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Homer's Odisseia: detailed analysis, interpretation and summary

TO Odysseia It is an epic poem, written by Homer, which narrates the troubled journey of the hero Ulisses to return home from the Troia War. Considered the second work of Western literature, Odysseia integrates the beginning of the canon liteário da região.

Together with Iliad, of the same author, part of the fundamental readings of Grécia Antiga that continue to influence our narratives and collective imagery. Come to know more about the incredible journey of Ulisses and his hope for the series!


Ulisses, a Greek hero, known for his serious gifts of reasoning and discourse, tries to navigate the house of vitória in the war of Troia. Tormented by Poseidon, from his two seas, and protected by Athena throughout the day, he faces various obstacles and perigos, trying to turn for Ithaca and for the arms of the mulher, Penelope.

Attention: starting from this point, or artigo contém revelations about the narrative.

Structure of work

TO Odysseia é um epic poem, ou seja, a poetic composition that narrates the history of um povo, valuing your precious little ones. The texts of this literary genre were created as an intuition of recited and transmitted through orality, attracting attention and awakening the emotions of two people.

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Once they were written to be performed in public, these poems were rather non-paced. Divided em 24 songs, to Odysseia It is composed of 12 thousand hexameter verses, from 13 to 17 syllables, which vary between long and short grega languages.

The work is considered one of the first epics (synonymous with "epic poem"), as a narrator who exalts the conquests and bravery of a hero or povo, reproducing legends of oral tradition.

In terms of the organization of the poem, we can identify three great passages. At first, known by Telemaquia (songs I to IV), it narrates the interactions of the deusa Atena as a young Telemaco, who tries to guide during the absence of the country. Logo does not começo, we can find out or palácio where Penelope resists two applicants invested.

A second time he seizes the journey of Ulisses (songs IX to XII), when he tells or reigns two Feaces the fantastic obstacles that he faced with him. A third passage is also a major and treats Vingança de Ulisses (cantos XIII até XXIV) when he manages to return to Ithaca.

Personagens principais da Odysseia


  • Ulisses He is the main personage of the work, a little conventional hero who tries to solve problems through logic and rhetoric, not through violence. Despite all the difficulties, she reveals a resilient spirit and never gives up finding her family.
  • Penelope She is the wife of Ulisses, who is responsible for ruling Ithaca and raising Telemachus during her husband's absence. When everyone assumes that she has lived, dozens of invaded applicants or her palácio do not expect to marry with her. Penelope invents a scheme to deceive everyone and keep her husband's fidelity.
  • Telemachus é o filho de Penelope e Ulisses who was hardly a child when or pai partiu. I sell or invaded palácio hairs pretending to me, she leaves in search of news from the country and matures for the long term of the narrative, guided by deusa Atena.
  • Nausícaa It is the princess dos Feaces who meets Ulisses nas margens do Rio, in a supplicant pose. Embora, she first became frightened with the presence of an unknown person, she fica in pain of him and decided to help him to enter the city and not the palace of his country.
  • Alcinous he is or laughed two Feaces, so that Ulisses recounted all his misadventures of him. O rei agrees to render aid, sending the protagonist to a nau to Ithaca and defying the wrath of Poseidon, of his two seas.

Divine / Fantastic

  • Zeus, na grega mythology, he or supreme deus, pai de todos os deuses and chef do Olimpo. Na work, seeks to maintain peace between the divinities that lutam to determine the destiny of Ulisses.
  • Athena, in mythology, she is the filha of Zeus, deusa da wisdom, da justice e da strategy. Defender of Ulisses até o final, she says that he deserves to return to Ithaca and help or heroi and his filho throughout the adventure.
  • Poseidon, irmão de Zeus, é o deus dos mares that declares war on Ulisses when he blinds or seu filho from him, Polyphemus, or Cyclops. Through storms, shipwrecks and monstrous creatures, she makes every step of her journey difficult.
  • Hermes é o mesageiro dos deuses, who descended to the world two humans several times to announce vontade dos ceus. The one who answers Ulisses from Calypso's ilha and who teaches to free himself from Circe's enchantment.
  • Calypso She is a nymph who lives alone in a way where Ulisses will stop being shipwrecked. As a guerreiro as a refém, she has the face of everything to conquer or her love, trying to promise immortality, but nothing works.
  • Circe é uma feiticeira, filha do Sol, who lives na ilha de Eana. Conhened by her enchantments and poções, she transforms the homens of the Ulisses crew into pigs, but ends up helping or heroic.

