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European Vanguard: movements, characteristics and influences in Brazil

When we fall in the vanguard of Europe, we refer to various artistic movements that occur in the 20th century in different countries of the European continent.

Foram you who seek a cultural renovation, supporting artistic creation through various languages, above all painting.

Integram esse group as avant-garde: Expressionism, Fauvism, Cubism, Futurism, Dadaism and Surrealism, you are responsible for marking a cultural moment and influencing the art that would follow, even only in Brazil.

Avant-garde in Europe: historical context, motivations and gerais characteristics

So currents that will discover art from the first decade of the past century, you think about its time, marked by profound changes in the world.

The historical context was marked by industrial, technological and scientific innovations, as well as movements authoritarian (or fascism in Italy and or Nazism in Germany), além da Revolução Russa e da Primeira Guerra World.

During this period, a leap into the capitalist structure and inequalities between the bourgeoisie and the proletariat I emphasize, I show what movements by melhores conditions of life despontem, such as, for example, as organizations syndicates.

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This is a source of contradictions and contrasts that the artists are immersed in. Assim, naturally, to art produced by them and impacted by all the anxieties and questões of the period.

Foi through innovative aesthetic resources that they will be able to transmit new ideas and squeeze part of the perplexity that appears in the current society.

Thus avant-garde proposed fragmentation of forms, arbitrariness of cores, or exaggerated and or absurd as ways to spell out a new world that was emerging.

Traziam a type of rebellion, looking for a break with traditional art and proposed a totally new approach to art and the human being.

Artistic currents of European vanguard

Expressionism: a representation of anguish

The expressionist movement ganhou corpo com a creation of a collective entitled Die Brücke (A ponte), idealized hair artists Ernst Kirchner (1880-1938), Erich Heckel (1883-1970) and Karl Schmidt-Rottluff (1884-1976) in 1905 in Dresden, Germany.

Rua Dresda (1908), by Ernst Ludwig Kirchner

O tinha group as I intuit to portray intense feelings, like o medo, anguish, anxiety, solidão and or helplessness. By isso, as expressionist works têm um pessimistic character, perhaps aggressive and exaggerated, with contrasting colors and vigorous brushstrokes.

Assim, or expressionism is also a contrast to the impressionist, positive and "luminous" style, which emerged earlier.

Important artists for the emergence of the current source Edvard Munch and Vincent Van Gogh, being or first considered a pioneer of the Vertente.

Fauvism: a chromatic arbitrariness

Fauvismo é o nome do movimento that has as representatives André Derain (1880-1954), Maurice de Vlaminck (1876-1958), Othon Friesz (1879-1949) and Henri Matisse (1869-1954), or most famous group.

In this style of painting, the artists seek freedom from the representation of forms and do not undertake cores. As dinners we present simplified figures, which do not have a commitment to realistic representation.

matisse fauvism
Harmony no vermelho (1908), by Henri Matisse

The same form, or chromatic use, was straightforward, usually with a mixture of pigments and degradations. Assim, as works exibiam intense and pure cores, arbitrarily undertaken.

Or thermo Fauvism is derived from you fauves, which in French means "you feras", or "os selvagens". Or I was not given the art critic Louis Vauxcelles, who in 1905, visited the "Salão de Outono", in Paris, and was struck by the works of these artists, appealing particularly to "selvagens".

Matisse was or most significant two Fauvists, producing a work that, later, would influence or design in fashion.

Find out more about or Fauvism.

Cubism: a geometrization and fragmentation of figures

Or cubism is, perhaps, the most important artistic vanguard of that period. It originated from the work of Paul Cézzane (1838-1906), who began to explore cylindrical, spherical and conical shapes.

O movimento teve as expoentes Pablo Picasso (1881-1973) and Georges Braque (1882-1963). These tinham artists as a target for the figures, as they are thus "opened" in a single shot. At the same time, obviously there is also no commitment to real representation.

avant-garde european cubism
Les Demoiselles d'Avignon (1907), by Picasso, is considered the first cubist work

The idea was to geometrize and fragment the figures, exhibiting several points of view at the same angle, transforming the concept of three-dimensionality, representing clams of Renaissance hair.

The movement is developed in different ways, analytical and synthetic. Not analytical cubism, which lasted approximately between 1908 and 1911), Picasso and Braque abused dark colors such as preto, cinza, brown and ocher, in order to emphasize the forms. Nessa tendência, to disintegration of the figures that have been lifted to the last consequences, or that make you objects unrecognized.

Subsequently, he was raised o synthetic cubism, with the end of trazer again a more comprehensive and figurative art. Nessa corrente, houve added to the insertion of real objects in works, such as pieces of wood, glass and collagens of letters and numbers. By isso, this style is also called Colagem.

Futurism: a velocidade and agressividade as a purpose

Destoando das demais avant-garde, or futurism was a movement that exalted an ideology traced to violence, technology, industrialization and dynamism.

