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20 books of romance that você não can deixar de ler

Gosta de um bom livro capable of drawing off sighs? We create this list with great romantic romances that promise to bring you all your love days.

1. Fazes-I'm missing (2002), by Inês Pedrosa

Fazes-I'm missing

Em Fazes-I'm missing, written by the Portuguese author Inês Pedrosa (1962), we see a marked relationship with love, but also without absence. This story is told by two voices: a de uma mulher, ja morta, e a de um homem que sofre com saudades da amada.

O livro registers reflections on the most diverse themes that unites or casal - from or sex tied to violence. Or that it begins with a loving relationship ends up transforming a mature relationship of amizade:

I took my friend as an adult version and emptied of love, or that means that I transferred home from the heavy artillery of my battle of affections. I replaced the Prince Charming hair Wonderful Friend that you were.

A nostalgia that remains of death is noted over the long term of all writing of the work - even the present face is not its own title.

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Fazes-I'm missing It is a light full of delicacy that deserves to be read by those enthusiastic da paixão.

2. Arithmetic (2012), by Fernanda Young


A Brazilian writer Fernanda Young (1970-2019) escolheu em Arithmetic Falar de um complexo casal composed by João Dias, a famous author and professor, in America, who was his unpassed aluna. As they were both married, the relationship developed clandestinely with two lovers.

It is surprising that a clandestine relationship has happened when they have both been 75 years old. Or romance explores how we found each other to unfold and the turbulence of emotions that this love woke up outside of the hour.

The relationship of João Dias e América provokes a true revolution, not just us as well families, who ended up noticing different behaviors even though they know exactly where they came from. questão.

3. Inês da minha alma (2007), by Isabel Allende

Ines da minha alma

Chilean author Isabel Allende (1942) introduces us to the protagonist Inês Suarez, uma jovem seamstress from Santiago de Nova Extremadura, in the Kingdom of Chile, born in 1507, who are melhor life.

A history and set I do not know sixteenth and what face Agnes to move to an unknown land and also a woman to find her husband again, who had emigrated to the other side of the Atlantic.

Ao contrarário two serious plans of her, or that Inés found no novo mundo é uma nova paixão. Pedro de Valdivia, or her new love, works no field and rouba or heart of sewing in an unexpected moment.

Also to accompany the beautiful love stories of Inês, or the reader, you will find this romance an important part of the history of Spanish colonization in Chile and in Peru.

4. To rainha Margot (1845), by Alexandre Dumas

To rainha Margot

A historical romance written by French hair Alexandre Dumas (1802-1870) turns to an interesting personagem Margarida de Valois (known as Margot), one of the most important women of France.

A princess, who was born in 1553, has a restless personality and never submerges her love for a family member, she loves or wishes her husband. Margot, Ali, collected a series of lovers, or that deixou had a reputation for being a pervert.

A work tells history of her woman very much in front of her tempo, the backstage of many of her loves clandestine and shows the reader as a princess escolheu break or demure place that we hope that she take care.

5. To assassination of all sorts (2013), by Elizabeth Gilbert

To assassination of all sorts

A leading American personage Elizabeth Gilbert (1969) and Alma Whittaker, a young woman who was born in 1800 number rich and received her best education.

Alma follows the steps of the country, a botanical has happened, and is interested in natural science and in all or types of knowledge related to plants.

She is unexpectedly struck by Ambrose, an artist who is exactly or opposite of her: a home linked to spirituality, to the kingdom of magic and divine, who is dedicated to unleashing orchids.

Despite being completely different, Alma and Ambrose are a curious couple, who partilha or lose hair with thought and reflection. You want to mergulhar in a cative romantic romance, To assassination of all sorts he is a right escort.

6. To Northanger Abbey (1818), by Jane Austen

To northanger abbey

Famous for romantic works such as Pride and Preconception, to English Jane Austen (1775-1817) had a series of books that could easily be entered nessa list - To Northanger Abbey It is, however, a little piece known within the writer's production that deserves to be read.

A work was first written by Jane, having been finished in 1803 and published in 1818, after her death. A mocinha da narrative is Catherine Morland, who lives in a rural area not belonging to a humble family composted for ten years.

Catherine's life changed by the day for a night when she was invited to spend a season in the rich region of Bath in the company of the important Allen house. This is the place where young people will see a modest rotina and will go to attend high society in India to dances and theaters.