Analysis and interpretation of Odysseia from Homer

I do not know VIII a. C., Homero escreveu a IliadAppointed as the initial book of Western literature, where it is about the Trojan War. Or second book, OdysseiaDava told what happened after the battle, when Ulisses tried to return.

A dated poem and controversial, but it is credited that it comes from the seventh century. C. There is also dúvidas about the authorship: embora tenham been attributed to Homer ainda na Grécia Antiga, as works gather elements of oral tradition dated from the past.

With an incalculable influence on Western literature, Odysseia inspiration service for works such as Aeneid by Virgílio e The Lusiads by Luís Vaz de Camões when we have the information. Um two serious aspects more notice how it is built, as a beginning in media res, which was reproduced in numerous later works.

It is about a literary technique that allows us to enter into the meta of the history, revealing the events that happened before through memories and flashbacks.

A work began during or concilio two deuses, as deities not Olympus discussing or fate of Ulisses, while he is imprisoned in the island of Calypso. A long year of the narrative, through the stories that it tells and that are told about or heroi, we know knowing that he was there.

Why is Ulisses traveling?

Bela Helena, rainha of Sparta and woman of Menelau, was abducted by Páris, prince of Troia. To regain honor and honor, the king gathers several Greek leaders ("os aqueus") and leaves for Troia.

Ulisses was forced to abandon his land, Mulher Penelope and or filho Telemaco to fight alongside his companion. Or I confront for a decade and I have been defeated thanks to the intelligence of the hero, which suggests or "cavalo de Troia". Tudo isso is narrated na Iliad.

Depois so much luta, ele I just wanted to go home, but I was obliged to sail for 10 years, passing through the hair "or kingdom of two dead men" (Hades). I do not canto IX, Essa vontade manifests as melancholy:

Nothing old from mais twelve do that at sight da nossa terra.

Despite everything or fatigue, he does not give up his missão and ends up having success.

Relationships between humans and deuses

Na grega mythology, as divinities were long to be perfect. Nas paixões, nas fúrias e nos defeitos eram quite like human years, reflected nossas falhas. Also, there are several cases in which two fatalities are destined for each other, skipping more than two deuses.

No Olympus, during or conciliation, is deusa Athena who calls attention to the sadness of Ulisses, who was imprisoned on the island of Calypso. A nymph, who was battered with gray hair, will not oil her rejection of her and or force her to live with her. At the command of Zeus, Hermes She descended to earth for freedom and, later, to warn about Circe's perigos.

I do not sing V, when he leaves ilha, he seems to be aware of all the obstacles that he will still encounter. In one of the most established instânces of the poem, he shows his strength of himself, against everyone and everyone.

E se some deus me ferir no mar cor de vinho aguentarei: pois tenho no peito um heart that aguenta a dor.

That, at times, the headquarters of Vingança two deuses became a martyrdom for humans. Poseidon, I laughed two seas, I was com raiva of Ulisses because he was blinded or Cyclops Polyphemus, he was filmed by him. She wanted, then, to use these waters to end her life.

Contudo, Athena She protests and assumes the role of defender of the hero, affirming, inasmuch as she deserves justice and wisdom, that she deserves to return to Ithaca. Of fato, it seems to have uma special bond between a deusa e o human, which she tries to favor throughout the work. Over the course of the narrative, she assumes the form of many people and also emerges in dreams to converse as people and serve as a guide.

His protection from him extends to Telemachus, or young prince of Ithaca. During the designated songs of "Telemaquia", a deusa travels with him, something that can be considered a kind of "training romance". Athena tries to prepare Telemachus for adult life, taught to be independent and to deal with other people.

I do not sing XVI, when country and filho are found, Telémaco listens to the misadventures of Ulisses and acknowledges divine protection:

There is no mortal man who achieves such a feat for his intelligence, unless someone else sees his help ...

