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Quadro As Meninas, by Velázquez

A famous work-prima As Meninas (not genuine Las Meninas) was painted in 1656 by the Spanish artist Diego Velázquez (1599-1660). At present the face is part of the permanent collection of the Prado Museum, in Madrid (Spain).

We see on canvas a super detailed group portrait with the presence of the princess, two reis, from some servers of the palace and of the artist Velázquez himself.

With an impressive game of light and shadow, As Meninas It is two major paintings of Western painting and one of the great artistic works of the 16th century.

As meninas

Analysis of the quadro As Meninas

We observe not quadro As Meninas (not genuine Las Meninas), painted in 1656, or a Spanish painter's effort to convey a sense of reality. A work is considered as belonging to the baroque style.

Responsible for registering the palatial dinners, consecrated as a painter of the court of King Felipe IV, or an artist tinha um atelier that worked within the Alcazar of Madrid.

A multiplicity of dinners and people inside the painting

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Nessa grande fabric composted by many details, we attend various situations when having the same dinner, and how we are living during many squares within the square.

There are also several people registered in the painting: the ladies of the company, the guardians, the companions, the princess, the laughs, or the artist, two years and a cão de raça.

Repair as each person does for a specific space and has a different body posture, showing-amusement with some external element.

Or picture as a record of history

Two people are mostly palatial servants, who are at the disposal of Princess Margarita Teresa (Filipe IV of Spain). É ela, literally, or the center of the cloth, everything is passa à sua volta.

You country of the princess, you laugh Felipe IV and Mariana de Áustria, testemunham to dinner, and we can be seen reflected not spelled positioned to or found the room.

A canvas registers a specific space and historically recognized people who perform actions easily identify.

In Velázquez's painting, this case works as a record of the epoch or fazer of the everyday representation palatial, the animation is surrounded by the type of space and the relationship between the people who circulate environment. Not by chance, or first I don't know that the fabric was received To the Family of Philip IV, but she ended up being refuted from As Meninas.

As two fabrics year founded the painting also ratified that it is the true palatial room, that it has pictures Minerva e Arachne by Rubens e Apollo and Pan of Jordaens as part of his collection.

For using real and personal cenários that would exist in verified contexts, Velázquez appointed as responsible for approximation of painting with history.

Or self-portrait of Velázquez

As Meninas It also stands out for presenting a self-portrait of an artist or artist, isto, or a spectator can observe or a painter of his own quadro in an image, as his own work material.

Self-portrait of Velázquez inserted no quadro As Meninas.
Self-portrait of Velázquez inserted no quadro As Meninas.

With a hand-drawn palette and or a hand-drawn brush, or an artist is "flagrant" during his office, not at his workplace, inside the palace.

Na sua roupa is registered, at the height of the peito, or symbol of the Order of Santiago. Second historical data, Velázquez received or title of Cavalheiro da Ordem de Santiago depois de ter painted or quadro, by isso or design was provably added to cloth later.

He is interesting to sublimate as an artist directly for the observer of the canvas, transforming-or, in a certain way, into the protagonist.

Detailed observation of As Meninas

As meninas

1. To princess

At the center of the cloth is Princess Margarita Teresa, the first daughter of Philip IV and Maria Ana de Áustria, king of Spain. On occasion he gives painting to a girl who has been five years out of her life.

2. You laugh

Ao founded, refletidos not espelho, we see Felipe IV and Maria Ana de Áustria, the country of the princess. For this reason, Velázquez's painting, in a certain way, is considered (also) a family portrait.

3. Ace ladies of the company

At the turn of the princess are two ladies of the company, one of them will serve a drink for the princess giving a little day to day view of the court. A da esquerda é Maria Agustina Sarmiento de Sotomayor, filha do Count of Salvatierra. A da direita and Isabel de Velasco, filha do Count of Fuensalinda.

4. Or environment

You quadros Minerva e Arachne by Rubens e Apollo and Pan by Jordaens, which appears in a painting by Velázquez, existed, de fato, na sala da casa real.

5. Years

A German anã Mari Bárbola has accompanied a princess from the birth of a girl. Nicolasito Pertusato was a year that saw Italy, he served Palácio and this image provokes a race.

6. To guardian

Dona Marcela de Ulloa was a viúva (mãe do carddeal Portocarrero) and atuava as a guardian of the princess. In spite of her appearing to be dressed in a freira habit, it was not really a widow's cloak that was used at the time.

7. Or own Diego Velázquez

It is about a self-portrait of the painter Diego Velázquez, who is inserted into the dinner he paints by recording or his work, as my own materials.

8. Jose Nieto

Year founded da imagem we see José Nieto. Or homem, no one knows but you are entering or saindo da sala, atuou na court espanhola as camareiro da rainha.

9. Diego Ruiz Azcona

The figure on the side of the guardian, the most controversial of the quadro, isso because the biographer of Vélasquez did not make it clear to us his stories of what was properly treated. A suspeita é que o homem seja Diego Ruiz Azcona, squire and educator of two infants from Spain.

Practical information on or chart

Year of execution

As Meninas It was painted in 1656, four years before the death of the painter.

Technique used

Oil on canvas.


Or square is huge, it was 320.5 centimeters by 281.5 centimeters.

Where is it or square As Meninas?

The picture belongs to the permanent collection of the Prado Museum, in Madrid (in Spain).

Why or quadro de chama As Meninas?

Velázquez was Spanish and a portrait of the court of Philip IV, but not of his work by The girls ou Girls as expected. An explanation is the genealogy of the painter, that he has Portuguese parents or that he is quite influenced by the language. For this reason, or thermo scolhido foi Meninas, in Portuguese.

Biography of Diego Velázquez

Diego Rodriguez de Silva Velázquez, known not as artistic just like Diego Velázquez, born in Sevilha in 1599.

For twelve years he began to work as a non-atelier apprentice of Francisco Pacheco and received a license as a painter. Not to follow, he married Joana, filha with his master Francisco Pacheco.

Velázquez painted works of religious cunho and chegou to be hired not princípio da carreira to fazer or portrait of King Philip IV, who would become his patron as Diego's official painter. kingdom.

Diego Velazquez
Portrait of Diego Velázquez.

With privileged access to court, Velázquez painted a series of portraits and palatial dinners. In 1943, or artist chegou to be nominated Cavalheiro da Câmara do Rei da Espanha and passou to go shopping No exterior of works of art em nome do rei além de ter assumido a decoração de todos os palácios reais.

In parallel with the official functions, Velázquez continued to breed his fabrics. Sua painting highlights hair forte traço of realism and hairs light and shadow effects.

In relation to his work-prima, Velázquez criou As Meninas little before dying (more precisely four years before).

Conheça also

  • As works-key to understand Claude Monet
  • Quadro O Beijo, by Gustav Klimt
  • As more dazzling works by Frida Kahlo
  • As works-raw painted by women
  • The most famous paintings in the world
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