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Quadro A Ronda Noturna, by Rembrandt: analysis, details and history behind the work

Painted in 1642, or quadro To Ronda Noturna, Dutch-haired servant Rembrandt van Rijn (1606-1669), is one of the two most celebrated works of Western painting.

On the canvas we see a group of soldiers as a standout for the leader, or Captain Frans Banning Cocq. O sombrio quadro is an icon of the seventeenth century and belongs to the Dutch Baroque.

To Ronda Noturna

Analysis of the quadro To Ronda Noturna

About a criação do quadro

A fabric produced by Rembrandt foi uma entrust da Corporação de Arcabuzeiros de Amsterdã to decorate the company's headquarters. Painted over a few years (Rembrandt received a commission in 1639), or work was imprisoned in 1642.

To Ronda Noturna é um militia group portrait with all the members dressed up. The militia groups from the time they served to defend the city (no case, Amsterdam). Aside from the military functions, the homens participate in stops, processes and symbolization of civic pride in the region.

All of the painted limbs were considered Amsterdam's elite citizens. It was a social and political prestige to be part of the local militia and they wanted to belong to the group, they needed to receive 600 florins a year and oil not to frequent taverns and borders. You are privileged to even pay an annual tax to stay in the "association".

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No quadro, or the protagonist (or Captain Frans Banninck Cocq) is giving an order for the other, orienting the militia to continue in front. Or disorderly group of militiamen is painted as indo estivesse para uma batalha (despite, na True, historical records would suggest that they were just in for a parade on the streets of the city. midday).

No one before Rembrandt had ever seen a group portrait in motion, in full "service" (note how a Dutch painter records a smoke of one of the espingardas).

Detail of the quadro
Weapon detail no square

Baroque Characteristics

It is worth highlighting here theatricality and or drama present the painted figures, especially due to the game of light and shadow.

Thus, these diagonais are also characteristic of Baroque, in Rembrandt's fabric, which have been obtained from hair made from spears and raised weapons.

Or quadro also presents a consistent notion of depth: people appear in different layers according to how far apart they are.

Another important feature is the painting to be um record of its time. Two elements that denounce the historical period are the presence of a harquebus (a precursor weapon of the rifle), which is carried by a senhor brought from the side of the image.

To Ronda Noturna, an innovative quadro

In spite of being a group portrait, Rembrandt was an innovator and did not paint the characters in static and simulated positions, as a dynamic posture.

The group portraits of the period follow two basic guidelines: we must be certain years portrayed and make clear the social hierarchies. O Dutch painter em To Ronda Noturna meet these two requirements and reinvent as many others.

Na cloth multiples ações ocorrem ao mesmo tempo: um subjectito ao fundo do quadro ergue a bandeira da milícia, I do not sing directito um homem plays drums, various Members of the group prepare their arms in what appears Latindo on the side direita inferior do quadro.

In light it appears scattered, not uniform (in contrast to two other group portraits customary of the time). A sublinha light to hierarquia Two of you are present not square: the personagens face, more enlightened, we will be more important.

A year long two years I was raised to dúvida being the protagonists Teriam paid more to receive greater prominence. Yet it does not seem to have been given to any conclusion about the question, in any case, I know that every two participants paid a painter to be portrayed.

Quadro highlights To Ronda Noturna

To Ronda Noturna

1. Captain Frans Banninck Cocq

Or capitão olha or spectator in front. Frans Banninck Cocq was prefect of Amsterdam and representative of the Dutch Protestant leadership. In light of the present, Rembrandt's painting emphasizes its importance and its prominence. Uma curiosidade: a mão do capitão has a shadow protected in the roupa do tenente.

2. Tenant Willem van Ruytenburgh

O tenente appears in profile attentive to the orders given by the captain. He represents the Dutch Catholics and is an intermediary between the captain and the other two militiamen.

3. As meninas

Observe a cloth running quite illuminated meninas. A behind what is not perceived, we see hardly or seu vult. Ahead, for the time being, he was a kind of pet of the group. The carriage is a galinha morta hanging at the waist through a belt and a weapon (both symbols of the company).

In spite of being the dimensions of a child, a woman carries the face of an adult woman. The painter's wife, Saskia, failed to do so. To Ronda da Noite It was finalized and some art historians say that it is about the face of it present, not the face of men.

4. Shield

The shield was added to painting tempos depois to leave a record that we were represented home.

5. Alferes

O alferes ao founded the cloth carrying a bandeira from a group of militiamen.

6. Rembrandt

Many historians of art hold that either a man in a beret that appeared quickly or founded the serious image or himself a painter Rembrandt who was represented on canvas by two militiamen.

Quadro cut

In 1715, the original painting was cut off on two four sides to fit in a space intended for the non-building of the Municipal Chamber of Amsterdã.

This cut fez that fossem eliminated from the fabric of two people. Observe the original fabric below, before cutting:

Quadro A Ronda Noturna before being cut.
Quadro To Ronda Noturna before being cut in 1715.

We are currently aware of the real image, in its entirety, because Captain Frans Banninck Cocq entrusted you with two more copies of the frames that will remain intact.

Mudança do nome do quadro

Or nome original gives fabric that we know as To Ronda Noturna it was A Companhia de Frans Banning Cocq e de Willem van Ruytenburch.

Very much later, between the XVIII and XIX centuries, a peça virou To Ronda Noturna Thanks to the founding of the fabric that was very darkened, giving the idea that it was a nighttime landscape (despite the image being daytime and portraying a stop that occurred mid-day).

Depois of a restoration or darkened verniz was removed and it can be seen melhor or square.


A restoration of Rembrandt's premium work began on the second-fair on July 8, 2019. She will be held by twenty international specialists.

A particularity of the work of restoration and that the execution will be all past years of the public. The painting will remain not very local and a glass was installed to protect the area where the restorers work.

A night watch

A restauração will also be broadcast online and live.

Or I restore cost 3 million euros and it should last a year according to the museum director, Taco Dibbits.

Attacks ao quadro

In 1911, an unprepared sapateiro hit or shot as a form of protest.

In September 1975, a homemaker attacked fabric as a sheet of paper, causing serious damage to paint. During the attack on the dizia that "o fez pelo Senhor". The security of the museum will tell you, but the fabric was damaged. Esse foi or second attack, fuddled hair quadro.

A third attack occurred in 1990, when a homemaker hit acid on or off the square.

I apos every one of the tragic events To Ronda Noturna was restored.

A visitor's award 10,000,000

In 2017, the Rijksmuseum Museum resolved to launch a campaign to celebrate its reopening. A ideia was to reward or visitor number 10,000,000 and or sortudo ganharia uma noite com o quadro To Ronda Noturna.

The winner was Stefan Kasper, a professor and artist who passed a night in a bed in front of the quadro.

Confira more about essa campanha innovator:

Sorte do dia: passar a noite com Rembrandt

Practical information

Nome original do quadro A Companhia de Frans Banning Cocq e de Willem van Ruytenburch
Year of breeding 1642
Technique Oil on canvas
Dimensions 3.63 meters by 4.37 meters (weight 337 kilos)
Where is it located or square? Museu Rijksmuseum, in Amsterdam (in the Netherlands)

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Rebecca Fuks
Rebecca Fuks

Formed in Literature at the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro (2010), Master of Literature at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (2013) and doutora in Studies of Culture of the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro and of the Portuguese Catholic University of Lisbon (2018).

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