Assim, a traced epic or eternal dilemma: destiny versus free-arbitrary. Just as you interfere, there are escorts and actions that determine your destiny.

Isso is evident, for example, with the words of Circe for Ulisses, I do not sing XII, when she sees me, she warns him about the perigos who or expected:

(...) já não I will tell you continuously how it will be to direção do teu caminho, but your own will decide (...)

Penelope deceives you

Logo does not come from the work, not the first song, or the narrator fails on the palace of Ithaca that was being invaded by numerous applicants who wanted to marry Penelope. To woman, who many thought we were going to be a widow, she still accredited not returning from Ulisses and she refused to escort a new husband.

A history seems to reflect the role of the woman in the ancient Grécia culture. Due to the prolonged absence of her husband and a young woman, she cannot continue to govern Ithaca and pressed for or match.

As your options for her to return home to a country or escort to a new husband who has to lead or kingdom, enter her vast list of applicants for her. Likewise, described as "sensible" and noticeable with her "bom senso" hair, Penelope finds a way to escape to her fate.

Assim, using a typically feminine tarefa, find a way to trick those homens. He says that he is having a plan to place where he is not going to make a decision when to finish.

Embora pass or inteiro day do not tear, during a night, everything or work hours past, so that it never ends soon. Not resigning herself to the fact that you seem determined for her, Penelope shows to be the feminine parallel of Ulisses.

Separated for two decades, Penelope and Ulisses continue with faith not to meet again. Embora both remain tempted to long work, or love that unites you not mute. Against all odds, get me or your happy ending.

About a viagem de Ulisses

A Viagem de Ulisses é, sem dúvida, a part of the work that is more known as public hair. Some of his episodes will end up faze part of the western culture and his people will enter for our imaginary: or cyclops, so seriously, Circe transforming homens into bugs.

These are also songs where there are more fantastic elements, narrated na first pessoa. Deposited by the shipwreck caused by Poseidon, Ulisses will stop on an unknown land. She is subject, we are exhausted, when you see a group of women approaching and are hiding. It was Nausícaa, a princess dos Feaces, who was spending her years to wash clothes.

Jacob Jordaens, 'O found of Ulisses e Nausícaa'
Jacob Jordaens, Or I found Ulisses and Nausícaa.

In spite of the scary image, or heroi uses the seus rhetorical powers to beg the princess to help enter the city and falar like king. Nausícaa agrees and explains how to fazer, indicating that first he must ask for help from Rainha, Arete. Já no palácio, Ulisses stands in front of the mulher, pleading to return to Ithaca.

Alcinous, laughed two Feaces, received a hero and wanted to know more about your troubled course. It is during or before that Ulisses begins to narrate his journey, from which we are going to highlight only the most notable episodes.

Calypso episode

O Canto V, passed on the island of Calypso, is a great literary reference that inspired, for example, "Ilha dos Amores" n 'You Lusiads I count To perfeição by Eça de Queiroz. It is a paradisiacal place where nature flowers, nothing dies, or time is always pleasant and there is plenty of food.

Lá, a nymph, beautiful as a divindade, is beaten by Ulisses and ready to conquer her love. Chega the same to offer eternal youth to a heroi, but he continues melancholic, olhando or sea and dreaming with Ítaca.

William Flint Russel, 'Ulisses e Calypso'
William Flint Russel, Ulisses e Calypso.

When Hermes, messenger two deuses, he descended to ask that the nymph free you or husband of Penelope, and see his sadness and his revolt. Surrounded by perfection, more solitary, he revolts like the deuses that condemn the love of a feminine divinity for a mortal homem, but são hypocrites and commits the same ones.

Likewise, he agrees to let Ulysses leave and supplies the materials so that he can build a jangada and return to the sea.

Episódio do Ciclope

It is not Canto IX that Ulisses finds um dos seus maiores rivais from him, or Cyclops Polyphemus. When he discovered that he was in a land inhabited by cyclopes, Ulisses wanted to know more about their society and how they live. As Grécia Antiga's customary costumes, I went to visit Polyphemus bringing presents and waiting to be received with hospitality.

Pellegrino Tibaldi, teto do Palazzo Poggi.
Painting by Pellegrino Tibaldi no teto do Palazzo Poggi.

