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Incidente em Antares, by Érico Veríssimo: summary and analysis

Considered as belonging to or Realism Magical, to work Incident in Antares (1971), by Érico Veríssimo, foi one of the last criações gaucho writer.

A history, divided into two parts (Antares and Incident), revolves around a small city not interior of Rio Grande do Sul that feared its rotina completely turned of head to lower após uma greve geral.

Operators, garçons, banks, nurses, cemetery officials... all aderiram a greve e a cidade parou. Due to the impossibility of being buried, the seven corpses that died during that period, the deceased rose two seus caixões and began to perambulate the city.

Published no boom in military status, Incident in Antares It is a story year the same comic and dramatic tempo that promotes a criticism of Brazilian politics.

I summarize

First part: Antares

In the first part of the romance of Érico Veríssimo we meet a small fictitious city of Antares, located in Rio Grande do Sul, which borders Argentina.

The region was dominated by two families that deeply hated each other: you Vacariano and you Campolargo. A description of the city and the mechanism of social functioning occupies almost a third of the text. Of course, a long year gives reading of the pages like the two families that geriam to the region have highly questionable values ​​and are mutually aligned.

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Antares has the genealogy of the land (the first foreigners to estimate it) and also the genealogy of the two most important families in the region. Or local domain começou with Francisco Vacariano, who for more than ten years was "supreme and uncontested authority in the village."

The conflict began when Anacleto Campolargo, not dating from 1860, demonstrated an interest in buying land in the region. Francisco Vacariano logo made it clear that he did not want intruders in his region.

Finally, facing Francisco, Anacleto acquired the vizinhas terras fostering or hate that would last gerações:

For the first time that Chico Vacariano and Anacleto Campolargo faced each other nessa praça, os homens that by ali we are going to be impressed that you two estacieiros iam bater-se num duel mortal. It was a moment of hectic anticipation. You two homens will suddenly stare, face to face, olharam-se, mediram-gives head to feet, and was done at first sight. Chegaram both to lift my waist, as if to tear off the adagas. Nesse exato moment or vigário emerged at porta da igreja, exclaiming: “Não! Deus love hair! No! "

Anacleto Campolargo was fixed in the village, making his home, making friends and founding the Conservative Party.

Chico Vacariano, to show your logo to your opposition, fund or Liberal Party. And likewise, from small to small disputes, a terrible relationship was established between the two families.

Leaving aside or conflict between the two influential dynasties, Antares was not a small one that was not perceived as a map. Despite being found, ossos fosseis two dinossaurs (ossos seriam de um glyptodonte), to the city remains not anonymous, being more spread to its vizinha, São Borja.

Second part: Or incident

Or incident, which gives me the second part of the book, occurred on the sixth-fair, day 13 of December of the year 1963 and placed Antares on the radar of Rio Grande do Sul and Brazil. Embora to fame has been passageira, it was thanks to the incident that all ficaram knowing this small city to the country.

No day 12 December 1963, mid-day, was declared a Greve Geral in Antares. A greve opens all the sectors of the company: industry, transport, trade, power station, services.

A greve começou as the workers of the factories, who will stop or eat and do not return for or work.

At the same time, two employees, two banks, two restaurants and the electric power company left the respective posts. The employees of the company that provide electricity will cut off the light of the internal city, only for the ends that provide energy for two years of hospitals in the region.

You will be hiding in the cemetery as well as Greve de Antares, also causing a huge problem in the region.

O cemitério had also been interdicted grevish hairs, more than four operative cents than fizeram a human cord to prevent non-local entry.

"But what do they pretend to be like this unpleasant attitude?" - perguntava-se. The answer was, almost invariably: “Fazer pressão on os- patrões to get or what they want”.

During a greve morreram seven Antarean cities that, as I protest, could not be properly buried. I am gone:

  • Prof. Menander (who committed suicide by cutting off two pulses);
  • D. Quitéria Campolargo (a matriarch of the Campolargo family who died of a myocardial infarction);
  • Joãozinho Paz (politician, failing in hospital, with pulmonary embolism);
  • Dr. Cícero Branco (advocate of two powerful families, victim of a fulminant stroke);
  • Barcelona (communist sapateiro, no one knows because of death);
  • Erotildes (a prostitute who morreu consumptive);
  • Pudim de Cachaça (or better drinkrão de Antares, was assassinated as a woman, Natalina).

