Education, study and knowledge

11 popular contos commented

1. O shit and festa no céu

One time I houve three days of festivities; all the la foram bugs; but you give us first days or shit I can't go, just to wander too much. When you other vinham de volta, ele ia no meio do caminho. Not the last day, showing the great amount of time to go, Garça was offered to lift the coasts. O cagado aceitou, e montou-se; But a wicked one, always asking, he is still going to earth, and when he says that he does not see more than earth, he or she is long or poor I see rolling and saying:

"Léu, léu, léu, It is us to escape, Never more weddings to or ceu ..."

And also: "Arredem-se, stones, paus, senão you will break." As stones and paus were afastaram, and ele caiu; porém all regrettable. Deus you have grief and together you have received and returned from novo to life on a big day pay that you have to go to or ceu. Por isso é que o cagado item or helmet in the form of patches.

Or popular count O shit and festa no céu It is from the Sergipe region and has a single main personagem, or cagado. In this case, the story tries to explain to the reader a present characteristic not in the real world - or the fact of the bag or the helmet in the format of rubber bands.

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Assim, as a large part, two popular contos, it is not known who or what author of the story once it is transmitted orally, being told of geração em geração.

Despite being born in oral tradition and remaining alive thanks to the history-counters, many years of history - inclusive O shit and festa no céu - Foram being also registered in books.

Not in the case of the sad history, there has been a rapid awakening of interest from the reader, who is quickly identified as content because the mix reality and fiction. Or cagado helmet, for example, I have been known to have a patched format - a real world element. Or, for the time being, it fictionalizes due to its format or to tell the story of a festa no céu e de uma garça maldosa.

2. Or macaque and a cotia

Or macaque was dancing in the house of cotia; to cotia, of known, mandou or macaque to touch, giving-lhe a rabeca. Every day you come to dance, and, not to turn around, from one attached to the wall and part of the tail. All of you that tinham tail ficaram I sell isto, I eat dance. Então o preá disse: “Pray, you're ready to dance! Send me to play, and you're going to see the work! "

O macaco ficou logo distrustful, and trepou-se num bank and starts to play for or preá dance. Or before you have a few voltas and were to give your embigade no macaque master, who did not have another jeito senão to enter also in the dance of two other animals, and all the pisaram not tail.

Então ele disse: “Don't dance anymore, because compadre preá e compadre sapo do not dance while stepping on two tails others, because they don't have a tail to step on. " He pulou for the top of janela and de la tocava sem ser uncomfortable.

Or macaque and a cotia é um indigenous popular count that traces as personagens principais animais with human characteristics - que dançam, cantam, sentem medo, têm moments of bravery, feelings like those we get to relate to because we experience na nossa rotina.

A history, not the end of the count, divides you into two types: those who have a tail and those who do not. As a prea e or toad does not have a tail, it cannot be identified as other animals that dance by stepping on two other tails. As they are not, they are not capable of respecting and caring for you who are different.

Or popular story teaches us that we must always olhar for you othersFor those of you who are yearning from us, and try to understand the limitations and the needs, we mainly form very different ones.

3. A raposa e o tucano

A raposa understood that she had to be walking around in trouble or toucan. She once invited her to join her home. Or tucano foi. A raposa fez mingau to get back to the top of a stone, and the poor Tucano can eat nothing, and there is a lot of machucou or big bico. O tucano procurou um meio de vingar-se.

Daí a tempos foi a casa da raposa and lhe disse: “Comadre, you will give me so much on another day, giving me a whimper; Now I have paid a minute instead of paying the same price: come and invite her to go and join me. Vamo-nos embora, que o petisco is bom. " A raposa aceitou or treat e foram-se both.

Pray, or tucano prepare also mingau e botou inside a jar of fish. Or tucano metia or bico and when tirava vinha-se giving away. A fox eats nothing, barely licking some pingo that fell out of the jar. Finishing or jantar disse: "Isto, comadre, é para você not want-se fazer more known than others".

A raposa e o tucano, popular with the Sergipe region, uses as personagens very different animais - a bird and a mammal - to see or see how we should pay attention to years that are to our volta.