However, to conduct two cyclopes and bem different and Polyphemus makes some homens of the crew. Furious, Ulisses prepares a spear to be fucked, but he continues faking like an inimigo, fazendo like he drinks wine. I am always awake, he announces that or seu nome de him é "Ninguém". Enquanto or dormant cyclops, Ulisses fura or seu olho com to lança.

Ninguém is blinding me!

Assim, when he yells at me for help, my friends think he is jumping and not running to help. Graças à inteligência do herói, Ulisses e seus homens conseguem escape, mas o cyclope she asked for her, Poseidon, to punish you I never let you return to Ithaca.

Circe episode

I do not sing X, a embarcação chega a terra estranha, where you are animated with legs, with two lower legs, and seem to have dinner. Seus homens are going to explore or local, plus Ulisses fica no ship. A feiticeira Circe receives a crew that is not her palácio and serves a drink where she mixes a drug. Logo, eles I'm going to transform into pigs.

Circe by Wright Barker (1889)
Circe by Wright Barker (1889).

Um tell them, who fled from the outside because he was eaten, watch and run to count. Hermes, or messenger, arises then, who advises or heroes not to oil anything, gives a mysterious figure and fazer an accord with her. Here, see what or power is mine of the feminine figure; Ao contrary to Penelope who is "boa", Circe is fierce and implacable.

When Penelope's husband confronts Circe, challenging her powers, she surprises herself with her courage and suggests that they love her. The oil, under the condition of the effortlessness or feitiço e libertá-los. Depois do ato, a divindade cumpre a su parte, teaching or my path to follow me and recommending prayers, supplications and sacrifices.

Episodio das Sereias

Mais adiante, I do not sing XII, Circe emerges de novo to conselhar and guide the crew. His words indicate misfortune, they prevent the survival of Ulisses. Among the fantastic ameaças that you are going to cross or walk, Circe alerts or heroes about the series.

As monstrous figures, which at one time were imagined as a mixture of mulher e pássaro, I attracted the browsers as I sing and I devour you.

Let them approach, inscientiously, and to the voice of the Sereias / to the side of the homem never to the women and the filhos will be / to rejoice as they return; / More as Sereias or enfeitiçam with their limpid song / seated with no meadow, and their volta are piled up / ossadas de homens decompostos ...

Advised on the divindade, Ulisses sends his homens to put us down, so that they won't be able to do anything. Always curious and sedentary with knowledge, he asks that he either tie up or master the embarcação and no or drop, just as he pleads.

Illustration of Ulisses and the series in a glass of Grécia Antiga.
Illustration of Ulisses and the series in a glass.

Assim, more time, or protagonist gives Odysseia seems to perform or impossível: ouve o canto das sereias and survives to tell history.

About vingança de Ulisses

To check

With the help of two Feaces‌, Ulisses finally managed to get to Ithaca, where he found Athena again. A deusa e o mortal conversam, she confesses that she helped him throughout or walked together and planned to kill two applicants. To protect himself, he pretends to be a beggar and hides at Eumeu's house, a velho home who raised pigs.

While this is so, Athena will look for Telemachus, who was not in the palace of Menelau and warns that the applicants are mounting an armadilha to end his life. Or young man returns during a night and goes to Eumeu's house, as deusa ordered. Lá, o pai reveals his identity to be secret to or filho, that he will receive it not palácio as a supplicant.

O tempo that o heroi passes together two applicants, disguised as a beggar, I am gradually increasing to his raiva: he listens to everyone failing Ulisses, he was humbled and he was attacked. When the old aia or reconheres because of a scar, the guard or segredo, but it reveals that there are also traitors among the servas do palácio.

Penelope insists on talking like a beggar, in hopes of hearing news from her husband. Always talented as a rhetorician, he finds ways to narrate or that he has spent the last few years revealing his identity. A woman, impressed with history, also disappointed:

The pretenders insist on weddings more eu ato a fio of lies.

Kill two applicants

Nessa noite, Athena inspires mulher to levar o Ulisses arc para o jantar. Telemachus, commanded by the country, removed all the weapons and shields from the local, pretending that he wanted to avoid conflicts between the homens. Diante do arco and Penelope, all of them talked about their own capacities as warriors, to impress her, and tried to detract from Ulisses.

