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2001: Uma Odisseia no Espaço: summary, analysis and explanation of the film

2001: Uma Odisseia no Espaço It is a 1968 science fiction film, directed and produced by North American Stanley Kubrick.

Considered a work-prima of the cinematographic genre, or longa-metragem it was acclaimed by critics and public hair. Quite different from the productions of the time, or classic that ended up becoming a film cult It is a great reference, continuing popular for decades.

Confira, down, or trailer legendary of the film:

2001, Uma Odisseia no Espaço (Official Trailer - HD)

Attention: from this point on you will find spoilers!

Summary of 2001: Uma Odisseia no Espaço

The film comes as a drain, I don't have space, and a sound trilha that made it very famous. We see the planets, slowly, in movement in a light that dominates.

A aurora do Homem

In the first part of the film, it begins with a sign with the words "A aurora do Homem", followed by landscapes of nature. We see a group of macaques, coexisting in harmony with other species, on Terra, and adding to a group of rivais.

During the night, some things seem to fall not only on creatures hiding in caves, but with behavior quite similar to human years. Pela manhã, the ancestors of the human species rodeiam or strange object, a black retângulo (or monolith).

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Frame: macaque

Depois de observe or monolith, um deles touches no object and its behavior is altered. Logo, he learns to use um osso as a weapon and begins to kill animals with violence. That is why everyone is eating meat.


In this second part, the narrative advances thousands of years. We found a lonely home traveling on a space plane at a station next to Terra. Lá, we discover that it is Dr. Heywood R. Floyd, a scientist on his way to Clavius ​​Base, na Lua.

He talks to me with his colleagues, the referendums about strange events that are happening around him.

Frame: airport

When he comes to Lua, Floyd participates in a meeting and communicates that he saw to help manage the situation and that it is important to maintain secrecy.

Some astronauts discuss Floyd's statements and the existence of a strange object that has been found in Lua. In search of an explanation, they decide to visit or uncovered premises.

Depois of surround or monolith, um two homens touch each other, and they get together to shoot one more photo or object that begins to emit a deafening sound.

Missão to Jupiter

Um ano e meio depois, a nave Discovery One part of a missão for Jupiter that is reported on television. Frank and Dave, you astronauts, are accompanied by three companions in a state of hibernation.

Frame: HAL

Or sixth member of the team HAL, a computer with artificial intelligence that controls all the activities of the ship.

Despite being "à prova de falhas", or the system begins to behave in a suspenseful way and gives a false alarm about a supposedly ravaged peça.

Basically confirms to the astronauts that it was a HAL error and both were isolated to talk about the case.

Frame: talk between astronauts.

Embora the machine does not have any place where it is, get your lips and discover that you are planning to restart it, making it return to its original configuration.


TO Discovery One It will be communicated with the base for some time, so that the astronauts can relocate the retired person under the command of HAL. Frank sai gives ship like more equipment, all of a sudden, or seu body is projected for or space, I did not vazio.

Dave, who was on the outside, helping or partnering, asked HAL to open the doors but he refused. With much difficulty, he managed to open a portal and enter the ship, carrying a battle with a machine.

Frame: face of the astronaut.

When he checks the system control panel, Dave manages to restart it, despite pleas from HAL. This is where a video arises that has been recorded so that the crew can assist when they are watching Jupiter.

This is also why the astronaut shows the monolith that appears in Lua and is considered to be the first smart life fora da Terra. To missão de Discovery One Finally, to discover Jupiter was the place of origin of the object.

Jupiter e além do infinity

Sozinho na ship, Dave approaches Jupiter, enters a portal and embarks on a surreal journey of lights, hearts and alien landscapes.

Suddenly, he will stop in a room, unfamiliar. When olha in front, see uma version mais velha of himself, jantando sozinho. Logo em followed, uma versão ainda mais velha, no seu leito de morte.

Frame: fourth in Jupiter.

The last seconds of life, the monolith appearing before his bed. É aí que o Dave's body is transformed into um embryo surrounded by light e ascends, going to flutter no space.

Film analysis 2001: Uma Odisseia no Espaço

A film fora do comum

Whether Embora is a scientific fiction film, 2001: Uma Odisseia no Espaço There are two common places belonging to the cinematographic genre. Kubrick did not want to produce a long metragem that would attract viewers through monstrous figures or a strong erotic pendant.

As a philosophical and existentialist approach, the narrative focuses on the image of space and the experience of two own astronauts in isolated situations.

Depois de several provisional verses, or director chose to include the word "odisseia" not title, em reference to Homer's work. Summoning the epic poem, he tried to convey that the space was scary and the mystery of mystery for those homens, as well as the sea for the navigators.

Frame: Frank's death.

Here, the sensations of solidão, vazio and panico são, many times, transmitted through um be quiet devastating.

A perfect example of Frank Poole's death: when his body enters orbit and space hair is lost, we can hardly hear his breathing, which is suddenly interrupted.

All these individuals seem to be quite lonely and long-metragem and marked by the scarcity of dialogues. Na verdade, a first fala de 2001: Uma Odisseia no Espaço barely emerges after 25 minutes of film.

Visual effects and sound trilha

There are no dialogues, but necessarily the narrative, which or film captures the attention of two viewers: it is mainly the visual and sound effects that surprise us from beginning to end.

Establishing a relationship between the movements of the two satellites and the movements of the waltz, or director includes classical themes such as Blue Danube by Johann Strauss II na trilha sonora.

The slow rhythm of the film, combined with his sonorous trilha, many times intense and dramatic, provokes feelings of discomfort and anxiety that he is attending.

