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5 inspiring musics by Brazilian female singers

To current Brazilian music, the appearance of female singers is scheduled, who trazem more than what rhythm e animação às nosasas lives: elas carregam mensagens de superacão, representatividade e empowerment.

Conheça, abaixo, 5 inspiring musics of Brazilian singers atuais that you will melhorar o seu dia.

Mim's Donut, IZA

IZA - Dona de Mim

Launched in 2018, Mim's Donut It is a music about individual growth. In the letter, IZA reflects on the modest posture that has not passed and the implications that it has. Agora, contrarian hair, lost or expressed itself, said that it thought and aconselha as other women to fazerem or the same:

Always fiquei quiet, agora vou falar
Se você tem boca, learn to use

Confident and sure of his abilities ("sei do meu valor"), he advances and does not give up even when he is sad and rumored. Despite two moments of uncertainty and fragility, he knows that he will survive sozinha and face all the obstacles do seu jeito, com força e doçura. Assim, accredits that he was born to be free and donates himself, that Deus a criou dessa form.

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I lost my hair, way
But don't stop, don't
Já chorei mares e rios
More not afogo, not

Semper dou or meu jeitinho
It is gross, but it is sweet
Because Deus fez assim me
Mim donut

Guided pela fe em Deus e em si mesma, she is ready to fight the succession: "um dia eu chego lá". Music inspires us to trust our instincts and not bother like two others.

I don't care about your opinion
O seu conceito does not alter minha visão
So much sim, what now I say no

IZA sees that we must make our own decisions, instead of living to please other people.

For isso, it is necessary for us to be self-confident, independent, and we will be saddened by what damages us:

I want to know only what looks like me.

Rolo bolus, Duda Beat

DOUBT BEAT- Bolo de rolo (Official Clip)

Em 2018, Duda Beat lançou Sinto Muito, or his first album, where he mixes pop music and northeastern regional influences. Rolo bolus, his first succession, fallacy about lidar as a separation without losing lightness and joy.

Eu não vou look for felicidade em mais ninguém
Because cansei, meu love
Dessa tries for um nothing
That only a head is here

The title itself, with the word "rolo", indicates that it is an installed relationship, where there is no definition. Logo our first verses is affirmed to the importance of detachment, to the necessity of being self-sufficient and we get to be bem sozinhos.

The singer also seems to talk about love expectations that did not materialize. Remember the conselhos da mãe, more wise and experienced woman, that you do not oil or despair, that love is not worth everything.

E minha mãe me ensinou
That is to jump for love
I can't be desperate

Aware that his integrity and his self-esteem must always be priorities, he decides to continue in front and free himself. As a tempo and or afastamento, it begins to question whether it is the same as that the person and the person who really knows it. In this way, it also seems to be a reflection on our projects, the illusions that we create and the expectations that we place on ourselves.

Acima de tudo, Rolo bolus she inspires us to face reality and lead life with love for ourselves.

Decote, Preta Gil and Pabllo Vittar

Preta Gil - Decote (Videoclipe) ft. Pabllo vittar

With a contagious energy, Decote é a music about libertação e felicidade. Thus the singers addressed someone in the past who had died of their sentiments, turned to joy and freedom from their lives ("você roubou o meu samba"): "ponha-se no seu lugar!".

Eu falei
That eu was mais forte
Agora boa sorte
I set you free
Do not import as meu decote

In the atmosphere of celebration and commemoration, we celebrate our own strength and ability to overcome, depois a toxic relationship. Falando on the respective decotes, shamam to attention for the police of two feminine corpos, associated with the feelings of control and posse.

Você duvidava
That eu was capable
You are here
I got tied more

In relationships, many women end up losing their self-esteem, especially when their companions do not accredit their abilities and underestimate their future.

On the other hand, when they free themselves, they surpass themselves, surpassing their own expectations and achieving conquests. Going back, I realize that I cannot be able to be with someone else again: "You are not satisfied with me."

100% Feminist, MC Carol and Karol Conka

100% Feminista - Mc Carol and Karol Conka - Lyrics [Lyrics Video]

100% Feminist é a music of 2016 that gives voice to luta das mulheres. MC Carol and Karol Conka use the topic to reflect on their experiences with black Brazilian women.

Falam about the oppression and the violence that they tested during childhood, sublining that isso fez how they perceive more inequalities and needs to move.

Mulher oppressed, sem voice, obedient
When eu crescer, eu vou be different

Now that we are adults and find music a form of expression, we use this vehicle to pass important social messages.

Examples of a very necessary representativeness in Brazil, with reference to various women who foram "off" gives our history, made invisible by the double oppression enquanto mulheres e cidadãs black.

I represent Aqualtune, I represent Carolina
I represent Dandara and Xica da Silva
I'm mulher, I'm black, my hair is hard
Strong, authoritarian and at the same time fragile, I assume
Minha fragilidade not diminui minha força
I'm sending nessa porra, I'm not going to wash Louça

Falam em Aqualtune, Dandara and Zeferina, black warriors and heroines from the colonial era that Lutaram peels freedom from her life.

We also mention figures such as Chica da Silva, a former escrava who raised a high social status, marginal writer Carolina Maria Jesus and famous singer Elza Soares.

With this list of talented women and men of courage, I intend to claim or power and also the history that they have created. Assim, assume a combative stance, show that you are willing to fight serious hair.

Tentam us to confuse, distort everything or that eu sei
Século XXI and ainda want to limit us with new leis
In the absence of information, the mind becomes cold
Tô no mar crescente because it faço different

Uma denouncement music, já que or "silêncio não soluciona", appeals to união between women. In order for them to be shielded, they need to get together and fight side by side: "or shout I have to be powerful."

I Deixa Viver, Karol de Souza

Me Deixa Viver - Karol de Souza

I Deixa Viver é uma music of 2018 on diversidade e aceitação corporal. Karol de Souza affirms urgently that we love each other as we are, because of a positive relationship and saudável as our body.

Challenging and breaking the current patrons of beauty, he traces a message of force and power, sublining that we must ignore the criticisms that try to downgrade us.

Eu tô dispensing or project verão
Bunda grande, eu tô bem
Cellulite não é minha concern
When I want to, ele vem
Reciprocated of the question

Despite all the "brain lavage" empowered by the medium, Karol de Souza knows that there is hardly any way to be pretty, more numerous.

Same as the magazine capes ainda bandaged lean
Every dobrinha do meu corpo
On each line of expressão do meu rosto
São parts fundamentais da minha beleza

For all those who believe that he would have to grow thin for that success, it shows that he managed to win without having to move. She explains that "to be able to do fatherhood imposto" you have to resist, to learn to love yourself and to be your own model of beauty.

Cool Culture no Spotify

Escute these and other musics by Brazilian singers atuais na playlist that we prepare for you:

Tudo delas - Atuais Brazilian singers who inspire us

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