Taking advantage of the distraction of two opponents, or safe hero or bow, he positions himself before the gate, revealing his identity and shooting everyone Let us advance in your direction.

Telemachus, with a sword, ajuda or pai e Athena also joins the conflict. During the chacina, all the applicants ended up dying and, followed, Ulisses enforces the entrepreneurs who were not trusted.

Gravura Ulisses kills suitors, 1880.
Ulisses kills suitors, engraving published in 1880.

This final act emerges as a surprise for the reader, who hopes to see Ulisses running the logo for the braços da mulher. Embora he is smart and many times he takes a rational stance when facing challenges, it is about um heroi falível, he makes mistakes and loses or controls his fury.

After so many years of cooking, he was humbled and sheltered within his own palace. When she regains power, she makes it evident to her authorities that she is not going to oil resistance. For all those who will live for years in his house, eating his food and drinking his wine while he was overthrown, Ulisses feared that he would go wrong.

Family reunion

A few empregadas do palácio will agree Penelope, notifying that her husband returned. Controlling or enthusiasm, he thinks that he could be an impostor or a deus disfarçado.

Ulisses Chegou, is at home, you give up so much time!

Assim, he resolves to test it, saying that he moved to bed instead. Ulisses affirms that isso would be impossível, pois or movel was imprisoned to a great tree, not quarto. You two hug me and sleep together, exchanging vows of love and telling the adventures they will live.

Not the next day, Ulisses and Telemachus attached his weapons to part of me with Penelope to visit his father, Laertes. Enquanto isso, as families two applicants meet at the local door, in search of vingança.

Fine dinners

Another time, Athena can help her, Zeus, to defend Ulisses. Disguised as a Mentor, she joins the army of heroes and ends up appealing to the inimigos as her divine amening cry.

When you are in a row, or Penelope's husband tries to attack them, but Zeus impede, com um raio. Embora wins, at the final dinner Ulisses is leered by his fragility in human enquanto, eternally subject to two deuses.

Meaning of work

Embora to Odysseia It is a narrative full of monsters, deuses and fantastic places, something that really conquers the heart of the reader or the protagonist.

Ulisses is hardly a mortal that is not particularly strong or beautiful. Ao contrary, for example, to Achilles, or his value is not necessarily proven not a field of battle or through brute violence. Assim, it represents another side of the grego culture of the epoch: reflection, diplomacy, rhetoric, or an inquisitive and creative spirit.

With supernatural powers or extraordinary physical qualities, he survives because he is skilled and is always ready to invent solutions for the problems he encounters. To his story of him is of overcoming: Despite all the adversities, he does not give up and fight at the end.

During the epic, and impossível we do not twist hair heroi: we admire the ease, or jeito with the words and or "waist game" that we do not or leave us more difficult moments. Between or destiny dited hairs deuses e o livre-arbítrio dos personagens, a work is seal not human suffering.

Na original version, em Grego Antigo, a word that inaugurates the work is "homem". We can also affirm that what is most valued in Ulisses is his humanity. So much so that, even when Calypso offers him eternal life, he chooses to grow old and die on the side of the family.

Ulisses represents, then, a version of the human being who has become a model in the culture of the ocident: someone who has fallen, is defeated, is defeated many times, but survive and prosper thanks to your intelligence and strength of vontade.

Fundamental values ​​of Grécia Antiga

TO Odysseia, like other works of the period that survived over the years, it is a document of incalculable historical value for disbelieving the ways of life and the costumes of Grécia Antiga.

Among other fundamental aspects, sublinha to honor, to courage, to loyalty, to faith, or value of words given and also to solidarity of and to hospitality. For someone who is not familiar with the culture, it may seem strange or the way people shelter unfamiliar in their homes, but it is about an inquisitive value of the time.

Na verdade, thank you for helping two Feaces that Ulisses manages to turn to Ithaca. I do not sing VIII, when he tells his misadventures to rei, in response to Alcinoo he sums up this spirit of interweaving.

A stranger and a supplicant is like an irmão for or homem that attains the minimum of good sense.