It is in Bath that Catherine will meet or become her romantic partner, Henry Tillney. In order to be able to meet together, you will need to overcome a series of preconceptions of class one time Henry was rich and Catherine was poor.

At work, apart from a romantic literature, it is an opportunity to read or understand or function of the conservative British bourgeois society given that it is secular.

Em To Northanger Abbey Let us read, for example, harsh criticism of the society of feita pela corajosa Catherine. O machismo é um two pillars more questioned by the narrator, who summarizes the social dynamics of her geração in an unconformed way:

No marriage, I hope that either homem proves or sustenance gives mulher, e a mulher, to return home pleasant to homem. Ele must provide, e a mulher, sorrir.

7. Dona Flor and her two husbands (1966), by Jorge Amado

Dona flor e seus two husbands

O baiano Jorge Amado (1912-2001) told us some of the most famous and unexpected love stories from Brazilian literature in Dona Flor and her two husbands. To work, cheia of humor, fala of a senhora who had a heart divided ao meio and is able to love two homens at the same time.

Florípedes Guimarães was married to Vadinho, a thug with a bohemian life who lived mergulhado na drink and no jogo. O casamento já tinha seven years when Vadinho died of causes of nature.

Dona Flor, widower, conheceu então or pharmacist Teodoro Madureira, who was or opposite of her first husband. Recaptured and com a regraded life, Teodoro deu à dona Flor a surety that she has never had.

Um belo día, já with a year of marriage with Teodoro, Dona Flor lies like Vadinho's ghost in her bed. From then on, Florípedes began to divide either his tempo and his heart as two opposing homens, rather than a cobrem of love.

You see love stories, but you are also interested in a funny and surprising text, we say that Dona Flor and her two husbands é uma boa escolha.

8. Dom Casmurro (1899), by Machado de Assis

Dom Casmurro

You see a story of controversial love, Dom Casmurro It is a book that will certainly be part of the list of two serious favorites. Or romance by Machado de Assis (1839-1908) had the main characters or casal Bento Santiago e Capitu.

Two of you were childhood friends who died and ended up getting married. You would be perfect, not extremely insecure for your husband. Muito ciumento, Bentinho fears at all times that Capitu either brought with Escobar, or his best friend.

Despite Capitu and Bentinho terem a full marriage, as a filho inclusive - Ezequiel - nothing is capable of pulling the head of the husband to his supposed betrayal of his wife.

A love story told in Dom Casmurro It is permeated with mistrust and posse sentiment. Find out more about essa doentia love story lendo o artigo Dom Casmurro, by Machado de Assis.

9. Iracema (1865), by José de Alencar


Besides being a very important work for the history of Brazilian literature, Iracema é also a beautiful love story told by José de Alencar (1829-1877).

O romance narrates a captivating paixão between Martim (um Portuguese, branco, colonizer) and Iracema (an Indian, filha de um pajé da tribo tabajara). From completely different universes, more enchanted logos um another hair, you two met accidentally when Iracema shoots an arrow that ends up firing Martim, the one he considered to be the invader of the terras da his tribo.

Martim quickly fell in love with Iracema, and she also indulges in this forbidden relationship. You defy your social preconceptions of your time and resolve to face your love despite all the adverse circumstances.

To follow his love, Martim, Iracema needs to leave his story behind. A prohibited relationship between two gera or baby Moacir, symbolically considered as the first Brazilian.

Find out more about or Livro Iracema, by José de Alencar.

10. Or diary of Bridget Jones (1996), by Helen Fielding

Or diary of Bridget Jones

The protagonist, Bridget, is a rather uncharacteristic and deeply normal chubby - this is two fathers who seduced or read to mergulhar de cabeça not free by English Helen Fielding (1958). We do not personally identify with Bridget, we certainly fear some year or so that we face a personagem.

A light work, written in the form of a diary, an intimate theme as we are conversing with friends and invites us to spying on life from London, who is thirty and a few years old, who lives true mountains-russas, you are thrilled to seek love.

Bridget Jones is long overdue to be perfect and knows how to read, as well as a reader: she drinks, smokes, fights against the balance, has low self-esteem and tries to balance her career and emotional adventures.

Com um tom bem humorous, Or diary of Bridget Jones You are most grateful and you have succeeded romantic comedies at two times. The romance written by English Helen Fielding quickly became a best seller and was adapted for the world of cinema where it was a bilheteria success.