A raposa, ao fazer um jantar in his house, prepare a refeição as a fosse for the own one to feed: fez um mingau and backstop numa pedra. As a mammal, eating his tongue, he would easily get to eat or eat. Or tucano, for the time being, like a huge man, could not taste food.

Thinking na vingança - because I do not tell popular you animais têm human characteristics -o tucano chama a fox to jantar na his house of her.

Com vontade de pago com a mesma moeda e lhe ensinar uma lição, or tucano can be refeição num jar bought that only as bico was possible to reach. Dessa form a fox sentiu na pele or that or his guest passedou not passed and also did not eat anything.

Or I have an implicit moral tracing that we must not be experts and we always need we place ourselves no place do outro We want to understand what is different from us.

4. A onça e o cat

A onça asked for a cat to teach him to pular, and the cat promptly ensinou. Depois, I go together to drink water, fizeram a bet to see that more pulava.

Chegando à fonte we will find the or calango, and then we will say a onça for the cat: "Compadre, let's see what a single pula or calango comrade is."

- "Come on", disse or cat. "Só você pulando adiante", disse a onça. O cat pulou on the top of the calango, onça pulou on the top of the cat. Então o cat pulou de banda and escaped.

A onça ficou disposed of and disse: “Assim, compadre gato, ¿que você me ensinou?! The beginning and the end... "O cat responded:" I don't know you mestres eninam aos seus apprentices. "

A onça e o cat é um African folk count What is wrong about the learning process or how generous - or not - teachers are like students.

A story that fears as personagens principais três animais (a onça, or cat and or calango) is false about a typical situation that people face at some moment of life: or challenge to teach and learn.

Onça credited you that either the cat generously taught you everything or that he knew. Not in the end, she realized that, despite the fact that the cat was very cute, he did not know that, out of nowhere, he knew. O mestre, at the end, I did not transmit all to or to your apprentice.

A history serves as a warning for those who certify that the professors transmit or conhecimento in a total and absolute way to some years.

5. A cumbuca de ouro and os marimbondos

There were two homens, a rich man and a poor man, who would like to pray for a year or another. Foi or compadre poor at casa do rico ask for a piece of land to make a roça. Or rich, to fazer peça ao outro, lhe deu a pior terra that he tinha. Logo that or poor you have or sim, it was for home dizer à mulher, and for both see or land.

Picking up the bushes, or husband saw a cumbuca de ouro, and, as he was in the land of a rich compadre, or poor man, I didn't want to take him home, and he was told another that in his kills there was that wealth. Or rich ficou logo all agitated, and I don't want to or compadre trabalhasse mais nas suas terras de him. When either the poor retired, or the other long-eaten his woman to kill him to see great wealth.

Chegando la, or that he achou was a great marimbondos house; He packed a backpack and took a poor mocambo walk, and the logo that I saw was shouting: "O compadre, date the portas, and leave somebody a band from Janela Aberta!"

O compadre assim fez, e o rico, checking in from janela, went to marimbondos' house inside the friend's house, and shouted: “Date a janela, compadre! " But the marimbondos bateram no chão, transform-se em moedas de ouro, e o poor chamou a mulher e os filhos para as attach.

O ricaço shouts então: “Ó compadre, open porta!” Ao que o outro replied: "Deixe-me, what marimbondos are killing me!" E assim ficou or poor rich, and or ridiculous rich.

You also have many popular stories contam stories that happened between homens, if there is prominence of animais with human attitudes. This is the case of A cumbuca de ouro and os marimbondos, popular count of the Pernambuco region, where two homens starred in history.

We do not know what your names are, nem nenhuma another characteristic, we hardly know that one was rich or another was poor.

A maior thanks dessa history happens thanks ao unexpected loss: o rich achou that ia hit o poor, playing inside the house of a marimbondos house, when, In the end, each marimbondo magically transformed into fashion of ouro enriching those who did not have nothing.

Many popular contos têm a characteristic of, as well as A cumbuca de ouro and os marimbondoswe will present fanciful elements like marimbondos that transform into moedas de ouro. These stories often use real elements - such as the relationship of implication between rich and poor - as internally imaginary situations.

