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Carpe diem: analysis and meaning of the phrase

Carpe Diem This is a Latin phrase often translated as "Aproveite o dia". A expressão foi cunhada hair Latin poet Horácio no poem number 11 of the first book of Odes. Dedicated to Leucônoe, to poetry é um conselho e seu last verse é carpe diem quam minimum credula postero, which can be translated as "colhe or day how much less trust does not amanhã".

As Odes of Horácio

Horácio was a Roman philosopher and poet. Thanks to the patrons, I became sponsored by the Roman state. Within his work, as well as the most outstanding, it is clear that the formal quality or the quasi-philosophical way that he addresses the issues.

Illustration of the Latin poet Horácio

Horácio's most famous name is precisely what I told me about the famous phrase Carpe diem. A number 11 is dedicated to Leucônoe, which ethnologically means white mind, empty head, approaching the Zen-Buddhist sense of meditation.

Or poem places death as the central theme. Logo not first verse or poet says that it is useless to try to know or that it happens after death.

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Carpe Diem Poetry appears as a response to inherent medo da death and do not know. Já that we are prohibited from conhecer to death, or melhor and live life.

Ode 11 do livro I

1 Tu ne quaesieris - scire nefas - quem mihi, quem tibi
2 finem di dederint, Leuconoe, nec Babylonios
3 temptaris numbers. Ut melius, quidquid erit, pati,
4 seu plures hiemes, seu tribuit Iuppiter ultimam,

5 quae nunc oppositis debilitat pumicibus mare
6 Tyrrhenum: sapias, vina liques, et spatio brevi
7 spem longam reseces. Dum loquimur, fugerit invida
8 aetas: carpe diem, quam minimum postero credula.

Translation by Maria Helena da Rocha Pereira

We cannot, Leucónoe, know - that it is not legal - qual o fim
that you give me or you want to give,
nem to risk the Babylonian calculations. Quão melhor é sofrer o que ver,
dear sejam many winters that Jove gives us, dear seja or last
this, which now atira or Tyrrhenian Sea against as gnawed rocks.
Be sensible, filter or teu vinho e molda a curto espaço
uma longa hope. Enquanto falamos, terá fugido or invejodo tempo.
Colhe to flower of the day, little trusting that you will see to happen.


O epicurism was a philosophical system raised by the Greek thinker Epicurus, who prefers the prazeres and tranquility as a way to achieve maximum happiness. A search for knowledge was also important for this system, which proved that in ignorance it was one of the sources of human suffering.

In search of happiness, I was also passionate about controlling yourselves, and taking advantage of your prazeres with moderation was a way to achieve such a goal. This would lead to a state of tranquility known as ataraxia. Or medo da morte could be controlled by crediting na morte as a "nothing". Assim sendo, take advantage of the day was or was left over from the old medo de morrer.

Carpe Diem became a few maxims of this philosophical system. "Take advantage of the day" acquires a meaning even nesse system, meaning nursery or moment, taking advantage of the prazeres that it fears to offer and not succumb to half of death. Além two Carpe Diem, Horácio also uses other typically epicurist themes, such as o fugere urbem e or locus amoenus.

Carpe Diem na literature

Após Horácio, Carpe Diem It became a common figure in literature, being revisited by classicism and arcadism. You moles Epicurists present in Horácio foram frequently used poets of these schools. Tomás Antônio Gonzaga, I am not free Marília de DirceuWe were two major revisiters of two Horacian themes in Brazilian poetry, as we can see in this stretch of this poem.

Ah! no, minha Marília,
take advantage or tempo, before faça
or havoc of roubar ao corpo as forças
e ao semblante a graça.

Livro Marília de Dirceu, major work of the poet Tomás Antônio Gonzaga

Na modernidade was Fernando Pessoa, as his heterônimo Ricardo Reis, who took up only the themes as well as the form of Horácio's poetry. Carpe Diem He is present in his lyric that one of his most famous poems of him is chama Colhe or Dia, why is Ele.

Perene flowed interminably hour
That confesses us null. Not too hausto
Em that we live, we will die. Colhe
Or day, because it is ele.

Or theme gives death to insignificance gives life and comum à poetry. Over the course of two years, various poets reflect and write on the subject, having different perspectives, different approaches, and take advantage of the day that is more memorable. A philosophy of Carpe diem It is a way of dealing with death, taking advantage of life and not thinking about it, and equal to not thinking about death.

Carpe Diem It is still more present in poetry on the face of a classicist tradition. Horácio was a great poet who influenced all western poetry and various two themes of him were reviewed by other writers. Because it is a way of approaching a topic that is present in poetry and because it has been raised by two of the most influential Western writers, or Carpe Diem It became a common place in poetry.

Society of two Deadly Poets

Society of two Deadly Poets é A 1989 film that tells the story of literature professor John Keatin. He uses alternative means to teach poetry in a school strita. His methods are intended to teach not just poetry, but rather different from thinking in a rigid system.

society of two dead poets

Carpe Diem é um two mottos of the film. Due to the social class and the expectations that the country has, the young people live worried about their future. In order to understand life in a different way, or teacher teach or take advantage of the day, look for you prazeres sem worry as amanhã.

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