Unable to be buried during the day, you sete caixões ficam awaits as your bodies inside. You are dead, then, I got up and followed in the direction of the city.

As they are still dead, the bodies can enter all the places and discover details of the conditions where the reaction of the people will die and the reception of the news of the death.

The mortals parted each time in the direction of their home to rediscover their relatives and friends. For we will not lose two others, the brand I found for the next day, the middle of the day, not coreto da praça.

Ao half day we are seven dead who, on the olhares of the population, commence to file complaints against some two living without fearing any type of retaliation. Barcelona states:

He is a legitimate death and therefore is free from the capitalist society and two serious lackeys.

The politician Joãozinho Paz, for example, denounces or illicit enrichment of two powerful members of the region and makes the situation of his death (the victim tortured by the police) transparent.

A prostitute Erotildes also takes advantage of the occasion and appoints some two of her clients. Barcelona, ​​which was a sapateiro and had many two cases of its sapataria, also accuses the city of adulterers.

Due to the chaos caused by the complaints, the Greeks resolve to attack the dead that we were not fighting. I am dead, finally, we can continue to the cemetery and are buried as it was supposed.

A history of two dead-living people has gained fame and Antares takes on reporters who want to write news about or matter, but nothing can be proven.

The local authorities, for any reason, say that the story was invented to promote an agricultural fair that would take place in the region.

Analyze Incident in Antares

Author's note

Before the narrative begins, we find em Incident in Antares The following note from the author:

This romance as people and imaginary localities appear disguised under fictitious names, past years. What are the people in the places that exist or exist? They are designated hairs. true.

Antares is a city completely imagined by Veríssimo, which finds no correspondence in the real world.

Despite being invented, to give the idea that it is a real place, or romance, face questão de discrever a region: as margens do rio, perto de São Borja, quase na fronteira com a Argentina.

A note by the author incorporates a mystery of mystery into a narrative that is still permeated with suspense. Or magical realism, present over the last two pages of the work, corroborates as a present enigma to the author's note.

Or narrator

Em Incident in Antares We find an oniscient narrator, who you know and you know, capable of recounting in detail the histories and characteristics of two families that dominate the region.

The narrator enters us meanders of concentrated power after two Vacariano and two Campolargo and transmits for the reader information that, at first, the no teria accesses.

We are aware, for example, of various situations of vigor or favoritism on the part of important families or public authorities:

- Tell me also that I'm a soy planter, and it's good! You want to establish a business in Antares, eu stored: or land for the factory, construction material at low prices and even more: five years of isenção of municipal taxes! O prefeito of the city of my nephew and my tenho na mão to Câmara de Vereadores.

Traições, excuses accords, aggresões e paternalismo sao some flagrant circumstances with little hair that tells history.

It is the first part of the book or I take it seriously, many times it is tempting to give truth to the story told by inserting scientific and technical data (such as Presença two phosseis of glyptodon), in the second part or narrator there is more to vontade to relate fofocas, rumors and suspeitas sem maiores fundamentals:

- Remove! Remove! Remove! Do you not feel like this anymore, my friend? You are being explored by um patife sem scruples, a social declassified that sorrindo confesses in public praça that he is deceived by his own wife. Either Cicero is using your presence, or prestígio do teu nome to attack the class you belong to. But you are giving nossas, eu sei! Fala, Quita! Tell ao povo de Antares that he is an intriguing, a sacripant, a liar!


Em Incident in Antares we see various forms of violence. We attend, for example, domestic violence. Natalina spent years at the meeting or vice of her husband Pudim de Cachaça resolved to give enough of the situation.

For years working, feito escrava to support or husband, além de testemunhá-lo staying late and, at times, drowning. A wife, tired of rotina, places arsenic in the food of her little subject, using enough to kill a cavalier. This is how Pudim de Cachaça was assassinated.

The pianist Menandro also commits a violence, but against himself. Farto gives solidão and makes an effort to touch Appassionata, give up gives life.

A fame and the possibility of making concertos não chegavam never e ele, num surto de raiva, resolve to punish mine own by cutting off the pulses with a navalha.

A violence described as more harsh, however, is lived by personagem João Paz. Political, he was tortured with the requisites of cruelty.