6. O jabuti e a onça

Once a onça ouviu or jabuti play his bagpipes debicating another onça e veio ter as or jabuti e perguntou-lhe:
- How do you play tão bem a tua bagpipes?
O jabuti responded: “Eu play assim a minha gaita: o osso do veado é a minha gaita, ih! Ih! "
To onça tornou: "So it was not assim that it was possible for you to touch it!"
Or jabuti replied: "Take it more for the little one, in the long run it will make you look more beautiful."
O jabuti procurou um buraco, pôs-se na soleira da porta, and tocou na gaita: “o osso da onça é a minha gaita, ih! Ih! "
When onça ouviu, she runs to or hit. Or jabuti meteu-se buraco hair inside.
Onça I got my hair buraco, and I barely grabbed a leg.
O jabuti deu uma laughter, and say: "You thought you were grabbing minha perna and grabbing riz de pau!"
A onça disse-lhe: "Deixa-te estar!"
She left the jabuti leg.
O jabuti riu-se a second time, and disse:
- From fato it was a minha proper perna.
Tola da onça I waited for ali, I waited so much, I tied that morreu

Or popular count of indigenous chamado origin O jabuti e a onça Fala about a esperteza do jabuti, who defeated onça-which was much more forte-thanks to his knowledge of him.

Despite the fact that there is more physical force, it is that I will lose not the end of the story because I was defeated by the malandragem of jabuti.

O more cold animal, knowing that it was in disadvantage, in the first place it was able to make a plane and settle down to it. When he suggested that a fosse for more longe to live better, he sought a buraco where she could quickly hide.

Depois de já hiding, embora had been captured, I was able to think quickly and find a quick solution blefando para a onça: despite the ter attached to his leg, or jabuti suggest that, na verdade, the tin has reached or pau.

Or jabuti teaches us that, even when we are in a situation of inferiority, we can always contour or problem is we use intelligence.

7. Or toad and or deer

The popular story of the Sergipe region tells about the history of a toad and a deer that they want to marry as the same girl. To solve the problem, we will decide to make a bet: each one of them will stick a path and or that they will be first ganhava. O veado não contava was like a frog's strength:

Record all combined and each one followed by its path. O veado was very happy, claiming to be the one that was ganhava aposta, more or toad of known reuniu all the toads, um behind do outros, in the entire extension of the path and ordered that those who listen or see sing and study more perto dele respond; e foi the no fim da strada is placed.

When I saw singing, logo um sapo responded. Not the end of the road, or toad, it was not the end, and, finished with a run, I brought home to mão da moça.

O veado, unconformed, promise for himself just like teria vingança. On the evening of marriage he finally got what he wanted so much:

And when he foi na noite do casamento he encheu um poço que tinha no quintal do sapo de água ferndo. When I was early in the morning that the toad saw that the girl was asleep, he left the bed of wandering and ran into the little. When he fell inside, no more than Jesus... e morreu logo. O veado ficou very cheerful and casou-se com a mesma moça.

I do not count popular Or toad and or deer, retired from the Sergipe region, we attend or duel between two highly skilled animais. The toad is the first to demonstrate his wisdom to or to find a method to win or win. As many friends of the same species, he mounts a scheme to cheat or inimigo.

It is the first part of the story or toad that is the winner, not the end of the story that follows its nature, or its animal instinct to go inside. Do little, and it ends up defeated hair, that I should wait and find an opportunity to be seen knowing how to take advantage of the nature of the toad.

8. Or stone broth

O Portuguese popular count Or stone broth Fala about a single personagem, a frade, who is asking for porta em porta. When he bathes a lavrador, he receives a value "no" as a reply. As it was the same as muita fome or frade disse or following:

Vou see se faço um caldinho de pedra. And he pegou numa pedra do chão, shook the earth and pôs-se olhar for her to see if it was boa to make a broth.

As people ask themselves how it is possible to eat a stone broth. Or frade then responded: “Will we ever eat stone broth? I only say that he is a very good thing ”. You dwellers of the house, curious, disseram who wanted to see that dinner.
Or frade then you washed a stone, I asked that I have borrowed a piece of clay and placed the stone inside. Depois de encher a panela de água, he asked for embers to make panela. Then he perguntou is tinham banha de porco, to temper or broth. Depois de dizerem that is offered or that was requested, or frade provou or broth and pediu um pouquinho de sal, couves e linguiça.
A dona da casa delivered everything that was requested and, not the end or result of a good soup.

