Education, study and knowledge

Norberto Bobbio: life and work

Norberto Bobbio (1989-2004) was an important Italian intellectual who owes his contribution to or dissertation on democracy and human rights.

As a jurist, he was two senior academics of the past century, and he was also an important political activist from Italy, who lived in a turbulent period.

Biography of Norberto Bobbio

Norberto Bobbio was considered o philosopher of democracy He is an inveterate defender of two human rights. O intellectual has a career of success being recognized in Italy as well as in other countries around the globe.

His life traversed his or her secular vinte practically interior (1909-2004) and, by isso, Bobbio was also, before tudo, uma testemunha das transformações sociais e politicas: assist two world wars, the rise and stay of communism, nazism and totalitarianism.

A democrat origin

Born on October 18, 1909, not a member of a fairly traditional family, Norberto was the son of a surgical doctor (Luigi Bobbio). He was also the net director of a school (Antonio Bobbio). Seu avô já escrevia for a series of local journeys and was conceived in the region where he lived.

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As a fairly comfortable life, the Bobbio family always has social prestige and a well-stocked daily life. The second consists of the autobiography of the philosopher on this period of life:

We lived in a beautiful house, with two domestic employees, apart from a private motorist (...) and two cars

Norberto Bobbio's academic training

O intellectual was formed by the University of Turim em Direito (in 1931) and Philosophy (in 1933).

Political importance

Bobbio chegou to be imprisoned on two different occasions for political reasons. On the first day of May 15, 1935, I joined two colleagues from the Justiça e Liberdade group.

The second time he was imprisoned, he was in February 1944. About the last prison, which occurred when the woman was pregnant, Norberto affirmed in his autobiography:

Our life was flattered. We all go through painful experiences: media, escapes, arrests, incarcerations. And we lose people dear. Por tudo isso e depois de tudo, we never went back to being what we were before. Our life is divided into two parts, um "before" and um "depois"

O Lutou philosopher against fascism, was an active participant in an attempt to overthrow the Mussolini editor. Bobbio fez part of the movement Justiça e Liberdade e da Resistência tendo joined socialists and liberais to defeat the regime.

Bobbio 1961
Aldo Capitini with Norberto Bobbio in 1961

Embora he has attended just one time for public office in Italy (I have not been elected), Norberto participatively in democratic play I have been responsible for restructuring a post-war non-cenário contorted policy.

Academic career

Bobbio was a professor at the University of Turim on teaching Philosophy of the Directorate between 1948 and 1972 and Political Philosophy between 1972 and 1979.

He also classes at the University of Camerino, the University of Padua and the University of Siena.

Or intellectual founded the first chair of Social Sciences of Italy. He also founded in Veneza, in 1950, alongside colleagues, the Sociedade Europeia de Cultura (SEC), an institution for later years as honorary president.

Em parallel always escreveu for magazines and jornais disclosing or knowing.

After retiring from the academic year due to the accommodation, he continued to write lessons for social communication.

Norberto Bobbio in Brazil

In September 1982, an intellectual from this country in Brazil next to his wife at the invitation of the University of Brasília and the Faculdade de Direito da USP.

An academic participated in an event in Brasília of the series of Meetings of the University and of two conferences in São Paulo.


Norberto Bobbio virou Emeritus Professor of the University of Turim, university where he was formed and taught throughout his life. He also became a professor emeritus in a series of institutions around the world (such as universities located in Buenos Aires, Paris and Madrid).

I was also considered senator for life from Italy, your country of origin, nomeação delivered hair to president Sandro Pertini in 1984.

Pessoal life

Norberto Bobbio was married to Valeria Cova (or marriage that happened on April 28, 1943), as you have three filhos and was married for more than five decades. Os filhos de Bobbio são: Luigi, Andréa e Marco.

To intellectual death

Norberto Bobbio died on January 9, 2004, in his native city, 94 years old, not at the Molinette Hospital.

Works by Norberto Bobbio

The first time he wrote about the Universal Declaration of Home Affairs, it was held in 1951 in a given classroom on May 4 in Turim. From then on, Norberto Bobbio began to write more and more frequently, trying to spread his knowledge of it.

Its main topics of interest are: human, political, ethical, or the role of the State, or direct. Bobbio was also an inveterate defender of two social rights (education, health and work).

Seus books published in Portuguese eram:

  • Sociedade e Estado na Modern Political Philosophy (1986)
  • What socialism? (1987)
  • Thomas Hobbes (1991)
  • Equality and freedom (1996)
  • Diary of a Secular (1997)
  • O tempo gives memory (1997)
  • Locke e or Direito Natural (1997)
  • You are intellectual and power (1997)
  • Ensaios On Gramsci and or Conceito de Sociedade Civil (1999)
  • As ideologies and or power in crise (1999)
  • General theory of politics (2000)
  • Or future of democracy (2000)
  • Between two republics (2001)
  • Ensaios on political science in Italy (2002)
  • Dialogue in Torno da República (2002)
  • Or problem of war and so of ways of peace (2003)
  • A was two direitos (2004)
  • O final da longa estrada (2005)
  • Nem com Marx, nem against Marx (2006)
  • Or legal positivism (2006)
  • Gives structure to function: new studies of direct theory (2007)
  • Direitos e deveres na republica: the great issues of politics and citizenship (2007)
  • From Fascism to Democracy (2007)
  • Policy Dictionary (2007)
  • Direct and power (2008)
  • O third party absent: essays and speeches on the war (2009)
  • What democracy? (2010)
  • Praise da serenidade (2011)
  • Direita and esquerda (2012)
  • Theory of legal order (2014)
  • Studies by a geral do direito theory (2015)
  • Politics and culture (2015)
  • Theory of legal norm (2016)
  • Against you new despotisms (2016)
  • Essays on political science in Italy (2016)
  • Natural justice and legal positivism (2016)
  • Autobiography: a political life (2017)
  • State, governo, society (2017)
  • Liberalism and democracy (2017)
  • A theory gives forms of government (2017)
  • Writings on Marx: dialectics, state, civil society (2018)

Quotes by Noberto Bobbio

We know less and less.

A state corrupts or spirit you give people. Constrange to hypocrisia to lie to or servility.

I respect classic hairs chegou ao point of never being used, to return to a conhecida imagem, upload On the coasts of them, one year on the coasts of two giants, higher than them only for being on their coasts. Always have the feeling of being feito isso, um deles teria or direito de dizer, um so much hated:

- Faça-me o favor, desça e take o seu place, que é aos meus pés

A fundamental reason pela which in some epochs of minha life has some interest in politics or, with other words, senti, senão or dever, ambitious word demais, at least to demand that I take care of politics and sometimes, it is seldom, to develop political activities, it was always uncomfortable because of show of enormous inequalities, as disproportionate as unjustified, between rich and poor, between who is at the top and who is on the scale social, between who has power, it is worth saying, ability to determine behavior of two others, it is to the economic sphere, it is to the political and ideological sphere, and no or tem

Conheça also

  • José Saramago: biography and books
  • Jean-Paul Sartre e o existentialism
  • Max Weber: biography and theories
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