TO Odysseia na modernity

In the past two centuries, the story of Ulysses and his fantastic inimigos (cyclopes, sereias, etc.) were recreated over all in literature, sculpture and painting. Em 1997, a chegou adventure or cinema, as a film directed by Andrey Konchalovsky.

A Odisséia (1997) legendary trailer pt br

More than a decade ago, in 2018, a team of archaeologists discovered, on the Peloponnese peninsula, that which appears to be the oldest manuscript of the work. A plaque of argilla contemplated 13 integrated verses not canto XIV, not which Ulisses fakes about Eumeu, breeder of pigs and his ally in Ithaca.

Painel found in Olympia
Manuscript found in 2018.

Resume da Odysseia by edges

Songs I to V

Either the narrator opens or the epic poem asking for inspiration for the muse, to tell the story of Ulisses, who wandered trying to return home, from the Troia War. No Olympus, you deuses to organize a council to decide on the fate of heroi: Athena asked for a word and led to his defense, claiming that he is being tormented by Poseidon, or rei two seas.

A deusa tells that either a mortal is a prisoner on the island of Calypso who insists on conquering his love for her. Hermes, or mensageiro dos deuses, places his golden sandals with handles and descends to earth so that he is freed. Enquanto isso, Athena decides to visit the family of Ulisses in Ithaca.

No palácio, Telémaco is sad, I sell or his space invaded by hundreds of arrogant suitors who want to marry with their mother. Disguised as an unfamiliar homem, Atena fala as a young man and gives news of her pai, announcing that she is alive.

Penelope chora with her husband's saudades, tired of two suitors that she deceived for more than 3 years: she asked What do you expect that she had just had a mortal for the father, but during the night she was disfaced or wounded. Depois de uncobrirem or your stratagem, you homens demand that you make a decision. Or he himself presses Penelope to marry or return to casa do pai.

Telemaco leaves, as a small crew, in search of news from the country; Athena also embarks on a voyage, disguised as a Mentor. During the day, a deusa motivates or also educates young people, teaching or leading and talking with others. First, I visited Nestor and left for Sparta.

Lá, conversam with Menelau, or last to turn to war with Helena, his wife. Helena, mysterious, places a drug in the drinks to reduce her food and laments the force of peace that motivated her to battle. While it is so, in Ithaca, it is claimed that Telemachus left and planejam uma cilada.

Penelope uncovers the plane and prays for Athena, who enters not a quarter of her when the sleeping bed comforts her and warns her that her filho is being protected. Hermes chega à ilha de Calypso; Ulisses is na praia, olhando or mar e chorando de saudades.

Calypso revolts and tries again to convince Ulisses to ficar, offering to immortality, plus no oil. A deusa provides you materials and the husband of Penelope built a jangada, in which depois travels for 18 days sem rumo. Embora Poseidon is trying to kill him, Leucótea arises, an aquatic divinity, who advises him to swim in the kingdom of the two Feaces. Athena orders the winds to stop, to help.

Edges VI to X

Athena enters two Feaces during a night and convinces Nausícaa, the princess, to wash the roupa for or her marriage does not laugh. Lá, Ulisses is subject to a shipwreck, scaring the princess and his years. She resolves to beg for help of longevity, through a very well constructed and complimentary speech.

Nausícaa agrees to help, but it is possible for us not to cheer together in the city because she is new, also recommending that she launch years of joelhos de sua mãe and beg. Assim that he enters not palácio, he fell from joelhos in front of Rainha Arete, requesting transport to return home.

It was during a conversation with Alcinous, or laughed two Feaces, that Ulisses began to narrate his adventures. He tells, among other things, that he was a refém of Calypso and an inimigo of Poseidon. You Feaces decide to send a crew of 52 homens to carry or hero Ithaca. Also not jantar, falam of the Troia war and contam histories of mythology, like the infidelity of Aphrodite to Hephaestus and his vingança.

Ulisses continues to narrate his journey, faking on the way like Cegou or Cyclops Polyphemus, Poseidon's filho, who demanded vingança, wishing that he never returned to Ithaca. It also tells of his passage through the ilha of Circe, where he feeds the drug to the crew and transforms the homens into pigs in the same way as he agrees with her, with the advice of Hermes.