He comeu e lambeu o beiço; depois de cleared to panela ficou to pedra not found; to people from home, who was like you olhos nele, perguntou-lhe:
- Ó senhor frade, are you stone?
Answer or frade:
- A pedra lavo-a e levo-a with me for another time. And so she cameu onde I did not want to give anything.

O frade do conto popular português I got, thanks to your hope, outline or "no" that the inhabitants of the house haviam I have given at the beginning. The first time he asked for food in a traditional way, but, since it didn't work, he had to use his survival instinct to get what he wanted from a single point of view. unexpected way.
Or it tells us, implicitly, that we must not oil or simply "no" as a response and we need to find alternative solutions to solve the important problems we have.

9. A dengosa mulher

It was one time a homem married to a very dengosa woman, who pretended not to want to eat anything because of her husband. My husband was repairing the woman's affectations, and when I was the day he said that he made a journey of many days. He leaves, and instead of leaving for the longest time, he hides behind the cozinha, numa pilaster.

To woman, when she saw sozinha, she said to the entrepreneur: "Face aí uma tapioca bem grossa, que eu quero almoçar." A empregada fez e a mulher bateu tudo, que nem deixou farelo.

Later the disse à empregada: "It kills me aí um capão and makes me drenched to be drenched." A preparou o capão empregada, e a mulher devour all the e nem deixou farelo.

Later on, the woman sent me to have a nice lot of money for a snack. A empregada I aprontou and she eats you. Depois, já de noite, ela disse à empregada: "Prepare me aí umas macaxeiras bem enxutas to eu cear." An entrepreneur preparou as macaxeiras and a woman with coffee.

Nisto caiu um pé d’agua muito forte. A business woman was throwing away the supplies from the table, when or when the house was donated, she was entering the house inside. A woman I am selling or husband and saying:

Oh, husband! Com this chuva tão grossa você veio tão enxuto!? ” To which he replied: “It is a chuva fosse as thick as tapioca that you almoçastes, eu viria is soaked as or capão that you jantastes; more like she was fine like you beijus that you had a snack, and you were enxuto like a macaxeira that you ate. " A woman has a big shame and dengos deixou-se.

Or popular count A dengosa mulher She is from the Pernambuco region and tells us about the interaction of a house where the wife felt that she could not be transparent as a husband and pretended to be someone who, in truth, she was not.

Com receio of show your true faceShe maintains the appearances that she did not eat her, or husband, stranger or behavior of the woman, resolved to ask for a peça to discover how she behaved in his absence from her.

When there is a final revelation, not the last paragraph of the popular story, a barnacle wife who It is not worth pretending to be here, that it is not e us, readers, we learn to lição that it does not make sense to us to behave differently when we are close to the people we love the most.

10. Or fisherman

Havia um homem who was a fisherman and tinha uma filha. One day, I was going to fish and get a good time in the sea, very pretty. He went home very happy and disse à filha: “Minha filha, you are going to give this joia this year rei. " A filha said that the não desse, and before saving, more or velho não a ouviu e levou a joia ao rei.

This person received a joia and this ao velho that (on pain of death) wanted him to take his filha ao palácio: nem de noite, nem de dia, nem a pé, nem a cavalo, nem nua, nem dressed. Or velho fisherman voltou for home very sad, or that I sell to filha, perguntou-lhe or that tinha.

Then, o pai responded that I was sad because o rei tinha-lhe ordered me to go up, nem by day, nem de noite, nem a pé, nem a cavalo and nem nua, nem dressed. A girl is here to rest, who ficava everything for the account of the, and asked him to unseat a portion of cotton and saiu mounted not meat.

When chegaram did not pay, or returned very content and satisfied, because either he had completed it or that he had ordered under pain of death. A moça ficou did not palácio and rei disse-lhe that she could escort and take home so that more he liked dali.