It is worth noting that the present description was not compatible with how it assisted in real life, torture sessions carried out by military hair, fazendo assim com que ficção e realidade se next week:

- More or interrogation continues... See the refined phase. Enfiam-lhe um fio de copper na urethra e outro no nus e aplicam-lhe electric shocks. O prisoner fainted from dor. Metem-lhe a head with a bucket of gelada water, at one hour depois, when it is again in conditions to understand or what I say to fail, the electric shocks are repeated ...

Or romance, in several passages as you can see in no way over, it also gives a few political moments in the country. Another quite clear example occurred during a conversation as governor of Rio Grande do Sul. Desperate com a hypótese de uma greve Geral, Cel. Tibério Vacariano faces a criticism of society and demands or uses force.

Spending hours trying to speak as governor and having a critique of the political and social structure in which he was inserted, Tibério loses patience.

Or what he wanted was for the governor to intervene with force (despite the illegality of the measure):

- There is nothing that my government can do within the law.
- Pois então faça fora da legalidade.
- Hello? Fale higher, colonel.
- Send to legalidade pro diabo! - shouted Tibério.
- Send troops from the Military Brigade to Antares and obrigue esses, squatters to voltarem ao trabalho. Or increase that the pedem is absurd. A greve is two workers from local industries. The others hardly sympathize with them. Coisas que os chefes do P.T.B. In the communes put in the head two operatives.
- Colonel, or senhor esquece that we are in a democracy.
- Democracy what nothing, governor! Or that we are not Brazil is a Merdocracy.
- Hello?! A ligação is lousy.
- Eu disse that we are numa mer-do-cra-ci-a, understand?


Tibério did not respond. When he put in a canvas bag with chimarrão's belongings, he resmungava: “I guarantee how I now turn to the bed and I will sleep next to each other. When I agree to a coffee I will think that this phone was a dream. In the communes, the brizolistas and the pelegos of Jango Goulart are preparing to take part in our city. É o fim da picada! "

About a criação do livro

Through an interview with the author, we know that the idea of ​​raising the work Incident in Antares He appeared during a walk that he went to with a woman during the next day of May 8, 1971.

The initial impulse would have arisen from a photograph that Veríssimo had seen some time before.

I was not timing perfect for the emergence of the idea because, on occasion, Veríssimo was creating A Hora do Sétimo Anjo. Part of the free material was used to Incident in Antares.

Uma curiosity: first part of the book, Antares, was written to the United States, when Veríssimo was living for it.

The author keeps a daily written record of the creation of romance establishing a type of rotation with meticulous inscriptions.

When he returned to Brazil, the writing of that newspaper was aborted, by isso little or nothing is known about the frame of the writing of the second part of the book.

Please note that the period of writing the romance was extremely hard for the country. Military status had intensified between 1968 and 1972 (Institutional Ato Number Five - instituted in 1968).

An interesting fact: o occurred in Antares it passed on the 13th of December 1963. At the end of the date it does not seem to have been anything casual, no day 13 of December of 1968 had been decreed or AI5.

In a time of harsh dita, it is very necessary to shield himself in any way by creating in his work a kind of veiled criticism.

In an interview granted about that hard period, or Brazilian writer confessou:

Always achei that or less than a writer can do, a time of violence and injustices like nossa, and light his lamp […]. We do not have an electric lamp, we light or we touch a candle or, in the last case, we light matches repeatedly, as a sign that we do not desert ourselves.


O Romance by Érico Veríssimo was adapted for a television by the Globo network. Between November 29, 1994 and December 16, 1994 exibidos, at 9:30 p.m., 12 episodes of Incident in Antares.

O general director responsible for the adaptation by José Luiz Villamarim, quem assinou or text by Alcides Nogueira and Nelson Nadotti.

No cast will participate in great nominations such as Fernanda Montenegro (who played Quitéria Campolargo), Paulo Betti (who fez or role of Cícero Branco), Diogo Vilela (who lived João da Paz) and Glória Pires (who was Erotildes).

Incident in Antares - Opening Remake


In 1994 the Globo network launched a long metragem based on the series exhibited between November and December of the same year.

Quem fez a adaptation for the cinema for Charles Peixoto and Nelson Nadotti.

Os mortos do not film Incidente em Antares.
Os mortos do not film Incident in Antares.

Leia na whole

Incident in Antares Find-it is available for free download in PDF format.

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