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Aristotle: life and principal works

Aristotle (384 a. C. - 322 a. C.) was a notorious thinker and philosopher who lives in Grécia Antiga and profoundly marks the western world.

Or maybe he was aluno and also a master of some two major names of his own time: first, he learns with Platão, depois eninou notable personalities such as Alexandre, or Grande.

Or the breeder of the peripatetic school, as his followers formed chamados, deixou a legacy extremely vast on various subjects: philosophy, ethics, rhetoric, poetics, mathematics, biology, between others.

Até leaf, we can find the influence of Aristotle in numerous works and currents of thought. Tudo isso eternalized or seu nome from him, fazendo as the philosopher is appointed as a timeless reference.

What was Aristotle? Summary biography

First years and Academia de Platão

Aristotle nasceu no year of 384 a. C, in Estagira, a former Macedonian Empire city that is located in Greece. Either his country, Nicômaco, was a doctor, or he seems to have been motivated to paixão do filho in the areas of biology and natural science.

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At the time, Athens was or place where intellectuals met to debate the most varied questions: politics and artistic creation, passing through science and language itself. Also, not beginning in his adolescence, Aristotle moved to a Greek city, in order to complete his studies.

A School of Athens, by Rafael - detail: Aristóteles e Platao.
Platão e Aristotle portrayed in To the School of Athens, of the Renaissance Rafael Sanzio (detail).

Foi what I started to join the Academia de Platão, where he can study as a teacher and he became a professor also. O thinker fled for more than two decades, developing a large part of his work. Contudo, depois da morte de Platão, in 348 BC. C, the finish is not being escorted to lead the institution and resolve to leave.

Travels and casamento

Depois de sair da Academia de Platão, Aristotle was for Artaneus, where he performs functions of political councilor. Or his destiny was Assos, where he spent two years directing a school.

Em 345 a. C, however, he decided to head to Ilha de Lesbos, where he went to direct an ensino establishment with Xenocrates, the city of Mytilene. So he ended up dying for some time and casou com Pítias, how he has a filha do mesmo nome.

Professor de Alexandre, or Grande

Illustration by Charles Laplante (1866)
Aristotle and Alexandre represented in an iIustração do francês Charles Laplante (1866).

Em 343 a. C, Aristotle turned to Macedônia, when or rei Filipe II or convidou To be a professor of his life, Alexandre, who saw himself become known as Alexandre, or Grande.

Or "Estagirita" was responsible for the studied hair, so that he would become one of the two most famous conquerors of History, having been in his company for some years.

Liceu, at Escola de Aristotle

Foi em 335 a. C. that Aristotle can found his own schola, the city of Athens. As ficava located numa localização where it was cultivated or deus Apollo Lykeios, to instituição ganhou o nome de Liceu (Lykeion).

afresco by Gustav Adolph Spangenberg, A escola de Aristotle
Afresco A school of Aristotle, do German Gustav Adolph Spangenberg (1883-1888).

Apart from being a philosophical school, or Liceu was also dedicated to studying various areas to know: politics, history, mathematics, botany, biology, medicine, etc. These classrooms and theoretical discussions of origin to incontáveis ​​manuscripts on these matters, but mostly they ended up being lost as time.

End of his life

Em 323 a. C, Alexandre III da Macedônia morreu, with barely 32 years of age. Na Grécia, or climate against Macedônia was praising Aristotle you need to flee from Athens, for having been Alexandre's master.

Assim, em 322 a. Partiu for Calcides. Where he took refuge in an old house that belongs to me and ended up dying not the same year, in Eubeia.

Works of Aristotle: some texts and fundamental theories

The legacy of Aristotle is vast and encompasses several matters, but we can determine that a Most valuable contributions were the way in which he classified and systematized the knowledge that there was never any epoch.

Or "Estagirita", also like Socrates e Platão, will come to be seen as a country gives western philosophy. Embora he had absorbed many lições de Platão, as a tempo, Aristotle's perspectives were going through days of the master.

For example, enquanto or founder of the Academy of Athens accredits that either he conhecimento chegava through the reason, or his former alone defended a empirical position, dependent on sensory experiences.

During his life, the thinker was thus recording his reflections and observations about the most varied disciplines, em treatises and dialogues that it is intended for oral presentation and not for publication.

Those who survive secular years and chegaram até nós, become uncontrollable references for modern thought.

Ethics to Nicômaco

Ethics to Nicômaco, The most famous work of the author, it became a fundamental reading for questions related to moral and character. Divided into ten parts, the work brought together the philosopher's lições a Nicômaco, or filho that he generated as a escrava, Herpilia, in 325 BC. C.

Ethics Cape to Nicômaco.

Besides transmitting the teachings of Platão, Aristotle also reflects on Happiness and the ways we can reach theThrough virtue, prudence and habit.

Ethics to Nicômaco It is available for free download in Portuguese in PDF format.


In his work, which is divided into three books, Aristotle tries to confront the rhetoric of sophist approaches and face it through a closer perspective of philosophy.

Also discussing questions linked to emotions and human character, or philosopher undertakes an analysis of various forms of argumentation and its stylistic elements.

Capa do livro Retorica, by Aristoteles.

O work of the scholar helped to establish distinction between rhetorical genres, dividing them into three categories: political / deliberative, judicial and demonstrative.


Composted approximately between the ages of 335 BC. C e 323 a. C, Poetics collects notes that Aristotle used to lead his classrooms on art and literature.

Na work, or educator presents his considerations about two literary genres that vigoravam na time, especially poetry and tragedy. Here, we thermos poiesis (or process of composition) and poiein (fazer) approximate or "poetic fazer" of an office.

Cloak of Poetics, by Aristoteles.

In the first goal of the work, Aristotle focuses on poetry and presents or conceits mimesis (ou mimese), defending that the breeding would be the imitation of human actions.

In the second part, he considers the genres of dramatic poetry, highlighting tragedy. For that purpose, he purposed or conceived of taste, an emotional discharge that would cause a non-spectator "purification" effect.


Divided freely, it is credited that the work was written not at the time that Aristotle was the tutor of Alexandre da Macedônia.

Here, the philosopher reflects on questions related to ethics e a congratulations, individual and collective.

Capa da obra Politica, by Aristoteles

Além to distinguish the various government models With its characteristics, Aristotle's work contributed extensively to the concept of democracy, that teria em vista or bem comum dos cidadãos.

Famous Thoughts of Aristotle

Or homeme by nature a political animal.

Or what is a friend? A single soul inhabiting two bodies.

In all the things of nature there is something wonderful.

All of you homens, by nature, anseiam or conhecimento.

Based on a democratic state and freedom.

It is the nature of the desire not to be satisfied, and most of them live only for the same satisfaction.

Conheça also

  • Livro Ética a Nicômaco, by Aristotle
  • Livro O Banquete, from Platão
  • Livro Apologia de Sócrates, by Platão
  • Ancient Greek Art
  • Babel Tower
  • Phrase O homem é um political animal
  • Machiavellian: biography and main works
  • A School of Athens, by Rafael Sanzio
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