Elaborate hair writer Filippo Tommaso Marinetti (1876-1944), or Futurist manifesto of 1909 was directed, primarily to literature.

avant-garde european futurism
O Dynamism of um Automóvel (1913), by Luigi Russolo

Pasado um tempo, houve a integration também das artes visuais, with Umberto Boccioni (1882-1916), Carlos Carrà (1881-1966), Luigei Russolo (1885-1974) and Giacomo Balla (1871-1958).

Esses artists Buscavam portray speed of the modern world, supporting em fascist ideias e cultivating violence. Some members of the party, even later, joined the Italian fascist party.

Dadaism: to "anti-art"

With the occurrence of the First World War (1914-1918), exiled in Zurique, in Suiça, some intellectuals and artists who oppose the horrors of conflict, repudiating the participation of their countries na war.

Dadaism to Fonte
Fonte (1917), by Marcel Duchamp

This context, and deeply disbelieving of the world in which I lived, which founded a movement as an intuition to expose the perplexity or absurdity of its tempo.

A current was entitled Dada, thermo escolhido ao perhaps, when the poet Tristan Tzara (1896-1963) opened a dictionary and pousou or finger on a word, which in French means "cavalinho".

It was also born or Dadaism, which sought to create an art based on a free and spontaneous thought, which via not a ferramenta for the creative process.

A main idea of ​​the artists was criticize and satirize the current norm, which has led Europe to a path of war and destruction. Therefore, a current does not restrict the arts, it proposes a cultural and ideological change, calling it "anti-art".

The visual arts, which most stand out from Marcel Duchamp (1887-1868). O French artist caused alvoroço to present objects ready as art, os chamados ready mades. Uma dessas works is famous Fonte (1917), a murderer assassinated as a pseudonym and placed in an art room.

Surrealism: in search of the dream universe

Or surrealism appears in the arts as a breakdown of the Dadaist current, not in the sense that it also seeks opposition to materialism and rationalism of the time.

European avant-garde surrealism
Or sono (1937), by Salvador Dalí

Essa vertente was released in 1924 as a manifesto drawn up by André Breton (1896-1966). They defendiam or use do psychic automatism As an instrument of creation, it produces works with a dreamlike character, traced to the universe, two dreams, metaphors and the absurd.

Salvador Dalí was or artist who made the most of his knowledge, in the meantime, he was also Marc Chagall (1887-1985), Joan Miró (1893-1983) and Max Ernst (1891-1976).

Literature and European avant-garde

A major part of the avant-garde Europeans has highlighted the visual arts, meanwhile, some current ones also develop literature, and even, some nasceram of literary manifestos.

This is the case of futurism, which randomly uses nouns, non-infinitive verbs and onomatopoeia, deleting ainda a pontuação.

O Dadaism also has a place in the written language, being the poet Tristan Tzara aconselhava that in order to create a Dada text it was necessary that "o thought saísse da boca".

A surrealist literature, as well as painting, also apontava for the unconscious world, and seen as representative André Breton.

How are the avant-garde Europeans influencing Brazilian art?

Not Brazil, as European vanguard strongly influenced arts and culture from two years on. Meanwhile, years before, I had an artist who had never presented works with expressionist characteristics, it was Lasar Segall (1891-1957).

lasar segall bananal
Bananal (1927), by Lasar Segall

Or a painter, born in Lithuania, living and studying in Germany, came to Brazil in 1913 to carry out an exhibition, an event that marks the national modernism.

In 1924 Segall moved to only Brazilian and began to produce fabrics with a new country theme. Either a painter was the first to trace the freshness and criticism inherent in the avant-garde, in whatever way, it was still a foreign olhar, by isso, it was not rejected in a very intense way.

At the same time I was not present with the Brazilian painter Anita Malfatti (1896-1964), who, from studying art in Europe and influencing the avant-garde, carried out exhibitions in 1914 and 1917. The last show was harshly criticized by the writer Monteiro Lobato.

Tropical, 1917, Anita Malfatti
Tropical (1917), by Anita Malfatti

Also, from the negative repercussions of these artists, other intellectuals will go deeper into new aesthetic proposals from abroad.

Idealized around the Modern Art Week of 1922, an event that does not show its productions with inspiration from foreign currents, but rather with a focus on national themes. These works encompass both visual arts and literature and tied to music as well.

We can cite as personalities that will excel at this moment and we will follow: Oswald de Andrade, Mario de Andrade, Di Cavalcante, Tarsila do Amaral, Vicente do Rego Monteiro, Menotti del Picchia, among others.

He would like to delve into related matters, read:

  • Modern Art: movements and artists in Brazil and in the world
  • Expressionism: main works and characteristics
  • Or what was it or Cubism?
  • Artists Essenciais da Arte Moderna
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