11. Olhai you lrios do campo (1938), by Érico Veríssimo

Olhai you lrios do campo

The urban romance of the gaucho Érico Veríssimo (1905-1975) had Eugênio as the protagonist, a humble young man who manages to train in Medicine and grow in life despite all the adversities.

It is during the training that Olívia knows that, like him, we see a modest past. You dois turned off and it became safe another way, despite everything or sentiment, Eugênio refuses to take Olívia. Essa vergonha, no entanto, no or impede de ter uma filha com ela (Anamaria).

Or a young doctor ends up meeting Eunice, who comes from a rich family, and marries her just out of interest, leaving Olívia and Anamaria behind.

Seu old love, not so much, adoece. It is because of Olivia's teaching that Eugênio faces a balance of his life and ponders his loving escorts for the first time as a heart.

12. Or cousin Basílio (1878), by Eça de Queiroz

Or cousin basilio

Jorge is a raptor from a family, an engenheiro who lives in Lisbon and is beaten by Luísa, a young man who also has a high social class. You two get married and live a typical relationship between luxury and luxury at your time.

We would all have to find a traditional love story here, no fosse or relationship ending up being lido as intented by Luísa, who was used to having great love adventures two romances that lia.

What or love is essentially perishable, at a time when it is born, it begins to die. Só os começos são bons. There is a delirium, an enthusiasm, a mouthful of ceu. More depois! Would it be necessary to always be to start, to be able to always feel?

Chatted with a monotony of marriage, depois to receive a visit from a cousin, Basílio, Luísa começa a manter um case. Assim is raised or the most famous love triangle in Portuguese literature.

A narrative by Eça além de falar about love revolves around adulthood, social criticism, hypocrisy and the daily bourgeoisie of a European capital.

Find out more about romance Or cousin Basílio, by Eça de Queiroz.

13. To fault you give stars (2012), by John Green

It's because of the stars

To fault you give stars It is the sixth romance of John Green (1977) and it is likely to be more like works than you will read (prepare and separate the paper lenços). The protagonist of the story is Hazel Grace, a 16-year-old girl who had been suffering from terminal cancer since she was 13. Or if her tumor was aggressive, it came to a thyroid and fell back to the lungs.

To please your country, a young person frequents a Group of Support for Crianças com Câncer in which she unexpectedly meets Augustus Waters. Two of you became great friends and the logo was turned off. They found them not love a way to give a colorful year to their hot destinations.

Apaixonante, or livro manages to deal with hard topics such as doença e a morte sem lose delicacy. To fault you give stars It is a compelling story that will be adapted for a cinema transforming or a best seller in a bilheteria event as well.

Conheça or summary and explanation of A Culpa é das Estrelas.

14. Madame Bovary (1857), by Gustave Flaubert

Madame Bovary

Emma Bovary was a bourgeois young man with a good life. Compulsive and romantic reader, she spends her days devouring books with love stories.

Um beautiful day Emma meets by chance or her future husband, or doctor Charles Bovary, who ends up treating her for a moment of fragile health. You two quickly turned off and got married. It would be perfect for Emma not to be a victim of tea and an ambition to love like the romances that she has.

Before marrying, Emma began to feel love; but to happiness that should result from that love will not appear, hair that would become deceived, she thought.

Looking to feel cold in her belly again, Emma becomes an adulterous wife and faces harsh consequences from her escorts. Or romance written by Flaubert (1821-1880), which is a classic of French literature, fala about or love, year same tempo, that you have a harsh criticism about the idealization of the sentiment that looks like it inatingível.

Leia mais on or romance Madame Bovary, by Gustave Flaubert.

15. Amar, intransitive verb (1927), by Mário de Andrade

Amar intransitive verb

Uma estranha historia de amor, essa foi a escolha de enredo feita by Mário de Andrade (1893-1945). Em Amar, intransitive verb We meet a conservative and religious family from São Paulo whose country decides to hire a professional to introduce or filho the art of love.

Disguised as a German teacher, Fraulen, a 35-year-old woman, a missão de seduzir Carlos, or filho mais velho. You develop a relationship of trust and intimidation and, little years, of fate, or love begins to be born on the part of men. A paixão de Carlos, not so much, he knows badly about it, and impossible.

Or free Amar, intransitive verb She transports us to our first countries and faces us to experience the sensation of cold in the typical youth belly.

