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Branca de Neve: summary, adaptation and history of conto creation

Two more infantile counts conhened in the western culture and Branca de Neve, the story of a girl who lived surrounded by seven years and managed to escape from the cruel stepmother.

A narrative with German origins and back to other continents.

Branca de Neve


To origin da Branca de Neve

It was a long time ago, it is not known exactly when nem onde, it was winter when a rainha sewed from a janela open. Ela bordava e olhava os flocos de neve falling on the side of outside.

Accidentally to rainha picou or finger with agulha and three drops of sangue caíram on snow white. To rainha então disse:

"Quem dera ter uma filha tão alva as a neve, carminada as o sangue e cujo rosto fosse emoldlado de preto como o ebony!"

branca de neve mãe

Sometime soon, rainha engraved and, when she was born baby, she will come out exactly as she had requested: white as a neve, carminated as or sangue and as pretos hair.

A orfandade e a nova família

Unfortunately, a child was born and Rainha Morreu.

Apostle a year of mourning, or rei married again, once again as a very vain princess who lived repeatedly for his own spelho:

instagram story viewer

"Espelhinho, meu espelhinho, answer-me with frankness: Qual a mulher mais bela de toda a roundza?"

Or espelho answered all the time that a mais bela was ela, a nova mulher do rei. Branca de Neve, however, grows and becomes more and more formosa.

branca de neve stepmother

A vaidade da madrasta e o crime to kill enteada

Either a great conflict was established, no day or so, I answered for Nova Rainha that Branca de Neve was even more beautiful than she.

Furious with the answer, the stepmother hired a caçador to carry out the day. A stepmother was tão more than she has or requires cruelty to ask the caçador to perform or coração e o fígado as prova do assassinato da menina.

O regret of the caçador

O caçador, com pena da garota, desistiu de mala-la. Branca de Neve promises to always live in the forest, in stealth.

Branca de Neve

O caçador levou então for a stepmother or heart and o fígado of a veado that passed at the hour of supposed crime. To stepmother, to receive or that she had requested, sent or cooked to order.

A nova vida da Branca de Neve

In the midst of the forest, Branca de Neve feared his future for her. She finally found a pretty casinha, it didn't hurt me. Every house was small: the beds were short, the prices were minimal. Home belongs to seven years that I have worked as a miner in the mountains.

Branca de Neve told you for the seven years that he had passed on to them, with pity, they would promise not to be precise. So Branca de Neve lived living for seven years. In exchange, she collaborated with domestic chores.

Branca de Neve Anões

A descoberta da stepmother

To stepmother, porém, I ended up discovering through the spell that Branca de Neve had not died. Furious with the news, she dressed as a saleswoman and attacked Branca de Neve, appearing at her waist with a belt. Happily you chegaram years in time to save menina.

Ainda in a second chance, Branca de Neve attacked a stepmother, once again a poisoned person, but again years to save them.

Branca de Neve in trouble

At a third attempt, the stepmother was poisoned with a contaminated maçã. She disguises herself as a camponnaise and delivers it for a menina or an appetizing fruit. You have not been able to do anything for years.

Branca de Neve Maçã

Year inverse of a burial, they placed Branca de Neve in a glass skiff, all of them could also shock his death from her, even you are encouraged by the forest that we gostavam so much of. In spite of two years, Terem se passedado, or Corpo de Branca de Neve não apodreceu, a moça seemed to be barely asleep.

Or found like prince

Um beautiful day, I passed by that path, a prince, filho of a mighty king, that year old for or was delighted with such a formosura. He asked for his servants to transport or to stay for his land, because he would not get more life to see a girl.

During the course, a two servants tropeçou, or that fez like that fell from the mouth of Branca de Neve a piece of poisoned maçã. To everyone's surprise, the girl was immediately awakened.

Branca de Neve and the prince could be happily ever after.

branca de neve prince

Finally, Branca de Neve married as a prince in years to punish a stepmother with a pair of iron shoes.

At the origin of the history of Branca de Neve

A narrative of Branca de Neve has origins in German folklore and has secules, later it is moved back to the European continent. Initially, the story was propagated through oral tradition, or that fazia as a narrative always gained some modifications.

The first two written records that are asserted in what I look at are known as the Historia da Branca de Neve foi feito italiano pelo Giambattista Basile. The writer redigiu a story about a rainha who invented beleza da sobrinha. Or text, entitled La schiavoletta, was collected no Il Pentamerone It was published in Naples between 1634 and 1636.

A version that lasts for me, not so long, Irmãos Grimm hairs were produced. Os irmãos, of German origin, compiled in 1812, or by Branca de Neve I do not release Fada Counts for children and adults next to other fables.

Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm
Os Irmãos Grimm: Jacob and Wilhelm.

Why the protagonist chama-se Branca de Neve?

In a few verses of the story we see logo not the beginning of the history to justification:

A count and a condessa pass through three mountains of white snow, or that fez or count says: "I would like to have a filha so white as this snow." Pouco depois passaram through three cheios buracos de sangue vermelho, and o count disse: "I would like to be with you as faces tão vermelhas like this sangue. "Finally, you will see three corvos flying, when you want to see a filha" with your hair as black as you corvos ". Continuing or walking, we will find a girl as white as a snow, pink as a sangue, and with hair as black as you are crooked: she was Branca de Neve.

Branca de Neve, a Disney princess

A North American adaptation produced by Walt Disney ganhou hair or original name from Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs. The animation began to be planned in the middle of two years 1930 and ended up being launched on December 21, 1937.

The animation study had been created in a relatively short time - in 1923 - and the story of Branca de Neve served to advance the work that has been produced by Walt Disney.

Branca de Neve

The film was the first long metragem made by studying hair, it was also the first animation long metragem in English from the history of cinema. Inspired by the version of two Grimm signs, the film was directed by David Hand.

The work was done using the Technicolor technique, a coloring process invented in 1916 that used vermelose, green filters, lenses and prisms.

Presented in the Carthway theater, in Hollywood, logo virou a successso of public and bands. I know that the production of the film has a forecast of initial costs of 150 thousand dollars, having ultrapass and muito or orçamento planned. It ended up costing approximately 1.5 million dollars per year of study and rendeu coffers, I added two days of leaf, about 185 thousand dollars.

Letter of the film Branca de Neve and the seven years released in 1937.
Letter of the film Branca de Neve and the seven years released in 1937.

At least two sets of fadas

Contos de fadas contêm princípio, meio e fim e treatment of universal human problems such as inveja, a raiva, or egoism, or ciume, a ganância e a vingança.

According to the psychoanalyst Bruno Bettelheim, author of To psycheanize two fadas contos, these infantile stories are faze with which children trust and encourage us to overcome daily challenges.

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