2001: A Space Odyssey_THE "Star Gate" visual effects_HD

O longa-metragem chega same to approach do surrealism The final challenge of the film, when Dave enters the portal, at Jupiter's check.

A dinner is an inescapable sequence of lights, cores, sons and alien landscapes.

Main theme of the film: Humanity versus technology

2001: Uma Odisseia no Espaço reflect, among other topics, about two technological advances, imagining possible effects and consequences for humanity.

Kubrick uses personagem HAL 9000, or imitating computer or human being, to problematize artificial intelligence, serious limits and challenges.

It does not start from the sequence "Missão a Jupiter", when the crew is presented, a two astronauts mention that he really looks like a person and shows emotions. We can assist amizade that is formed between HAL and Dave: jogam xadrez, conversam e chegam to exchange challenges.

Conversation between HAL and Bowman

Embora is a "perfect machine", HAL is being invaded by deeply human feelings as a mistrust and or medium.

Also, when it fails to fight for the first time, HAL ends up behaving in a proud and violent way, abusing the power that has been granted to him as a "brain" of the ship. You must project Frank's body to or infinity, he tries to leave Dave on the side of the ship.

However, when he is defeated by his old friend, HAL now, acknowledge his serious mistakes and lose him. It seems safe to say that the director was warning about the perigos of raising something so similar to humanity, with its qualities and also our serious defects.

What is the relationship between the Monolith and extraterrestrial life?

A way as or director escolheu represent the possibility of alien intelligent life also quite original. Advised by Carl Sagan, scientist and astronomer specialist in the mysteries of the Universe, Kubrick chose not to represent the beings of another planet.

By conceiving that they can have totally different biological forms, it gives us, or what we managed to imagine, the opted not to place fanciful actors, something that was common at the time.

At the same time, so that our imaginations can produce their own images, or film represents presence of alien life through an object that it had been sent.

Frame: monolith cai na Terra.

Or monolith, a large rectangular stone, it would be a machine sent by extraterrestrial species to accompany the evolution of em redor life. Primeiro na Terra e depois na lua, the foreign objects seem cause changes to our behavior tell them that I am ready.

It is also explored the need for two governments to maintain or segregate in order not to scare the terrestrial population, nem to provoke "clash of cultures and social disorientation" (in the words of Dr. Floyd). The astronauts themselves who miss Jupiter are not informed about the true objective that will lead to life.

Explanation of 2001: Uma Odisseia no Espaço

2001: Uma Odisseia no Espaço é um film of scientific fiction that seals na evolution human and possible alien influence. I do not eat, we attend a group of simios who behave in such a way; A check of the monolith changes radically or by course, as is trouxesse or dom da rationalidade.

It is when one of them learns to use an instrument that their social organization and their habits are altered. The teachings passam from some to others and, depressa, everyone knows how to use ossos to fight rivais and hunt, becoming carnivores.

That moment seems to be or come from the human race. As tempo, the complexity increases the more the logic is maintained: the humanity uses tools to survive and thrive.

Explanation of the film 2001 Uma Odisseia no Espaço.

A clue about this explanation is given by the film itself, when we see it or it is rolling, there is no logo, a ship of a similar format passing through or space.

A famous passage is appointed as an example of intellectual montagem, something that happens when two images that from the start are not related to each other, united and ganham a new sense.

OR end of 2001:Uma Odisseia no EspaçoIt continues to be, not so much, apart from causing more strangeness among the public. Sozinho na ship, when Dave approaches a monolith in orbit, he embarks on a surreal adventure.

2001 A Space Odyssey - ending

On the other side of the turbulence of lights and cores, or astronaut will stop at a fourth where, in a few moments, we attend his growth and subsequent death. Not the last fool, Dave sees the monolith in his bed.

Logo em followed, o homem morre e o seu spirit of him seems to rise, wrapped in energy. I do not give space, forgetting Terra, he becomes an embryo that radiates light and appears to be a more evolved form of human species.

Likewise, as a monolithic awakening capabilities, we are similar to the Earth, leading to a species of evolution, or another one that succeeds in bringing humanity to a longer life, creating a new way of life.

When questioned about the meaning of the film, Kubrick declared to the magazine Playboy:

When you think about us gigantic technological advances that or homem fez in some milênios - less than um microssecond in the chronology of the universe - you can imagine or evolutionary development that most forms of life antigas teriam? (...) His potentialities will be unlimited and his intelligence inaccessible to humans.

2001: Uma Odisseia no Espaço, or free

O classic of scientific fiction was partially inspired I did not tell To Sentinel (1951), by Arthur C. Clarke. No original text, there is a kind of pyramid that is uncovered at Lua. Or object would have been sent by advanced aliens that prior to existence of intelligent life not planet Terra.

Capa do livro 2001: Uma Odisseia no Espaço

Clarke collaborated with Kubrick in elaboração do roteiro; enquanto isso, the also escreveu or homonymous romance that was launched logo depois do film.

Após to first work of the saga, or author also published you books 2010: Odyssey Two (1982), 2061: Odyssey Three (1987) e 3001: The Final Odyssey (1997).

Poster and film data sheet

Film poster 2001: Uma Odisseia no Espaço.

2001: A Space Odyssey (Original)
2001: Uma Odisseia no Espaço (Brazil)

Year 1968
Address Stanley kubrick
Duration 148 minutes

Scientific fiction

Country of origin United States of America

Cool Culture no Spotify

A sound trilha of 2001: Uma Odisseia no Espaço It is two more imposing and regretful aspects of longa-metragem. You você é fã of classical music or you want to feel epic during the daily tasks, aperte o play:

2001: Uma Odisseia no Espaço - trilha sonora

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