16. O love us tempos of anger (1985), by Gabriel García Márquez

O love us tempos do colera

A love that goes through secles, that is the story of the romantic couple Florentino and Firmina, people raised by Colombian hair Gabriel García Márquez (1927-2014).

Florentino was a telegraph that one day was to deliver a message to Lorenzo, a country from Firmina. Nesse found a chance to be born a youthful paixão. You are going to exchange letters and chegaram to combine or match, but the plans for the broken form depois that either pai da moça descobriu or case and sent to another city.

Firmina ended up conhecendo Juvenal, a great game that has turned Europe. The two of you will marry each other, but the love between Firmina and Florentino never disappears. Fifty-three years later, you two pombinhos, who met as youth, will meet again. With Firmina já viúva, you are finally able to live the story of love adiada.

17. O corcunda of Notre Dame (1831), by Victor Hugo

O corcunda of Notre Dame

A history of love of French Victor Hugo (1802-1885) passes many of the most famous cathedrals of Paris during the medieval era.

Quasímodo was a child who had deformations, no face and no body, because of isso, he ended up being abandoned by the family. Raised hidden from the world, na igreja, or rapacious became sineiro of the cathedral. At the top it is possible that Quasímodo sees Esmeralda, a beautiful girl who dances in front of the door to win some exchanges.

This love forbidden between two people in a certain way excluded from society and especially disturbed hair Archbishop Claude Frollo, who mistreats Quasímodo and wants to disappear with Esmeralda because he sees her as ameaça for his carreira.

A historical, tragic, fear of a reviravoltas and deixa or curious reader to know or the destination of the unexpected home Quasímodo e Esmeralda.

Gosta dessa history? Then take advantage of and read a complete analysis of the book O Corcunda de Notre Dame, by Victor Hugo.

18. To moreninha (1844), by Joaquim Manuel de Macedo

To moreninha

The Brazilian Joaquim Manuel de Macedo (1820-1882) follows his work, published in 1844, in the relationship between Carolina and Augusto, two young people who met during a holiday.

Or inconstant Augustus was a medical student who was never beaten up for more than a month. He traveled with three friends to the praia and the foil that he met Carolina, to irmã mais nova de um two friends (Filipe).

Carolina was barely 13 years old and she is a young girl of life, who responds to all of Augusto's provocations. That is the moment that a veiled love began to emerge on the part of Augusto. Or love between the two of you grows like spending two years and a testemunha leitor or amadurecimento dessa relação.

Find a detailed analysis read or write Livro A moreninha.

19. Os sofrimentos do jovem Werther (1774), by Goethe

Os sofrimentos do jovem Werther

Or classic written by German hair Goethe (1749-1832) nothing more than a tragic love story. Either he had a romance as the main character or a young Werther, who had an incursionate love for Charlotte.

Like many tragic love stories, Werther is destined for relief because to a girl that roubou or seu coração is promised for another home.

Unconformed, the partilha as dores as my friend, Wilhelm, but it ends up not getting disappointed Amorosa and resolves to shoot his own life with a pistol so as not to be able to face the unrequited paixão.

Os sofrimentos do jovem Werther It was a work that inaugurated or German romanticism.

20. O nose two uivantes ventos (1847), by Emily Brontë

O nose two uivantes ventos

A work that is a classic English of romantic literature and the only creation published by the author Emily Brontë (1818-1848). Written in 1847, the history goes beyond the interior of England, in a rural region. What tells the story of Nelly Dean, a governess of the house where the Earnshaw family lived.

A normal day, or Senhor Earnshaw goes to the city (Liverpool), and he comes across as a little boy, sozinho and helpless. As a child or father, he decides or adore the child at home, where we live the two children (Catherine and Hindley).

Logo born a forte amizade between Heathcliff, or filho adotivo, and Catherine, a biological filha. How to pass from time to time a friend is transformed into love by challenging the costumes of the time that he considers to be an important commercial agreement. Catherine, born, had to find a good match, the fruit of a family with possessions.

A girl follows what is socially expected and ends up marrying Edgar Linton, a rapacious well-off, despite nurturing love with irmão adotivo. This is how two more famous love triangles are formed in British literature composed by Catherine, Heathcliff and Edgar.

Know more about the work O Morro dos Ventos Uivantes, by Emily Brontë.

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