On the occasion of jantar, a moça deitou a bite of sleep, not a glass of wine of king and chamou the servants and I order to prepare a carruagem. When he rei took or wine, he deu-lhe logo muito sono e foi sleep. A carruagem já was prepared and the girl sent the servants botarem or rei inside and left for home.

When you rei agreed to sleep, you are at the house of a velho fisherman, lying in a bed and with a head not placed on a girl. Either he replied very scared and perplexed that he wanted to say it here. She then replied that she said that she could bring the palace here that she liked the most and that she liked it the most. Or I rei ficou very happy to see knowingly the rapariga and get married, havendo a lot of festa no kingdom.

O counting the fisherman, retired from the popular culture of the Pernambuco region, fails us about feminine wisdom that he was able to make a girl win or pai e or rei, two powerful male figures.

For the first time that she appears in the story, the fisherman makes it clear to his malandrice to suggest that he hide the girl he found. O pai, ingênuo, refuses to abide by the suggestion of filha and delivery to peça ao rei.

Either you rei, for the time being, or instead of thanking or your love for him, or poor fisherman, you ask him to make a major sacrifice and offer to his own filha. We will find another saida, the assim or face. Or that the reader does not expect him to be young, long to settle, plan a way to give back to or to get rid of the situation.

When I have offered her that the light qualquer coisa do palácio, many of us think that she would go back home to some uncovered hair or some other bem of value. Or tell margem to multiple interpretations. On the one hand, a girl could have thought that I would not have a long term and no future for her like rainha to choose to carry or rei a or invest two valuables from the palácio. On the other hand, history can be interpreted in a way that young people know that they really have value. não são os bens materiais e sim o que carregamos no nosso interior, by isso teria escolhido levar o rei.

11. Always not

Or I count Portuguese Always not Fala of a noble and formosa lady who was married as a cavaleiro who would go for a long day. Knowing that he would spend many days away from home, or cavaleiro orienting his wife to always answer "no" to any question that he fizessem.

Um beautiful day passou um adventureiro pela região e, ao see lady sozinha, logo faded by her. Therefore, if he could sleep in the house, or that his wife, as combined, answered that no.

Or rapacious, trying to understand or that he was passing, perguntou then the lady wanted him to cross the mountain range and eat wolf hair. To woman, following the indications of the husband, he answered just that "no". Leaving this to the reaction of the woman, who answered yes, "no", or the adventurous person to ask other questions such as "do you want two robbers to fall to or pass through the forest". To answer all the questions it was just "no".

Percebeing that it was a question of an entrusted patron response, or I hope to be adventurous passou to fazer another kind of Questions such as "Do you refuse to stay here?", "Do you consent to that eu fique longe de vós?", "And that I retire do vosso fourth? ”.

O conto então portrays as an adventurer partilhava this story as fidalgos, um deles or husband who had entrusted or "não" to wife. Percebendo that history fell like a luva, or husband then asks "Mas onde foi isso cavaleiro?". O adventurous, I speculate, he concluded his story by saying:

Pray when I am going to enter for the fourth day of the lady, I stumbled on the mat, I felt a great solavanco, and I agreed! Fiquei desperate to break down, it's a beautiful dream.

O husband breathed a sigh of relief, but of all the stories it was the most esteemed.

O longo conto popular português é marked hair humor e peel form as or adventurous barnacle to reality and get contour-it to pull the aquilo that he most wanted.

A wife, ingênua, not oriented to think and to regroup based on each situation. Ao contrarário, or what or husband face is hardly entrusting that the only answer - "não" - in all and any context. As she is not encouraged to learn to defend herself, to be a very vulnerable place, even as she crosses as a skilled adventurer, she ends up falling numa cilada.

Or what a popular story

You popular stories são short stories traditionally transmitted orally from geração em geração.

As few people, the popular stories are starred by creatures from both the animal kingdom and human beings. Com uma simple linguagem, some desses contain a fantastic element.

Bibliographic references:

BRAGA, Teófilo. Traditional Contos do povo português. Lisbon: Publicações Dom Quixote, 1999.

ROMERO, Sílvio. Popular Contos do Brasil. São Paulo: Landy, 2008.

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