Brandão, face a portrait of his tempo. Fala das contradições da sociedade Brasileira which, once released, remained moralistic and conservative.
![Layer of the album O Tempo Não Para de Cazuza, 1988.](/f/70a743c638d2b7da0207546dc1d363f7.jpg)
Music lyrics O Tempo Não Para
Shot against or sun
Sou forte, sou by chance
Minha Metralhadora Cheia of Mágoas
Eu sou um cara
Tired of running
In the opposite direction
Sem podium of chegada ou beijo de namorada
Eu sou mais um caraMore you will achar
That you have been defeated
I knew that he was still rolling the dice
Because o tempo, o tempo não paraSim days, no days
Eu vou surviving sem um arranhão
Da caridade de quem hates meA tua tá cheia pool of moments
Your ideas do not correspond to the facts
O tempo não forEu old or future repeat or past
Eu vejo um museum of great news
O tempo não for
No for no, no forI do not have data to commemorate
Sometimes the meus days são de par em par
Seeking agulha num palheiroNas noites de frio é melhor nem nascer
Nas of heat, it is escorted, and to kill or to die
And so we become Brazilian
Te chamam de Ladão, de Bicha, Maconheiro
Transform a country inside number puteiro
Pois assim se ganha mais dinheiroA tua tá cheia pool of moments
Your ideas do not correspond to the facts
O tempo não forEu old or future repeat or past
Eu vejo um museum of great news
O tempo não for
No for no, no forSim days, no days
Eu vou surviving sem um arranhão
Da caridade de quem hates meA tua tá cheia pool of moments
Your ideas do not correspond to the facts
Não, or tempo não forEu old or future repeat or past
Eu vejo um museum of great news
O tempo não for
No for no, no, no, no, no for
Analyze gives music
"O Tempo Não Para" seems to be a defiance, a scream of a revolt of the little subject who, as he was falasse sozinho, goes to a society that or rejeita, exposed to his hypocrisy. Showing up early for Luta, he is convinced that one day he will change.
Shot against or sun
Sou forte, sou by chance
Minha Metralhadora Cheia of Mágoas
A first stanza comes with an image of violence and violence: a shot. Shooting against the sun is a pure revolt, pois and useless, no purpose. Or subject, he acknowledges his own force and affirms that it is "by chance", or something, not moved by reason or logic.
Shoot his "metralhadora cheia de mágoas": his weapon to face the world is sad, as suas dores, the soups that passou e carrega nos ombros.
Eu sou um cara
Tired of running
In the opposite direction
Sem podium of chegada ou beijo de namorada
Eu sou mais um cara
Unbelieving first as "um cara" and, later, as "mais um cara", it conveys the idea that it is a home, some banal, nothing remarkable.
It is hardly more an individual "tired of running in the opposite direction", a person who lives under socially imposed norms, or who is inevitably tired and exhausted.
He does not have love, does not have a standard relationship (or, hair less, within two current patrons), without vitórias or reconhecimento two serious efforts.
More you will achar
That you have been defeated
I knew that he was still rolling the dice
Because o tempo, o tempo não para
From the beginning of the third stanza, or subject it begins to fail directly as or seu ouvinte, "você". Num a challenge, he provokes those who think he is a loser, saying that nothing is decided because "he is still rolling the dice." Nobody knows the future, everyone is open.
Here it arises, for the first time, or a verse that will be repeated throughout the entire song, being also its title: "o tempo não para". So it is always changing, in constant transformation, nothing physical as it is in the present moment. Even though he is in his previous situation, he cannot give up, because life is unforeseeable.
Sim days, no days
Eu vou surviving sem um arranhão
Da caridade de quem hates me
Falla about the difficulties that he faces every day, in his daily struggle, he expresses through the verb "survive". Despite all the vicissitudes, the little guy affirms that he survives "sem um arranhão", he doesn't hurt more, he stays strong, he continues in front.
De novo num tom provocative, he declares that he maintains himself through "da caridade" that he hates, ou seja, his survival depends on what they do not give him.