Cantos XI to XV

Depois de sair da ilha de Circe, Ulisses descended to Hades, or kingdom of the dead. He finds out to me who told him about the support and the fidelity of Penelope, also attending a parade of filhas and wives, two heroes who died, victims of two conflicts. He also talks to Agamémnon, a former warrior who died of the traição da mulher, Clytemnestra.

Circe appears again to guide the crew, warning about the dogs not walking. Ulisses, tied to the master, managed to resist the song das sereia. Depois defeat Cila, a marinho monster that devours some two serious homens.

Poseidon planeja or shipwreck two Feaces, but Alcinous knows an old prophecy and a navigation manages to escape. Já em Ítaca, Ulisses finds Athena, condemns Deusa and thanks her protection. To death we combine two applicants and Athena leaves to look for Telemachus, who was not Palácio de Menelau.

Ulisses is going to hide in the house of Eumeu, a pig farmer. Athena seeks Telemachus and convinces him to return, warning that you are preparing an ambush. Or young man returns to Ithaca during a night and vai for the house of Eumeu, as a deusa ordered.

Songs XVI to XX

Telemachus calls Eumeu's house and talks with Ulisses sem que or reconheça. Athena mutes as you dress, ordering that it be revealed for or filho. Initially, Telémaco does not accredit, thinking that it is about um deus disfarçado, but a barnacle logo that everything is "Atena's work" that protected you. We combine the procedures for the following days, deciding how to defeat the applicants. Telemachus went home, where Ulisses emerged disguised as a beggar. To his identity he feared that he would be hidden at this or certain moment.

Já no palácio, as a pleading beggar, he is humbled hairs and wants to be attacked by some of them. Telemaco fails to tell me about his journey and gives news of Ulisses, but does not reveal the truth. Penelope is curious about the identity of the beggar and wants to talk with him, to know if she knows or is her husband. She disapproved of her "cheating theme" and said the same to confess that Ulisses recommended you new weddings, if not, but she still has hope.

Ulisses asked Telemachus to remove all the weapons from the two local applicants, claiming that he wanted to avoid conflicts between them. Later, when a velha served to wash the forasteiro, he recognizes a little scar for a javali and barnacle that it is about Ulisses. She promises to be segregated and warns that, among the maids, there is no harm from him or her.

Or herói passes a noite detado not chão do own palácio, anxious at the moment of confrontation. Athena appears and reassures her, guaranteeing that he has always been by her side. Before falling asleep, he prays for Zeus e escuta or barulho de um trovão, as an affirmative sinal.

Cantos XXI to XXIV

Athena inspires Penelope to go fetch or bow the arrows of Ulisses, displaying the weapons during or shooting. Depois de vê-las, all competem for Penelope's attention, criticizing her husband and faking her abilities as warriors, I made Rainha retire.

Ulisses takes advantage of the moment of distraction and sure or bow, or he repairs and also hits his sword. From front to front, she began to shoot at the applicants who were advancing in her direction, with shields and weapons to defend herself. There, she reveals that he is or dono do palácio and, as the help of Telémaco and Athena, kills all the adversaries. Then, in order to avoid betrayals, she sends all the entrepreneurs who were not trusted.

Penelope agreed with the news that her husband returned, but she initially does not accredit and resolve pô-lo à prova. She said that she moved to her bed from place, or that it would be impossible, because it was built not a trunk of a tree dam ao chão. When she responds to him, she is aware that she is before her husband and hugging her. Go on a night together exchanging vows of love and telling the adventures they will live.

While this is so, Hermes led the two claimants to Hades, where they took the word and contacted the massacre that they were going to kill. In Ithaca, or here I am going to visit or country, Laertes, and he needed to form a small army to defend himself against those who wanted to come from Ulisses. Athena helps Zeus to protect them again and the oil, provided that the hero does not last longer.

In the final battle, Athena joins her companions, disguised as a Mentor. Or I cry for you to withdraw so strong that the percebem that is perante a divindade and baté in retreat. Ulisses still tries to go behind them to attack them, but interrupted by a light from Zeus, he contemplated himself. A peace and family union is restored in Ithaca.

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