A tua tá cheia pool of moments
Your ideas do not correspond to the facts
O tempo não for
It is directed, more once, to a seu ouvinte (a Brazilian society), through the use of two possessive pronouns "tua" and "tuas". A pool is a sinal exterior of posses, of luxo, which contrasts with the presence of moments, normally associated with a subject, or esgoto.
A swimming pool of moments seems to metaphorize to life of endowed social classes whose financial resources do not get disarmed, the segregated coverts, the scandalous episodes.
Alem you give false appearances, also mention contradictions and preconceptions. Declares that the interlocutor's ideas "do not correspond to the facts", that he is deceived and to the reality that he accredits.
Eu old or future repeat or past
Eu vejo um museum of great news
O tempo não for
No for no, no for
Or subject to reflect on the inevitability of the passage of time and the way it happens, sublining that History is repeated ("Eu old or future repeat or past"). What is new now, soon it will be old, it will part two historical stories, it will belong to the past.
I do not have data to commemorate
Sometimes the meus days são de par em par
Seeking agulha num palheiro
He returns to narration for two days that he will have some verses before. Or subject is failing again from himself, reinforcing that he has no joys or cheers, he has nothing to celebrate. He discovers his daily life and the way he lives, looking for something that he cannot achieve, such as "agulha num palheiro".
Nas noites de frio é melhor nem nascer
Nas of heat, it is escorted, and to kill or to die
And so we become Brazilian
Te chamam de Ladão, de Bicha, Maconheiro
Transform a country inside number puteiro
Pois assim se ganha mais dinheiro
Not cold or not hot, in all dining rooms it is difficult, difficult, or frosty. Ao affirm that "even so we become Brazilian", or little subject suggests that either a Brazilian or a result of our daily struggle. His spirit of war, determined, resilient, arises thanks to all the obstacles he encounters, but he is not obliged to go beyond.
It expounds the criticisms that it gives on the part of the society that offends and those that it does not know, based on the behaviors that it faces as dissident or deviant. Someone who had two fathers (in this case, due to their sexual orientation and bohemian life) is classified as marginal, some with a character.
It also has a strong criticism of the government and the way in which we sacrifice the interests of the country and do poorly in function of profit and economic motivations.
Popular interpretations
Social criticism and political denunciation
“O Tempo Não Para” is the answer of a tired individual more determined to fight “against the current”. It seeks to expose hypocrisy and inconsistencies in Brazilian conservatism, as well as corruption and the gain of two politicians that result in the degradation of Brazil.
Aids and preconceito
A music was released in 1988, one year after Cazuza it was publicly assumed that he was infected with the HIV virus and was with Aids.
At the time, a doença still was little known, waking up or panic between a society, which related, in a preconceiving way, or viruses to promiscuous or morally wrong behaviors.
Assim, or soropositivo sofria em dobro: além da doença, in the period of living treatment, also faced or despised hostilities from quem or julgava, marginalized and censured.
Um two frequent comments about this theme that relates or verse “A tua pool tá cheia de ratos” with a supposed episode lived by singing hair. From telling Brazil that he had AIDS, he had been prevented from entering a public pool, a number of obvious and ignorant discrimination.
Nessa linha, the verses "Se você achar que eu tô defeated / Saiba who is still rolling the dice", would be Cazuza's way of reviving accusations in the hate speech that he was alvo.
He responds, I didn’t take it from the front, let them quase já or davam as dead, showing that he was still alive and well, making music, giving shows.
Military and repressive status
A possible other interpretation is the one that relates, in a more explicit way, the lyrics of music as the tempos of the military character. Embora had been written about the remains of the regime, or it became a revolt, as a war cry, it easily draws us into an atmosphere of political and social repression.
At the same time, we could understand that the first verse of the letter would mean an evident posture of resistance to the system, here understood as the sun, or center of tudo, holder of all or power.
"O Tempo Não Para" can be seen as a challenge to a young man who lives for a long time and continues to militate, resist. In spite of all the difficulties, or subject does not give up, he continues to prove his future freedom, in the wake of an iminent revolution.
Historical context: conservatism versus freedom of expression
In 1988, or Brazil faced a very peculiar moment of its History. On the one hand, the age collapsed three years before, as a phenomenon of hyperinflation, on the other, the mentalities continue to be impregnated with conservatism.
It was expected that people would continue to live within a set of socially established parameters and viewed as morally correct. All who defied this restrictive morality were excluded and marginalized, no more than the military police, but the Brazilian society itself.
On the other hand, the 1988 Nova Constituição saw the end of the Brazilian laws and the remnants of military repression, restoring freedom of expression. During this period of change in our political, economic and social paradigms, youth was lost, trying to find their way.
You dissident young people, like Cazuza and your companions of geração, did not know what it would be like or the future but we continue to struggle with serious hair. We will seek freedom from the nursery of the jeito that we want, defying parents and breaking taboos daily.
Meaning of music
We can commit, as the main message of the theme, to the determination and spirit of the little subject that challenges models and ways of life and also the price that peels his or her desire.
Embora Cazuza is not the sole author of the lyrics, and it is easy to identify a possible autobiographical content. Charismatic figure and involved in controversies, or singer lived his music, through his work, which was appreciated by many but also a source of criticism and accusations.
To the media and to the Brazilian society or amavam but also hate, criticizing their love relationships with other homens, their rebellion and irreversibility, or their boêmio spirit, etc. Assim, we can say that, in a certain way, he lived "da caridade" de quem or detestava.
His teaching aroused many preconceptions to a society that every time more he turned to the coasts. At the same time that he or he left enquantoo cidadão and indivíduo, he loved and sang chorus of music.
Nesta canção, Cazuza responds to all the criticisms, fala directly as those who either despise, who or insult. He warns that he will move on to change, that intolerant and ignorant ideas will be overthrown, pois or tempo transforms all things.
Cazuza: musical and cultural icon
![Portrait of Cazuza.](/f/333496e8ac08705336a389f45b2f2404.jpg)
Agenor of Miranda Araújo Neto was born on April 4, 1958, winning or named after Cazuza even during childhood.
Fã two great Brazilian popular artists and mixed with American rock, he discovers music in his great paixão, at the same time that he writes poetry and lifts a boêmio lifestyle.
He achieved fame with the Barão Vermelho band. founded in 1981, in which he was a vocalist and lyricist. Four years after, he left the band to continue a solo career. Seu first solo album, "Exaggerated", released in 1985.
In 1987, Cazuza discovered that he had HIV and was hospitalized. He records "O Tempo Não Para", conscious of his teaching and perhaps motivated by it, thinking of a short life of life in the urgency of a nursery.
In 1989, he assumed that he was positive and false about his teaching, helping the Brazilian public to demystify it. He faces public appearances even when his health is very weakened, becoming an example of strength and resilience.
He died at the age of 32, July 7, 1990, due to health complications caused by Aids. Leaving a vast artistic legacy, Cazuza entered the history of music in the Brazilian society, as an ambassador of a progressive thought and one of the most notable figures of his creation.
Cazuza - O Tempo Não Para: 2004 film
Besides being the title of the music and Cazuza's album, "O Tempo Não Para" also gives me a 2004 film, directed by Sandra Werneck and Walter Carvalho.
Inspired by the life and not the work of the singer, or a film reflects on his path and his contribution to the transformation of Brazilian mentalities.
A cinematographic work item by base or book Only as more are they happy (1997) authored by Lucinha Araújo, singer, in collaboration with journalist Regina Echeverria.
![Cazuza film poster - O Tempo Não Para](/f/13560dcffe44c428ba390637dad6e605.jpg)
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Conheça also
- Cazuza Ideology Music
- Melhores Brazilian music of all tempos
- Famous music about a Brazilian military leader
- Music Pra não dizer que não falei das flores, by Geraldo Vandré
- Tempo Perdido Music, by Legião Urbana
- Music Drão, by Gilberto Gil
- Brazil music show your face